Any value in doing this?
ive read it helps keep the body alkaline, which is never a bad thing.
also, glutamine decanate is a muscle meds product, which kai is sponsored by, so it could just be a plug to get his followers to stock up on the stuff.
I use it for gut health.
Countless articles on this site alone. Read and make up your own mind.
[quote]JFG wrote:
I use it for gut health.
Countless articles on this site alone. Read and make up your own mind.[/quote]
I’ve heard it’s usefulness w/ respect to gut health. I’ve also heard it used as a remedy for people who get chronically sick from intense weight lifting.
But to increase anabolism or give you an anabolic edge or whatever Kai’s talking about?
I don`t care if he gained 100 lbs standing on his head.
I make up my own mind on what goes into my body.
Anabolic edge… Really?
Even if CT said it was better the steroids, I would still read up on it and make up my own mind.
I actually read something on Poliquins site in which he uses a dosage for 80 grams for like a week and people report some solid muscle gain from that. I just used a high dose yesterday because I felt I was coming down with a cold. Today, no cold symptoms at all. I have been using airborne and Zinc spray so not 100% sure what was the cure. I used to hear Glut was a shit product. Then I started hearing people say no for gut health and for post workout its great.
Never take advice from a guy who simulated intercourse with citrus fruit…
i see quite a few big boys over at other forums who recommend 20 grams PWO and report quicker recovery