Sexiest Female Athlete

Alright guys. I’m having a debate with my friend about who is the hottest female athlete. My friend is saying it’s Gabrielle Reese. I’m going hands down with Anna Kournikova. She’s smokin’! Shit, give me 5 minutes with her and I’d go TC on her! Who do you guys think is the sexiest female athlete- not counting fitness and bodybuilding chicks.

without a doubt Anna Kournikova. She has an ass like a nectarine, and legs to match. god, is she hott. If I could pick one chick to be with for just one night (just one though because I heard she is a b*?$) it would be her.

i dont know why everyone is so obsessed with anna kournikova. i dont see anything special in her, she has pretty average looks IMO.

I haven’t seen her lately, but Katerina Witt, the figure skater was one gorgeous woman!!! Who can deny that skaters have great asses?

Shannon Miller from the 1996 US Women’s Olympic Gymnastic Team. She was in awesome shape, strong as hell, flexible (yikes) and when she let her hair down for interviews…my oh my.

the sexiest female athlete is Trish Stratus(WWF) shes got that J-Lo ghetto booty and the whole deal. Definitrly Trish

Shanon Miller is way to small, and when she spoke she sounded like a chipmunk. On that note…yeah she is hott, and I would like to meet her also.

No offense to Trish, but she’s not an “athlete”.
I definitely dig Anna for the hotness, the Williams sisters because they could probably kill you in bed, and Martina Hingis…she’s got a little cuteness, got a sick body, and she’s so cocky!!!

I think it is a tie between… A Girl and Ironbabe

GB, I’m with you on Katerina Witt. She’s awesome, great looking, and great bod. Plus, she’s old enough to buy her own vodka.

Amy Dumas (Lita-WWF). I met her in NC working out with Stacy “Kat” Carter. She’s awesome! She’s also nicer than one would expect.

Melinda Gainsford-Taylor. An Australian Sprinter

Thanks for the vote Dale! Personally I find female sprinters most often have the bodies I’d like to emulate. I know you gents might have a different perspective, but I thought I’d put in my .02

You wanna know what’s REALLY cool, sexy AND smart about Anna? She makes more money than ANYONE on the Tour and hasn’t won even ONE title!

Sexy…ummmm…have you guys seen a few of those Division 1 Cheerleading squads? Pretty yummy if you ask me…(oh…for you "T-Men, who don’t think Cheerleaders are atheletes, I challenge you to do about 20 seconds of one of their routines…)

UUummm…by the way…it’s pretty obvious that a lot of “T-Men” have this “Lolita Syndrome” thing going on, yes?

that American runner? you know the one that was gonna win 5+ golds at the Olympics? There may be others sexier, but her bod is great. i’d die happy if i could get to look like that!

Merlene Ottey and Anna

Marion Jones…

definitely Katerina Witt, shes looks hot as hell, check out her Playboy pics. smokin

Mufasa, I beg to differ. Hingis was the top earning female athlete of 2000, grossing over 11 million. I forget who was second.