Shawne Merriman & Steriods

Very naive to think there’s not steroid use in the NFL. Look at the prevalent use in other sports. And testing in the NFL is flawed. It’s not perfect. Though there’s much more to it than that, even just by sheer logic, it is likely that some players in the NFL use.

Only problem I had with they guy is that the test showed positive for nandrolone, AKA deca.

Even a total steroid dumbass such as myself knows that deca takes forever to clear your system.

[quote]harris447 wrote:
Only problem I had with they guy is that the test showed positive for nandrolone, AKA deca.

Even a total steroid dumbass such as myself knows that deca takes forever to clear your system.[/quote]

Good point.

I guess stupidity is an equal opportunity affliction. It doesn’t care if you are rich or poor.

Deca? What a moron.

[quote]t3h_Squirr3l wrote:
You mean it wasn’t flax seed oil ?

Rolls eyes Of course he’s on the juice. You really think a 6’4" and 275 guy can move that fast and staty that size and strength ALL SEASON without a little help ?

You know what, though ? So what if he uses chemical assistence. It helps him do better in what is ultimately entertainment for us. It’s not like he’s peddling crack to kids or molesting little boys like certain government officials and priests who somehow get off scott-free. [/quote]

He can just tell them he is an alcoholic and all will be forgiven.

He’ll probably come out with some “It came from a supplement B/S”. I want to know what supps out there are packin deca in the mix lol.

[quote]DON D1ESEL wrote:
Kuz wrote:

This debate strikes me as funny every time a player tests positive for steroids. Everyone needs to wake up to the fact that they are not going to legalize them in sports anytime soon. Period. So if someone does it and gets caught, he’s a complete idiot and I have no sympathy for him in the slightest.

But you love to watch him until that moment. Hell, I as a black Raiders fan watched Bill Romanowski knowing full well he was probably sleeping under a Confederate flag blanket for better recovery along with the obvious and the crazy.

The same goes for every other football fan and every other ‘freak’ of recent memory (they are mostly on defense for some reason). At this point the only reason I hope for them not to be juiced is so that they won’t get suspended and deprive me of watching them.

I rambled, my bad. I guess I don’t know how things could be done differently. I just don’t want people getting on such high horses.[/quote]

But where’s the high horse? I really do not care if people want to go and use steroids in their personal lives. It does bother me in the slightest… but the rules of professional athletics are different, he knew them and did it anyway. Why should I feel bad for him? And how am I being on a high horse for saying that?

[quote]A-Town Crown wrote:
He’ll probably come out with some “It came from a supplement B/S”. I want to know what supps out there are packin deca in the mix lol.[/quote]

On MNF tonight, the crawler running along the bottom of the screen said that it was part of a supplement, so good call there. I’m nout surprised either he went with that claim.

[quote]Kuz wrote:
This debate strikes me as funny every time a player tests positive for steroids. Everyone needs to wake up to the fact that they are not going to legalize them in sports anytime soon. Period. So if someone does it and gets caught, he’s a complete idiot and I have no sympathy for him in the slightest.[/quote]

Not sure what the penalty is in the NFL for a positive test, but gosh, if you’re in the MLB, you could likely add a couple million to your contract by the use of steroids. And especially at the first offence, you jeopardize NOTHING, you sit like 8 games or some crap like that when you could be making millions extra by using the substances.

Are they idiots? No. It’s good buisness. It’s also can be part of doing all you can to help your team win. Should we feel sorry? No way, you’re damn right about that.

[quote]A-Town Crown wrote:
He’ll probably come out with some “It came from a supplement B/S”. I want to know what supps out there are packin deca in the mix lol.[/quote]

Great call! His piece of shit attorney is already playing that card, he even goes as far to say that it is the government’s fault for not regulating supplements! I did a quick google search of Shawne Merriman and supplements and I had a hit from Merriman’s website where someone asks him where he trains and what supplements he was taking and he said he did not use any, all I can say is

[quote]hyperair1 wrote:
A-Town Crown wrote:
He’ll probably come out with some “It came from a supplement B/S”. I want to know what supps out there are packin deca in the mix lol.

