[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
It’s actually routine with most people anymore to be honest. Theological debates are MUCH more time consuming. 99.5% of people I run across, even the highly educated ones, have never even one time considered the HOW and or WHY, that dictates the WHAT, of everything they believe. The inescapable epistemology that EVERYone unavoidably holds IS their key to everything indeed and they’ve never even realized it, nevermind actually tried to pursue it.
So, the discussion often goes pretty much nowhere because the people I’m talking to, while highly intelligent and very well educated have been literally schooled into an intellectual corner by whatever their discipline might me. They see everything in those terms and their self confidence derives from their own capability and expertise in that discipline. Try to lead them out of their house (discipline) to look at the foundation (which belongs to my God and therefore to me as his son and ambassador) and they won’t go.
Both because they can’t see that there is a foundation AND because intuitively KNOWING that there is, they don’t WANNA see it. It might force them to refurnish their house OR even build a new one. Of course building a new one in truth can only be done by God Himself. (See, you were willing to build a new one as long as YOU got to build it yourself. ;] )
Men like Kamui are exceptions. He HAS very thoroughly considered his foundation which changes this situation instantly. With someone who is as highly capable, highly educated AND who not only sees that there is a foundation, but enthusiastically pursues it’s definition, “time consuming” is the understatement of the year. Depth of thought and linguistic precision are paramount with someone like him and both accordingly take time. Other exceptions to varying degrees, include Groo, squating_bear, Cortes and the great Elder Forlife who has been both my vitriolic foe and unwitting ally. Sometimes in the same post.
Your respect is an honor Fletch and I’m always humbled, but I must confess that I DON’T always keep things straight, especially when it’s late and I’m tired. I also unintentionally leave people hanging far more than I’d like to which makes me feel guilty sometimes.
People I absolutely MUST eventually answer are, my brother JoabSonofZeruiah (captain of the armies of David), DrMatt and Mattyg35. I feel especially bad when someone like Mattyg35 surprises me by taking what I’m sure was a couple hours reading and writing and I don’t have the time to give the response that that effort deserves. I’m sorry Matty, if you see this man. Theological debates, taken seriously, are another ridiculous universe of time consuming research and response altogether. [/quote]
Well put. And your posts here have been so very highly relevant to the OP too now that I’ve taken a look at it again.