Sick of MMA

Well, not really, I love it.

What I’m sick of is all these little MMA gyms popping up. Now every nerd, fag and douche are suddenly “In Training” for their next fight. They tell everyone they are “Mixed Martial Artists.” I don’t know about where all of you guys are, but it’s getting rediculous here.

I saw this one kid who I remember actually got pee’d on in the locker rooms in high school the other day in my gym, wearing a “Tap out or Pass out” shirt telling me he does MMA now. The guy still looks like he should be gettin pee’d on.

I mean, I can see the attraction. It looks like a blast, gets you in shape, and who wouldn’t want to learn how to fight better. I just think a lot of these tools take themselves way to seriously and only do it for the “cool” factor, to pick up chicks and tell people they are a cage fighter.

I think I look bitchin’ in my pink TapOut shirt. Many women have commented about how great I look in it. Let’s face it, unless you find a really good one, pretty much everything we do is about trying to pick up chicks.

Oh, yeah. Thanks for not peeing on me.

Its been coming along time to be honest, ive seen tapout t-shirt’s popping up all over.

We used to get them come to my submission grappling classes. All talk and no walk. They’d throw in a few token techniques they’d heard from UFC’s, have poor guard control and generaly baulk at the fact that its 1. Hard 2. getting tapped is unpleasant. These people generally dont come back next week.

[quote]Wayland wrote:
Its been coming along time to be honest, ive seen tapout t-shirt’s popping up all over.

We used to get them come to my submission grappling classes. All talk and no walk. They’d throw in a few token techniques they’d heard from UFC’s, have poor guard control and generaly baulk at the fact that its 1. Hard 2. getting tapped is unpleasant. These people generally dont come back next week.

Oh, man. I didn’t know they has pink shorts too. I am going to be so color coordinated.

I like watching it on TV but that’s about it. I don’t know what gives every 120lb soaking wet punk the tenacity to walk around wearing tapout gear and having huge tapout stickers on their ride. Does everyone all the sudden think they can fight?

It’s a trend, nothing more. Not unlike the 1970’s and 1980’s when “Karate” was all the rage. Bruce Lee’s popularity, Chuck Norris’ early movies, coupled with Karl Douglas’ “Kung Fu Fighting” smash hit made kids all the world over want to get into Karate. Don’t forget “The Karate Kid”, either.

Looking back, it was just a trend and by the 1990’s “Karate” was still being taught by people that were tormented on a daily basis throughout their formulative and adolescent years. It didn’t last.

It’s just a trend, folks. Won’t last in the long run.

Seriously, when is this ‘fad’ going to be really ‘mixed’? So far, it all seems to be empty handed. Weapons would give the term Tap Out new meaning. Even a couple of sticks would make things more interesting. Silat, maybe?

Let’s up the entertainment value.

So, because a guy got picked on in high school he shouldn’t be allowed to train MMA as an adult?


Just like TX Hold 'em.

[quote]superthrustjon wrote:

I saw this one kid who I remember actually got pee’d on in the locker rooms in high school the other day in my gym, wearing a “Tap out or Pass out” shirt telling me he does MMA now. The guy still looks like he should be gettin pee’d on.


They’re called welterweights. You’re not supposed to pee on them.

I’m a fan of MMA, but I’ve always been hesitant to buy any of the clothing because I don’t train or fight myself. However, when I saw the Cobra Kai shirt I couldn’t resist.

Welcome to the new McDojo buddy.

It used to be Tae kwon do, now its BJJ/MMA.

I hear you… seems like every jerkoff around is “going into UFC.” Aside from the very, very few that actually will, the rest are fucktards.

Personally I’d never do it. Getting hit in the fact hurts a bunch, I hate it. Boxing is one thing, but those 4 ounce gloves make life miserable.

You’re a big lad. Offer to fight the guys that say it. See if they’ll actually pass out before they tap out.

[quote]Bujo wrote:
superthrustjon wrote:

I saw this one kid who I remember actually got pee’d on in the locker rooms in high school the other day in my gym, wearing a “Tap out or Pass out” shirt telling me he does MMA now. The guy still looks like he should be gettin pee’d on.

They’re called welterweights. You’re not supposed to pee on them.[/quote]

That was actually very funny.

[quote]Bujo wrote:
superthrustjon wrote:

I saw this one kid who I remember actually got pee’d on in the locker rooms in high school the other day in my gym, wearing a “Tap out or Pass out” shirt telling me he does MMA now. The guy still looks like he should be gettin pee’d on.

