Simple, Guaranteed Size and Strength Question

Hi coach, I would like to run your simple guaranteed size and strength program. The program, as you have written it, runs for 12 weeks. Something I am looking for in a program is the ability to run in long term. Would you recommend the SGSS for longer than the 12 weeks. Is there really any limitation on how long I can run the program if I’m experiencing success with it? Thank you.

@Frank_C :arrow_up:

I absolutely would not run it for more than 12 weeks. It is too demanding.

I’m running a program that’s based on SGSS. I’ve made some tweaks to fit my goals, but I haven’t felt run down from it. I’ve settled into an every other day split so I’m spreading the sessions out more.

Check out my log if you want to see my sessions.

JMaier31, I’m not that familiar with how this forum is set up. How do I see your log?

Thanks coach, appreciate your time.

I finished SGSS a month or so ago and can’t encourage you enough to run the program. Based on what I read in someone’s review of the program, I ran the first two blocks for four weeks each instead of the prescribed three weeks. That let me start at 72% and simply add 2% to the bar each week. I felt fresh until the last week of the program, and I wouldn’t try to run it long term.

That said, you could very easily run the first three blocks in a cycle as a long term program and leave off the last block. It’s something I’ve considered doing myself.

@mags22 go to the Training Logs and look for his log-titled Giddy Up! lol.

Use the search bar and click search this topic with the search term SGSS

Thanks for the help everyone.