
[quote]Kerley wrote:

[quote]AttackOfTheChris wrote:

[quote]Kerley wrote:

[quote]polo77j wrote:
^dude … that should be your avatar … seriously[/quote]

its Jim Wendler though?[/quote]

Beeaauutifuuuuuul, I just want you to knooooow, you’re my favorite Keeeerl![/quote]

okay thanks, do you lengthen all words?[/quote]

[quote]lawsonsamuels wrote:

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
If I shave more than twice a week my skin breaks the fuck out, I get razor burn and I generally want to light my face on fire.

D-Tan has delicate skin.[/quote]

quit using canned shave cream, get a badger brush and good shaving soap. Makes a world of difference. been wet shaving for three years, no problems with my face and it’s just cooler to go old school. [/quote]

I tried using some more expensive shaving cream (anthony from bath and body works - not canned) and didn’t like it. I’ll see what else I can find and I don’t even know what a badger brush is. It sounds coarse, badgers look prickly.

Why does it matter? If my job does not require me to shave, why would I do it? It’s not something I enjoy, nor does it make me feel better; in fact, it is irritating to me. So again, why should anyone who hates shaving and is not required to do it waste their time doing it?

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:

[quote]lawsonsamuels wrote:

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
If I shave more than twice a week my skin breaks the fuck out, I get razor burn and I generally want to light my face on fire.

D-Tan has delicate skin.[/quote]

quit using canned shave cream, get a badger brush and good shaving soap. Makes a world of difference. been wet shaving for three years, no problems with my face and it’s just cooler to go old school. [/quote]

I tried using some more expensive shaving cream (anthony from bath and body works - not canned) and didn’t like it. I’ll see what else I can find and I don’t even know what a badger brush is. It sounds coarse, badgers look prickly.

saget dont shave!

I fucking hate shaving. I usually shave every few days, and even then, I use a buzzer with no guard.

I hate the way being clean shaven looks and feels.

i use something like these with a zero, leaves a bit of stubble but nothing to crazy.


[quote]devildog_jim wrote:
It makes you look like a 13 year old who glued some loose pubes from the gym shower onto his face.


You make it sound like it’s not OK to glue loose pubes to your face.

So does your boyfriend have a new beard growing and its causing your skin to break out…even worse! just after buying that new extra expensive facial scrub? Well what can I say? Find a new cleaned up gay man who atleast knows how to grow a beard and appreciates your exfoliating regiment.

Why go one or the other? Five o’clock shadow FTW!

I agree with Doubleduce it add AT LEAST 20 pounds to every lift! I like not shaving I look badass and stronger :slight_smile:

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
If I shave more than twice a week my skin breaks the fuck out, I get razor burn and I generally want to light my face on fire.

D-Tan has delicate skin.[/quote]

I only shave twice a week tops, even though I probably should everyday. Personally, I like having stubble on my face, and I don’t want to take the time to shave everyday.

Who starts a thread about this anyways?

I have an anti-mancrush on guys with beards and bald heads. I shave whenever I see noticeable stubble as I want to look under 20 as long as possible.

I hate shaving, no matter the type of razor or shaving cream, i always nick my balls a few times

[quote]Alffi wrote:
I have an anti-mancrush on guys with beards and bald heads. [/quote]

You obviously have horrible taste in men.

[quote]dollarbill44 wrote:
Did someone’s gf ditch him for a guy with scruff?


[quote]HeavyTriple wrote:
Why does it matter? If my job does not require me to shave, why would I do it? It’s not something I enjoy, nor does it make me feel better; in fact, it is irritating to me. So again, why should anyone who hates shaving and is not required to do it waste their time doing it?[/quote]
What this guy said.

God this was so Wendler-esque.

then op will love to be asian. im 19 this year and have never used a shaver before.

I just trimmed my beard into a goatee. I had it growing for three months before i got bored with it.

Since I’m prepping to deploy very soon, I’ve decided to grow my Manstache, as well as the hair on my head. Now that I am on leave, all bets are off. NO shaving!!! That shit is bothersome the two times a week I do it, so I damn sure am not going to shave when I don’t have to. Besides…having my facial hair adds to my ruggedly handsome aura and mystique. Oh yeah…