[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
If I shave more than twice a week my skin breaks the fuck out, I get razor burn and I generally want to light my face on fire.
D-Tan has delicate skin.[/quote]
quit using canned shave cream, get a badger brush and good shaving soap. Makes a world of difference. been wet shaving for three years, no problems with my face and it’s just cooler to go old school. [/quote]
I tried using some more expensive shaving cream (anthony from bath and body works - not canned) and didn’t like it. I’ll see what else I can find and I don’t even know what a badger brush is. It sounds coarse, badgers look prickly.
Why does it matter? If my job does not require me to shave, why would I do it? It’s not something I enjoy, nor does it make me feel better; in fact, it is irritating to me. So again, why should anyone who hates shaving and is not required to do it waste their time doing it?
[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
If I shave more than twice a week my skin breaks the fuck out, I get razor burn and I generally want to light my face on fire.
D-Tan has delicate skin.[/quote]
quit using canned shave cream, get a badger brush and good shaving soap. Makes a world of difference. been wet shaving for three years, no problems with my face and it’s just cooler to go old school. [/quote]
I tried using some more expensive shaving cream (anthony from bath and body works - not canned) and didn’t like it. I’ll see what else I can find and I don’t even know what a badger brush is. It sounds coarse, badgers look prickly.
So does your boyfriend have a new beard growing and its causing your skin to break out…even worse! just after buying that new extra expensive facial scrub? Well what can I say? Find a new cleaned up gay man who atleast knows how to grow a beard and appreciates your exfoliating regiment.
[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
If I shave more than twice a week my skin breaks the fuck out, I get razor burn and I generally want to light my face on fire.
D-Tan has delicate skin.[/quote]
I only shave twice a week tops, even though I probably should everyday. Personally, I like having stubble on my face, and I don’t want to take the time to shave everyday.
[quote]HeavyTriple wrote:
Why does it matter? If my job does not require me to shave, why would I do it? It’s not something I enjoy, nor does it make me feel better; in fact, it is irritating to me. So again, why should anyone who hates shaving and is not required to do it waste their time doing it?[/quote]
What this guy said.
Since I’m prepping to deploy very soon, I’ve decided to grow my Manstache, as well as the hair on my head. Now that I am on leave, all bets are off. NO shaving!!! That shit is bothersome the two times a week I do it, so I damn sure am not going to shave when I don’t have to. Besides…having my facial hair adds to my ruggedly handsome aura and mystique. Oh yeah…