Great call! His piece of shit attorney is already playing that card, he even goes as far to say that it is the government’s fault for not regulating supplements! I did a quick google search of Shawne Merriman and supplements and I had a hit from Merriman’s website where someone asks him where he trains and what supplements he was taking and he said he did not use any, all I can say is
WHAT A DICK! [/quote]

What other choice does he have besides telling the truth lol. I actually feel my intelligence is being insulted by that report. Gimmie a break Merriman, I’ve lost all respect for you and your abilities. You’re now below T.O.

[quote]A-Town Crown wrote:
hyperair1 wrote:
A-Town Crown wrote:
He’ll probably come out with some “It came from a supplement B/S”. I want to know what supps out there are packin deca in the mix lol.

Great call! His piece of shit attorney is already playing that card, he even goes as far to say that it is the government’s fault for not regulating supplements! I did a quick google search of Shawne Merriman and supplements and I had a hit from Merriman’s website where someone asks him where he trains and what supplements he was taking and he said he did not use any, all I can say is

What other choice does he have besides telling the truth lol. I actually feel my intelligence is being insulted by that report. Gimmie a break Merriman, I’ve lost all respect for you and your abilities. You’re now below T.O.

Jesus… another T.O. hater…

But yeah, I have to echo the same sentiment as A-Town Crown: what kind of supplements are packing nandrolone? Are you kidding me? At least admit what you did. Don’t just insult everyone’s intelligence.

When I heard that Merriman claiamed it was a supplement containing nandrolone, I laughed. I know deca has been shown to have some healing effects, but damn, during the season??

You would think that someone who is such a high caliber athlete would have someone advising him better? Maybe?

Does anyone know the way testing works in season? Is it a random group per team, how often, and notice of test? Not some bullshit that is listed, but the way it actually goes down?

I hate Owens b/c I liked him so much. I’ve been watching him play his whole career and was at the Seahawk game when he autographed that football lol. He’s a great player and he shows up and comes through in the clutch like not many other. It’s just his bitching and how he betrays his teamates.

Owens is definately won of the funnest players to watch. He’s his own worst enemy though.

[quote]A-Town Crown wrote:
I hate Owens b/c I liked him so much. I’ve been watching him play his whole career and was at the Seahawk game when he autographed that football lol. He’s a great player and he shows up and comes through in the clutch like not many other. It’s just his bitching and how he betrays his teamates.

Owens is definately won of the funnest players to watch. He’s his own worst enemy though.[/quote]

I agree with the whole “own worst enemy” thing. I’ve always liked him. I was really happy to see him go to Dallas. But, being a Cowboy fan, eventhough I think the media blows everything out of proportion, I wish he would keep his mouth shut sometimes and stop giving the media so much fodder. I don’t know.

But yeah, Merriman man… Cowboys fans have been making a big uproar since last year’s draft because the Cowboys passed on him to take Demarcus Ware. Hindsight is 20/20. At this point, with everything that’s gone on with T.O. and our growing quarterback controversy, I’m glad Merriman was passed over. The last thing the Cowboys need is another distraction.

The thing that pisses me off is that Merriman and his agent completely threw all of us under the bus with this. They are pushing the envelope for Congress to get involved and have all supplements regulated.

For the slow ones out there, this translates to “More expensive and less available supplements”.

If- and that’s a big if- it truly was because nandrolone was in a “legal” supplement, then the company that made the supplement should bear culpability, but I’m not buying that it was “unwittingly” ingested. As much money that is involved with pro sports, I can’t believe there isn’t an “approved provider” list as well as “approved products”. This would completely rule out the “I didn’t know it was in that supplement” excuse.

[quote]mica617 wrote:
The thing that pisses me off is that Merriman and his agent completely threw all of us under the bus with this. They are pushing the envelope for Congress to get involved and have all supplements regulated.