They’re called welterweights. You’re not supposed to pee on them.[/quote]

That made me laugh, it really did.

Haha, most UFC “welterweights” would traditionally be boxing heavyweights. Guys like Dempsey and Marciano walked around from 185-190, and even Joe Louis was barely 200. Frazier was about 205. A typical UFC “welterweight” cuts from 190 to make 170, and likely walks around over 200 pounds.

This is why the “steroid testing” is such a big joke, when the sport’s “little guys” would have been considered the largest fighters on earth just a generation ago. Hell, at one point the UFC got rid of the lightweights because business was bad and the welterweights were “small enough”, even though they could all be boxing heavyweights in the 1960’s. Hmm, wonder what changed in sports science and technology from the 60’s till now, hmmm… :wink:

I respect everyone who fights, no matter how “small” they are. Health and skill are better than being sw0le.

[quote]Doug Adams wrote:
I’m a fan of MMA, but I’ve always been hesitant to buy any of the clothing because I don’t train or fight myself. However, when I saw the Cobra Kai shirt I couldn’t resist. [/quote]

Haha,Im thinking about getting that shirt too. I agree however,once things get mainstream,it always gets watered and used up to the point that it gets old. Yes,I know. Everybody wanted it but now that tis here,what did we come to expect? Did we think that it was just going to be like the old days of our elitist circle where we can talk about Pride FC,The difference between Japanese Rules (and how they are superior) to the American Rules,were we going to talk about techniques and our training regiments? No? Oh ok,I suppose were going to talk about how Chuck Liddell is so awesome or what Tapout shirt to get next.

It will pass out of vogue eventually. Ask them if they have fought. If they haven’t, then I don’t give a shit what they trained, they are just fans. Competing in grappling tournaments, as well, does not make you a mixed martial artist.

[quote]mr_slick wrote:
Doug Adams wrote:
I’m a fan of MMA, but I’ve always been hesitant to buy any of the clothing because I don’t train or fight myself. However, when I saw the Cobra Kai shirt I couldn’t resist.

Haha,Im thinking about getting that shirt too. I agree however,once things get mainstream,it always gets watered and used up to the point that it gets old. Yes,I know. Everybody wanted it but now that tis here,what did we come to expect? Did we think that it was just going to be like the old days of our elitist circle where we can talk about Pride FC,The difference between Japanese Rules (and how they are superior) to the American Rules,were we going to talk about techniques and our training regiments? No? Oh ok,I suppose were going to talk about how Chuck Liddell is so awesome or what Tapout shirt to get next.[/quote]

Good post.

I started training MMA in high school. It worked like this “Hey, you want to get together after school and roll?” plus classes and what not. Then in college, I would bump into some friends I trained with and we would usually stop whatever we were doing, *weightlifting, skip class, etc) to roll. I then joined a pro gym in town and stayed planted there for a while.

I had a blast. That is the way it SHOULD be.

Roll because that is what you love to do, not because it is popular.

[quote]Chewie wrote:
mr_slick wrote:
Doug Adams wrote:
I’m a fan of MMA, but I’ve always been hesitant to buy any of the clothing because I don’t train or fight myself. However, when I saw the Cobra Kai shirt I couldn’t resist.

Haha,Im thinking about getting that shirt too. I agree however,once things get mainstream,it always gets watered and used up to the point that it gets old. Yes,I know. Everybody wanted it but now that tis here,what did we come to expect? Did we think that it was just going to be like the old days of our elitist circle where we can talk about Pride FC,The difference between Japanese Rules (and how they are superior) to the American Rules,were we going to talk about techniques and our training regiments? No? Oh ok,I suppose were going to talk about how Chuck Liddell is so awesome or what Tapout shirt to get next.

Good post.

I started training MMA in high school. It worked like this “Hey, you want to get together after school and roll?” plus classes and what not. Then in college, I would bump into some friends I trained with and we would usually stop whatever we were doing, *weightlifting, skip class, etc) to roll. I then joined a pro gym in town and stayed planted there for a while.

I had a blast. That is the way it SHOULD be.

Roll because that is what you love to do, not because it is popular. [/quote]

Good post… I’ve said before that’s its cool when any fighting art becomes second nature and you learn to not suck all the time… that’s when it gets fun, and you want to do it more.

Aside from boxing, which I have promised myself that I will one day compete in, I will never fight in an MMA bout. Doesn’t mean I can’t have fun with it… but I’d be the last to call myself a fighter.

Looks like that movie never back down will make MMA even more popular.