I have few questions and your opinion and advice would be much appreciaited.
I’m an mma amateur fighter and a powerlifter. I’ve been training for 3 years now but started finding it really difficult to recover fast or gain muscle while loosing fat. I train 6 days a week. weightlifting 6 days a week and mma 4 days a week.
I’m 24 years old. My weight is 78kg, hight 72 and body fat around 18%. My diet is solid based on high protein and low carb.
I’m thinking of starting a cycle of Tes only as most articles suggested, yet Could anyone drop an advice on weather I should start with Sustanon 250 since most of guys on my gym recommended? or Propionat which I heard it’s great if I aiming ripped look, yet it’s a pain since it’s EOD. Few guys also suggested Anavar for my 8 week Tes cycle as I’ll be taking it for the last 6 weeks.
Is it possible to ripped while taking Test only? as I don’t wana have the bloated look or water weight gain is a must?. I’m hoping to gain strength,recover faster and hopefully loose some weight for my upcoming fat.
I might be asking some noob questions, but I’m a bit worried and not experienced at all and your advice and opinion would much much appreciated.