The number of sets I do depends on the phase im in as well as what movements im training that day. If im in a strength phase for a quad dom day i might keep it to around 10-12(doesn’t include ab/stabilization work). In a hypertrophy phase for quad dom it will be around 16-18. Upper body work will be similar with more sets coming towards a hypertrophy phase, but total sets per day will be higher than lower body in both a strength and hypertrohy phase.
Ex. Strength phase UB = 14-16, Hypertrophy phase UB = 18-20 (doesn’t include cuff work)
I will also tend to do more work on my horizontal push/pull day than for vertical push/pull if im using that type of split due to my past shoulder injury from baseball.
Right now I’m doing 5x5 on a 4 day split and I’m averaging around 15 sets per workout and feeling good.
12-20 sets for every bodypart except shoulders which never go above 12
weight training 1.01…
hhhmmmm, prolly 12-16 per workout with low reps 4-6 and this is done about 4-6 days a week.