Should Test E Hurt Days After Injection?

I had my first shot last week in my glute, it was all good till the next morning i could hardly sit or walk this carryed on for a few days and just pasted a week later, ive now moved to my delt just lowered the dose just going to inject more frequently, it hurts a little but no where near as bad as glute, im wonder if i injected wrong in my glute or it was infected or my gear is bad any ideas people ?

Im injecting with a 23g
500g Test E split in 2 injections a week


Hey rich piano, good to see you back on your feet (in all seriousness rip rich piana, mad respect for being honest)

Is this your first time injecting test, If itā€™s a first time thing then ā€œvirginā€ muscles tend to hurt more, the PIP will die down. Is there a raised, warm lump at any injection site?

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It hurts a bit for your first time, however injecting with a 23g could also be the problem. That would hurt. Most people I know use a 25-27g.

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