I got my blood test results back. I take 100mg of test cypionate a week at the time of these blood tests and no AI was used at all. After these resutls I started on 6mg of aromasin every other day. I dont have that great erections is the reason for adding it in and I have tiny bit of water retention in my cheek area. And remeber this is Pmol/l. I am in Canada. What are your guys thoughts on these results and me adding in aromasin after I got the results back?
Free test 646 reference range 196-636 pmol/L
Estradiol 91 refereance range < 150 pmol/L
I’m not sure in pmol/L but I believe I’ve seen a conversion chart that says 22pg/ml=6pmol/L. If so, you are way out of whack. But I urge you to check this conversion on your own.
Look for potential food sensitivities! Gut problems and so on. I personally am not that familiar with this, you could research more. However, I am positive that e2 is not a reason for this.