DoubleL: What area are you in - I found that there are brands that are only available in certain areas. I personally like Alta-Dena (SoCal area) fat free stuff, while all the other FF stuff I’ve tried tasted like shit.
I’m in SC.
You are correct in telling your that Maltodextrin is not the same as oatmeal. I believe maltodextrin is very high if not highest on the glycemic index (rate of food digestion relative to glucose) with 100 points, the same as dextrose. Just because it is a complex carb does not mean it is low glycemic, and yes it also causes a large insulin spike. You should let your friend know that not all complex carbs are created equal.
Guys, we gotta keep in mind that this somwhat “insulin spike” from skim milk may not be that bad. Raised insulin is not necessarily a bad thing, nor does it always make you fat. It has the potential to increase fat storage- mostly when consuming some fat along with those carbs. On the other side, you’re getting a nice amount of protein from the skim milk, plus the insulin spike would help carry the amino’s into the muscle. Cottage cheese is awesome, but when ya ain’t got time to eat it, it’s kinda tough to drink it. So I’d go with the skim on occasion.
“The Edge” certainly has a valid point. Just consume skim milk in moderation and know your body. Up until about a 8 months ago I was under the impression that milk was one of God’s gifts to muscle. I was consuming upwards of 4L’s a day! And I was fat! Not clinically “fat” but by bodybuilding / “looking good naked” standards I was showing way too much adipose. This wasn’t all related to the milk of course but milk was certainly a contributing factor. Just play around with your consumption and get away with what you can!