Hello to everyone.
So my story goes as following, I’ve been on TRT for quite some time, since I was 19, it was under doc.
First we started with: 250mg of test/week without AI, it was honestly bad and I felt bad. Lab said: 1330 ng/dl total test, 90 pg/ml E2
Then we went to: 125mg without any AI, it was just as bad. Lab said: 600 ng/dl total test, 60 pg/ml of E2
Then I decided to leave out the doc and start going with underground stuff:
I did as following:
125mg of test cyp with 1/4 tab of aromasin 2 x week, it was better, but still bad, lab said: 800 ng/dl Total Test and 40 ng/dl of E2
Then I did:
100mg of test cyp with 1/4 tab of aromasin 2 x week, same as above
Then I switched the labs of cypionate and did:
80/100mg of cyp with only 1/4 tab of aromasin a week, except I didn’t do labs here, because I was so happy to finally feel great
And it was great: my sex life was very great, I got hard from simple touch from my gf, sex was also great.
But then: I switched to another lab of test
80/100mg of test cyp a week + 1/4 of aromasin after injection and everything came back to the previous state, I became impotent again. I have a literal limp penis, no desire for sex, nothing, I felt like before.
My question here is. Was the testosterone that I used, when I felt great fake? Is one small dose of Aromasin a week all I need? Perhaps I’m simply having issues with E2, not with low Testosterone. Because each dose of testosterone and AI I tried, ends up in my sexual and energic failure.
Is it really possible that I can stay without TRT with just Aromasin once a week? I know my post is chaotic, it is, because I’m at loss here. I sincerely ask for your help and answer.