Skinny Dude "Recomp" Questions

There’s been whole threads about cardarine here. Type in cardarine and check the box for pharma section. I participated in them as well, IIRC.

I’m not typing out a complete answer with my cardarine opinion because it’s unnecessary here. Cardarine is simply not necessary for your goals. Like at all.

I agree 100%. I’m 6’0 and during my second natural bulk was up at 205 with barely visible abs. After the cut I was at 185 pretty lean. 195 lbs at 15% BF at your height is likely not even natural limit.

This is actually to be expected. 200 mg per week will put you at ~2000 I would guess. (Can differ quite a lot based on the individual)
Edit: I see @tareload just made a thread about this:

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