Injection Pain?

Hello, I was just curious as to how long soreness should last after an injection of test e? If you injected into your delt, would it be ‘normal’ to still have pain 6 days later? Not at the actual injection site, but about 2 inches below (side of arm). No swelling or redness. Just pain when pressed down on and/or while flexing the bicep.

Everyone will have a different response to an injection. It is my belief that a virgin muscle will be sore for some time after an injection up until about the second or third week of the cycle.

That being said, if there is no swelling or redness, I would not concern myself with it too much. Just keep an eye on it and make sure symptoms do not develop. And that being said. random people on the internet giving you medical advice is no substitute for a real doctor, especially if symptoms do develop.

Did you map the site properly? What size needle did you use? What is the concentration of the Test E you used?

Size of needle?

WHB pretty much gave you the information you needed but I did have some pretty good pain through the first few weeks of my cycle i am doing now. Just keep an eye on it but i am pretty sure there is nothing to worry about.

You sure the test is real?


Thanks for the replies guys!

It was a 25g x 1 pin. 250mg/ML. I’m guessing I did it in the right ballpark according to The stuff is from a pharmacy down south so I’m guessing it’s real. I’m on week 3 now, so the info given makes sense.

I’m not making drastic gains but I AM getting stronger on some lifts. So it’s working regardless of what it is. LOL.

Again, thanks for the info guys.

6 days is excessive. I pumped 1.5cc into my delt sunday with a 23G 1.5" and while it never hurt per se I did notice some numbness the day after and maybe a tad tuesday even. For me 1.5cc is about all my delt is comfortable handling. Considering how much bigger than glute, ventro and quad are I’d save the delts for smaller volumes but yeah 1cc should be ok unless you’re very small.

Did you push that 1" pin in all the way? Im wondering if you didnt get the oil in the muscle deep enough. I personally cant use 1" pins as they dont get deep enough into the tissue.

Six days is excessive. Are you still sore? First off, I’m only one guy with one opinion - but the exact same thing happened to me. I had absolutely NO swelling or redness, but that doesn’t mean - especially since the pain isn’t at the injection site - that it’s “normal” pain. When pain migrates from the south and substantial chronic soreness develops away from the site, it is usually a sign that your body is reacting to the oil (not necessarily the compound) and is fighting it, and that a small infection may be occuring. This isn’t that big of a deal - but after six days your body should be able to fight it off on it’s own. Signs of this kind of infection are pretty general, but they are tightness and pain when flexing or when you apply pressure to the sore site. Realize that no swelling and soreness at the actual injection site is present - the oil has already moved away from the site.

I had this kind of pain - progressively getting worse over the course of a week, and finally went to my doctor, who is very well aware of, and monitoring, my AAS use. After describing my symptoms, he said it was a non-threatening condition called cellulitis, which just means an infection of the cells at the site where I was experiencing pain due to the suspension oil. Can be caused by a zillion reasons, like non-sterile needles, vials, not injecting deep enough, etc. Too many things to even worry about.

Can also be caused by using injection sites not appropriate for your body - which, or course, you won’t know until you actually experience them. For example, if I inject too laterally in my quads, I hit the ITB and the oil slides right down into my kneecap - painful. It was trial and error for me. The best quad location for me - regardless of what some injection sites have to say - is just about an inch or two from the anterior mid-point bw my hip and knee. Anyway, my doc gave me Keflex, and - after days of the pain steadily getting worse - the Keflex (antibiotic) cleared it up in less than two days. Just one guys story, and definitely not an expert, but six day pain is probably worth thinking about a trip to the MD…LittleRunt

might wanna try warming up the oil first so it disperses more easily when enters the muscle , give it a rub in afterwards too matey :wink: and make sure ur going into the thickest part of the muscle tissue too for starters

lot of bodybuilders take a couple of asprin a day too, helps with circulation and keep ur fluids up :wink:

i would not advocate more than half an asprin a day, ‘a couple a day’ will cause more harm than good.

of course virgin muscles hurt more but aside from that in my personal experience my delt is one of the most painful places to pin even at 1ml

[quote]testanabol wrote:
i would not advocate more than half an asprin a day, ‘a couple a day’ will cause more harm than good.[/quote]

depending on dosage though ,n thats coming from a chemists point of view too :wink:

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Benny Boy wrote:
testanabol wrote:
i would not advocate more than half an asprin a day, ‘a couple a day’ will cause more harm than good.

depending on dosage though ,n thats coming from a chemists point of view too :wink:

Chemist eh? Glad to have you here :slight_smile:


sorry Im not a qualified chemist mate wish I was though lol , 2 of my close friends are whom I wrk with every day so I kinda get to learn a lot n know a bit bout things already lol.
couple od asprin fine ,paracetomel dif thoiugh ,if its inflammed Iget soem anti inflammitries in you buddy

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
To the OP:

Another post, another idea, lol…

My thoughts are that by chance you injected close to a fascial plane and the oil bolus has migrated inferiorly with gravity, between 2 portions of the deltoid muscle, hence it affecting tissues not at the injection site.

If it’s not hot/red, then just leave it and it’ll probably go away by itself.


your so smart lol

Ok, thanks for the additional tips. It’s day 8 now and it still hurts just as much. No more but no less either. Feels the same way littlerunt described his. Also has the feeling like I got burned. Hurts to even take my shirt off…lol.

Anyways, I went to the Doc and got some Keflex. He wasn’t positive it was cellulitis, but I really wasn’t volunteering any info neither. We’ll see how this works out.

Dave1188 - I personally like the delts. The most painless site IMO (excluding this current pain). The bicep has to be the worst for me…lol…

[quote]Shadow Hunter36 wrote:
Ok, thanks for the additional tips. It’s day 8 now and it still hurts just as much. No more but no less either. Feels the same way littlerunt described his. Also has the feeling like I got burned. Hurts to even take my shirt off…lol.

Anyways, I went to the Doc and got some Keflex. He wasn’t positive it was cellulitis, but I really wasn’t volunteering any info neither. We’ll see how this works out.

Dave1188 - I personally like the delts. The most painless site IMO (excluding this current pain). The bicep has to be the worst for me…lol…[/quote]

I have only injected in my delts, outer quads, glutes. Glutes were in my opinion the best by far.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
OK well if the pain is still there after this long, I think it kind of confirms my ‘diagnosis’. You see whilst muscles are quite well supplied with blood, fascia are not, and the spaces between them even less so.

So you have crystals od test, that remain after the liquid solvents have leached away, irritating the fascia between the muscles. This could take some time to resolve. A vigorous massage of the area might solve it, though it would cause more pain initially, since you want to aggravate the fascia so much that you trigger an inflammatory response. Then the body’s ‘clean up’ cells will come along and remove the foreign particles.


So the antibiotics alone won’t kill it off???