[quote]DBCooper wrote:
[quote]carbiduis wrote:
[quote]DBCooper wrote:
[quote]carbiduis wrote:
I’m looking to buy a Silver necklace. I’m thinking 8mm 22" Curb chain style. What should I expect to pay? Any suggestions on where I should buy it from? jewelery store? Kiosk at the mall? Online? So far it looks like I’ll be looking at about $150
I know jewelery stores play games like 60% OFF!!! when in reality you aren’t getting a deal.[/quote]
Listen dude, she isn’t going to spend more time with you if you buy some stupid fucking necklace. Stop trying to mask your insecurities about yourself through rampant, unnecessary materialism. It’s ugly, and it’s a pattern that’s destroying this country.[/quote]
Why the fuck are you still talking about something that happened soooo long ago? I’m over it, have been…ARE YOU OVER IT??? Doesn’t look like you are
I’ve been thinking about getting one for a while. I used to have one and I’m pretty sure I lost it.
I definitely hear what you are saying about materialism. I’m not materialistic, I don’t have more than I need/appreciate and I take care of the things I have…What about you? You don’t buy anything besides your bare essentials such as food/clothes/dildos? I just think a necklace would be tight, I like the way it would look, thats all.
Whats ruining this country is when people feel the need to live up to what others have (keeping up with the jones’s ya know?) when they can’t afford it. But they refuse to go without so they go into debt to get what they want…
I was at store asking about the neckalces and the lady tells me that they have a payment plan…ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? for something that costs $150-$200? THATS how you know this country is fucked up. I’d come in with cash if I get one. My dad has bought all of our families cars with checks, never leasing one, thats the mentaility I have when it comes to buying shit, if I can’t afford it, too bad.[/quote]
What about me? Do I buy just the bare essentials? No, of course not. But I also make those less-than essential purchases without starting a thread about it, meaning the choice is based on MY ability to decipher just how unnecessary the purchase is. It’s also based on MY taste for what I’m wearing/using/sporting/possessing, not the amalgam of idiotic suggestions from people like myself on these boards.[/quote]
The choice to get a necklace IS MINE, based on MY taste…I’m not asking IF I should get one, I’m simply asking where I can get the best deal, did you really miss that?