Shocking Video

From drudge report

Any body against using live ammo to dispere a crowd like that?

That kind of shit makes me sick. Everyone of those people deserves to die. The people beating her, the people standing by doing nothing, every one of them, even that dumb fucker who oppened the door and ran away. Why would no one call the cops, or even attempt to help her? it’s sickening…

[quote]Deathroe wrote:
That kind of shit makes me sick. Everyone of those people deserves to die. The people beating her, the people standing by doing nothing, every one of them, even that dumb fucker who oppened the door and ran away. Why would no one call the cops, or even attempt to help her? it’s sickening…[/quote]

Does stuff like this happen in Canada. I hear alot about how safe it is there, and dont remember the last time I saw fotage of a shocking nature coming outta Canada.

Oh wasnt the Guns and Roses concert riot in Canada?

[quote]Jersey5150 wrote:
Does stuff like this happen in Canada. I hear alot about how safe it is there, and dont remember the last time I saw fotage of a shocking nature coming outta Canada.

Oh wasnt the Guns and Roses concert riot in Canada? [/quote]

Right now we are having a problem with gun violence in Toronto. There have been several shootings in the last few months, including a 4 yr old boy hit by stray bullets. This past weekend a 17 yr old was shot in the stomach in the middle of a busy shopping mall.

Things like this are shocking to us here because we aren’t used to it happening in our area of the world. What I’ve been hearing is that this is a gang war that started in Jamaica, and has immigrated to Toronto.

I can only think of 2 incidents of swarmings in Canada (within my memory) - one was fatal, the other one was permanently debilitating - both of them were just stupid teens starting out as a prank to scare another teen and getting caught up in a mob mentality, not gang related and nowhere near the size of mob I saw in the video.

If you look at the per capita stats we are a much less violent society than the US, but unfortunately we aren’t violence free.

Boo fucking hoo.

Oakland has always been a bad place, and shit like this happens all the time. Now that some nerd started passing the tape around on the net everyone freaks out and acts like they care.

Where were you guys before this happend? I’ve lived in oakland for 6 years now and this isn’t that shocking. What’s shocking is that it takes a tape on the INTERNET to generate some attention.

You wanna know why no one called the police? I’d say about 5/10 cops in oakland are crooked, and are involved in gang activity. Snitching will only cause that to happen again.

Maybe I should tape my daily run to work and see how shocked you guys are then.

[quote]kenedy13 wrote:

Maybe I should tape my daily run to work and see how shocked you guys are then.[/quote]

Go for it.

[quote]kenedy13 wrote:
Maybe I should tape my daily run to work and see how shocked you guys are then.[/quote]

Yes, please do I want to see this too.

It’s sad to think that the best thing to do is keep your mouth shut and let the bad guys run wild.

An appropriate quote comes to mind:

“All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.”

Wow, I didnt need to see that.

Lets just say my boxing partner wasnt to happy with my unusual force during sparring today.

This video has been making its rounds and people’s reactions have been similar to the folks here.

You play with fire, you get burned. This happened because this dumb ass chose to spend her time with these animals. Unless you happen to be driving through the L.A. riots, then all bets are off. I don’t care if the worst thing she did was bring Budweiser instead of Colt .45 to the party, it’s all her fault she got her shit stomped on.

Cops know where and when these groups gather. They need to put a stop to it. Any gathering in a parking lot, park, or other like area of more than 10 people after midnight, everyone gets put in jail for a night and gets their vehicle impounded for a month. Anything illegal in the cars, they get auctioned off. Money going to hiring more cops. I would love to be a cop and be able to throw these asshole, modified muffler, spinny rimmed, pimped out Ford Focus driving, parasites in jail and sell off the vehicle they pumped their drug money into.

ANy gathering of more than 10 ppl after midnight = jail? I thought America prided itself on being a free society?

[quote]tumbeh wrote:
…it’s all her fault she got her shit stomped on.

It’s ALL her fault? Really? ALL of the fault is hers?

[quote]ConorM wrote:
ANy gathering of more than 10 ppl after midnight = jail? I thought America prided itself on being a free society?[/quote]

Well, that is a largely black community, so I guess he didn’t mean ANY gathering ANYWHERE. ??

[quote]tumbeh wrote:
Cops know where and when these groups gather. They need to put a stop to it. [/quote]

Exactly. Unless they are outgunned or there are not enough honest cops? What do you do then? There really isn’t a solution to the problem that isn’t difficult or costly, whether in terms of money or human life.

But I am amazed at the hordes of out of control people in videos like this. It really makes me think that a mob, anyone, anywhere, if they are behaving like this, the police should be allowed to come in and use lethal force.

[quote]doogie wrote:
tumbeh wrote:
…it’s all her fault she got her shit stomped on.

It’s ALL her fault? Really? ALL of the fault is hers?

Yeah, since when does reporting a crime make one a criminal?

[quote]ConorM wrote:
ANy gathering of more than 10 ppl after midnight = jail? I thought America prided itself on being a free society?[/quote]

Let’s remember that our constitution was written for property owners; people who have an interest in seeing our experiment succeed, not the dregs who only seem to care about their own leeching activities.

[quote]ConorM wrote:
ANy gathering of more than 10 ppl after midnight = jail? I thought America prided itself on being a free society?[/quote]

America certainly doesn’t pride itself on shit like this.
Tumbeh doesn’t mean any gathering at all, but I think it makes alot of sense that people loitering in a parking lot or park or something in the middle of the night, in an area where there is alot of gang-related crime, probably means someone is up to something.
Obviously, there would have to be some kind of provisions for neighborhood barbeque, or whatever else, but that kind of thing should have been stopped long before the video even started.
A swarm/mob should be taken out quickly, and figure it out once everybody is out of harm’s way.
Freedom only goes so far, it’s not anarchy we’re after.

A lot of people on this thread have been saying that the onlookers should have done something. Done what exactly? Tried to stop the beating and get stomped yourself? That is why the guy who owned the car stopped trying to defend the woman. He was going to get beaten to death too. It doesn’t mean that the onlookers shouldn’t have called the police. I’m sure they did. But how long would it take the police to gather enough force to take down a major gang like that?
