[quote]zecarlo wrote:
[quote]Captnoblivious wrote:
What about eye contact in street situations in America? Good or bad?
Say walking past an individual that activates the gut reaction?
If seeing one of these individuals do you already have your hand on your weapon? Or searching for an improvised one? brick etc
I think whether you should or not depends on several things. Also, it depends on what kind of eye contact you make.
If you get the reaction while walking by it could already be too late. If you get it before then IMO you should try and avoid walking past that person. If the guy has a knife, and he knows what heâs doing, then you are probably going to get stabbed if you walk by him. Itâs not like in the movies where heâll pull out his knife and get into some stance. Youâll feel the knife before you see it.
If you have a hand on your weapon thatâs one less hand you have to protect yourself if he takes a swing or something. If he has a weapon and you do manage to see him go for it then what? You are going to play quickdraw or something? He will be vulnerable as he goes for his weapon and that is the best time to try and disarm him.
When teaching cops weapons retention the first thing we would teach was to not rely on the weapon and automatically go for it. It was also the hardest thing to teach because cops somehow think their gun makes them superman. There is video footage of prisoners practicing disarming cops.
This is why I find those civilians who like to open carry because they think itâs some deterrent, idiots. It will deter some but those who arenât deterred are the ones they will have a problem with. It wouldnât deter me if I were a criminal.
When I see those Youtube videos of guys openly carrying their guns so they can post a video of how cops violate their rights I see some seriously out of touch people. I used to workout with ex-cons who looked like linebackers and if any one of them walked up to one of those gun toting champions of our right to bear arms and said hand it over, they would hand it over. If Tyson were standing 2 feet in front of you do you think you could draw a weapon before he caved your skull in? [/quote]
I see what you are saying here and I agree to a point. If a guy is just punching you in the face you canât legally shoot him anyway. The situation will determine what your options are in the end.
I think and have seen that in any given scenario if somebody really really wants to kill you or hurt you, then they will have a pretty high success rate if they donât care about the consequences. I do practice open carry. It is legal and convenient in TN. I walked past two cops this morning inside the gas station, they never even flinched. I work as a process server as well so I carry openly doing that damn near everyday.
I get different reactions from different groups and areas. some people just hate cops and I look like a cop doing my job. I see the gun as a deterent for the most part but some people will just come at you anyway especially if they are more on the wild/hard side. Basically they just donât give a fuck and want to try you. I will say when you knock on someones door you get more respect wearing a gun than not. I have tried both ways. I also donât have to flip a shirt or coat or anything to get to my weapon if I need it and that is worth it to me.
That being said. I would not automatically go to my firearm for defense. I get more enjoyment from beating a dudes face anyway and I spend less time in jail and smaller fines for it. Guys who say they would just shoot some guy who played the knockout game on him is and idiot. If a bullet leaves your weapon you are responsible for its effects. Even if you donât get charged criminally, which you would, then those kids parents are going to sue you.
If I sense a situation may occur I just try to stay away. If I canât avoid it then I keep my eyes and ears open and all the bad guys on one side of me.