Helllllooooo spring!
At least it has come down a since the rain… lol
I was perusing your workout. Working 13 reps with 295 lbs. on the Nautilus peck deck is impressive. Keep up the good work!
We are supposed to get rain here today also. Thank the lord!
Appreciate it. This particular pec deck is a Matrix machine. It’s definitely easier to do than a standard pec deck. It allows you to grab the handles with your hands and leverages allow you to max out the machine pretty easily. Idk what it is with the matrix machines but I can max out most of the ones in my gym. Definitely a lot easier than Nautilus or Hammer strength equipment.
Way to get it done this morning Shane! I saw you on the bike when I got on. Cheers brother!
Appreciate it! Kind of an odd ride today but it was enjoyable.
Weight 253
Bike 5 minute warm up
Hip Adduction
30 x 305
20 x 305
Hip Abduction
20 x 265
20 x 295
Leg press (machine)
Keep this light to keep knees happy
20 x 250 feet mid
20 x 250 feet wide
Smith Squats
5 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 225
5 x 255
5 x 275
12 x 135
10 x 225
Captain chair leg raises
35 minutes
Abbreviated session today. Had to get to work earlier.
Looked like plenty of work to me. Good looking sets too. Those Smith squats and RDL’s looked brutal. Loving those captain chair leg raises too! Way to get it done Shane!
Thanks Trent. Squat racks were full, that used to bother me, no I just go to the smith machine.
Nice pace on that ride Shane! Way to get after it! I hear you on the squat racks. At least you can squat right now.
Thanks Trent. You are right about that.
Weight 251
Bicep warm ups
DB x 25 x till warm
Smith Rows
20 x 135
12 x 185
12 x 225
10 x 275
10 x 275
Reverse pec deck
20 x 130
20 x 145
20 x 160
Nautilus Xpload Lat pulls
12 x 90 per side x 3
Seated DB Curls
12 x 30
10 x 35
8 x 40
DB Shrugs
Run the rack 10 per, 100s to 50s
Ab wheel
45 minutes
Awesome session Shane! Those rows were unreal! Then you’re making me look bad on those ab wheel sets, as always.
You crush me on pull ups, so I need to have something. I guess the ab wheel is it.
Saturday Cardio
Weight 251
That’s it.
One more easy ride tomorrow and then headed on vacation. Going up to mountains with the family. We rented a cabin, my mom, my siblings, their kids, and us.
Should be a good time.
Going to early Easter dinner with my wife’s mom today. Place called Pops. Italian place that makes their own pasta. Supposed to good. Should be well carbed for tomorrow’s ride.
Nice job on that ride Shane! I was not waking up this morning… Hope you guys have a good Easter and a great time in the mountains!
Thanks Trent!