For the slow ones out there, this translates to “More expensive and less available supplements”.

If- and that’s a big if- it truly was because nandrolone was in a “legal” supplement, then the company that made the supplement should bear culpability, but I’m not buying that it was “unwittingly” ingested. As much money that is involved with pro sports, I can’t believe there isn’t an “approved provider” list as well as “approved products”. This would completely rule out the “I didn’t know it was in that supplement” excuse.[/quote]

And it’s not like Deca isn’t widely known. I’ve heard of people taking deca since my freshman year in high school, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. The fact that he said that he didn’t know that a pretty popular drug like deca was in the supplement – I’m dying to find out what legal supplement includes nandrolone – is ridiculous.

Here’s my take on the Merriman deal.

He got caught.

He’ll serve his time.

He’ll play again.

He’ll still dominate.

San Diego’s season isn’t completely over, but it’s a tough road ahead. St. Louis is coming to town this week, with probably a ton of fans just like Pittsburg, KC, and Oakland always do. Rivers showed his vunerability to crowd noise and fast blitzes, and fucking Marty is Herm Edward’s bitch when it comes to coaching.

Losing Merriman for a month as well as Phillips and Foley and Olshansky has definitely whittled down the defence, so we’ll see how that works out.

People around here (including me) talked during pre-season about how lethal their defence is. Radio shows took calls to find an appropriate “nickname” for the defensive side of the ball, much like the Steel Curtain of the 70’s. All of that is bullcrap now that all of this has happenend. They played soft against KC and allowed a drive that started at the 11 yard line, by Damon Huard no less, to come all the way down the field to field goal range to guarantee victory. Same bullshit happened against Baltimore.

Were/are they the best defence in the NFL? Without all the distractions and injuries, maybe.

But not now, not by a longshot.


Well you have to know they dont catch every player that uses juice in the NFL, probably not even close to half the players that do. What gets me is, how many players almost made the team one year and how many players almost got drafted and how many players didnt make it in the league, but would have made it if they were on juice, that kinda pisses me off, it really sucks for those players. Now I wont say I would hate the players using juice or anything, but I would definitely lose respect for them… And he will most likely come out saying something like I dont know how it happened crap, because even if he did do it its the only way to create a cloud of uncertainty…

And It makes me think alot different about some guy acting like a badass and like he is the man bringin down all the ball carriers when he is a cheatin fuck

[quote]WOrta1128 wrote:
mica617 wrote:
The thing that pisses me off is that Merriman and his agent completely threw all of us under the bus with this. They are pushing the envelope for Congress to get involved and have all supplements regulated.

For the slow ones out there, this translates to “More expensive and less available supplements”.

If- and that’s a big if- it truly was because nandrolone was in a “legal” supplement, then the company that made the supplement should bear culpability, but I’m not buying that it was “unwittingly” ingested. As much money that is involved with pro sports, I can’t believe there isn’t an “approved provider” list as well as “approved products”. This would completely rule out the “I didn’t know it was in that supplement” excuse.

And it’s not like Deca isn’t widely known. I’ve heard of people taking deca since my freshman year in high school, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. The fact that he said that he didn’t know that a pretty popular drug like deca was in the supplement – I’m dying to find out what legal supplement includes nandrolone – is ridiculous.[/quote]

Some good posts above. Here is a possible scenario (and this is about the only thing I will truly say in Merriman’s defense).

I do not think there is a very comprehensive list of approved supplements. My gut tells me its more like sponsored stuff, “Official Vitamin of the NFL” or some junk like that. I would guess any approved list is probably not terribly long, but that being said, if this is how you make your living and don’t want to chance it, you better be damn sure of what is in anything you are taking as a supplement.

If there was in fact deca in his supplement, this would not be the first time a supplement company snuck steroids/pro-steroids into one of their products without disclosing it in order to improve the results of the user. Maybe that happened with Merriman. I mean, [i]no one[/i] is consistently testing this stuff to see what is truly in it anyway. How would you ever know?