20" arms at 70 years old.
Found this in the related videos
Freaking amazing. Amazing posing routine. Celebrates the glory of man’s physical form.
[quote]Invictica wrote:
Found this in the related videos
Freaking amazing. Amazing posing routine. Celebrates the glory of man’s physical form.
Wow, just incredible!
truly an ideal physique, he should be part of T-Muscle. He posts over on bodybuilding.com and he recently went into a coma. I pray for him but all the selfish bastards over at bodybuilding.com seem to have ignored the situation even though he has helped them so much. If I can find a way to mail him, he truly deserves a get well soon card for all he has given to the bodybuilding community, and using his time on this earth to conquer women, his body and numerous other goals.
[quote]tnt2005 wrote:
truly an ideal physique, he should be part of T-Muscle. He posts over on bodybuilding.com and he recently went into a coma. I pray for him but all the selfish bastards over at bodybuilding.com seem to have ignored the situation even though he has helped them so much. If I can find a way to mail him, he truly deserves a get well soon card for all he has given to the bodybuilding community, and using his time on this earth to conquer women, his body and numerous other goals.[/quote]
That sucks. I hope he gets better real soon.
Yeah apparently at over 70 he had got down to 4 percent bodyfat at a weight of 224lbs! He was going to make a guest appearance at this years mr olympia.
Unfortunatly he slipped into a coma, though apparently he is recovering.
[quote]tnt2005 wrote:
using his time on this earth to conquer women[/quote]
That didn’t come out how it was supposed to, did it?
How did he just slip into a coma ? It isn’t like you lay down for a nap and end up in a coma. sickness ? accident ?
[quote]big balls wrote:
Yeah apparently at over 70 he had got down to 4 percent bodyfat at a weight of 224lbs! He was going to make a guest appearance at this years mr olympia.
Unfortunatly he slipped into a coma, though apparently he is recovering.[/quote]
Serge Nubret had one of the best physiques ever, if not the best. Not a mass monster, but amazing proportion and great muscle definition. His abs are insane!
[quote]WS4JB wrote:
How did he just slip into a coma ? It isn’t like you lay down for a nap and end up in a coma. sickness ? accident ?[/quote]
Man, Serge is 70 years old! Training and dieting like a madman can be hazardous at this age.
A Coma has been described to me as your bodies ultimate / last defense mechanism. 4%BF @ 70 and the training it takes to get there…add on any supplementation he was on…it all takes a toll. I’m sure there are a few bodybuilders on here who can describe what being “show ready” feels like.
I hope he makes a speedy recovery and starts chasing a few nurses soon.
I think he is my favorite bodybuilder of all time. I wish I could get to utube…unfortunately I’m overseas on .mil and they don’t allow it. I’m actually surprised they allow this site.
So, from going to a couple of the other forums, it appears that he is still being heavily sedated by doctors, but has opened his eyes, and responds to people talking to him by squeezing their hands. He has yet to speak though, not sure if thats because he is being so heavily medicated or because of damage done by whatever put him into that coma.
Are we sure it wasn’t a stroke ?
[quote]humanimal wrote:
tnt2005 wrote:
using his time on this earth to conquer women
That didn’t come out how it was supposed to, did it?[/quote]
not at all. I hope it isn’t a stroke the word is a coma. But like you said he isn’t talking. Again I only hope the best it would be terrible for 70 years of life to just be taken, when he was doing something he loved.