Sensitive Assay for Males Estradiol in BC Canada

Twice I have asked my Dr.s (Both my G.P. and my Endo) for a requisition to specifically have the Sensitive Assay for Males Estradiol E2 test done, but both times the lab - B.C. BioMedical Labs
have only done the “regular” Estradiol blood test.

They informed me that it is the ONLY Estradiol test that they perform, and have even said that the Sensitive Assay test For males is unavailable in Canada.

I find this hard to believe.

So I was wondering if anyone who lives in B.C. Canada has ever gotten the Sensitive Assay for Males Estradiol test done here?

BTW, my results for the “regular” Estradiol test were 174 pmol/L from a “range” of < 156 !!

If you are over range, what do you expect a different test to prove? You need to deal with the E2, not the lab at this point.

Thanks, KSman.

I’ve discussed this with both my family Dr. and my Endo, and my family Dr. told me to see what the Endo has to say, so when I mentioned an A.I. to him, he said because I don’t have breast cancer, or some other degenerative disease, he cannot write me a prescription for Arimidex, or else he could lose his license. (I guess the laws in Canada are different, or else he’s leery about writing off-label prescriptions.)

He did however tell me that if I could get some on the black market, I should feel free to do so.

He also said he wants to get my testosterone levels up to where they should be before he looks at other aspects. He wants to deal with one thing at a time.

He did agree to let me self inject subQ every week. (I’m going to inject SubQ 2x per week @ 50mg each time.)

I was just asking about the sensitive assay test because that’s the one that seems to be recommended the most.

I would appreciate any advice on how I could lower my E2 levels A.S.A.P. though.

I am on a fixed income if that means anything.

I also have read the stickies.

Thanks in advance.

[quote]killergoalie wrote:
Thanks, KSman.

I’ve discussed this with both my family Dr. and my Endo, and my family Dr. told me to see what the Endo has to say, so when I mentioned an A.I. to him, he said because I don’t have breast cancer, or some other degenerative disease, he cannot write me a prescription for Arimidex, or else he could lose his license. (I guess the laws in Canada are different, or else he’s leery about writing off-label prescriptions.)

He did however tell me that if I could get some on the black market, I should feel free to do so.

He also said he wants to get my testosterone levels up to where they should be before he looks at other aspects. He wants to deal with one thing at a time.

He did agree to let me self inject subQ every week. (I’m going to inject SubQ 2x per week @ 50mg each time.)

I was just asking about the sensitive assay test because that’s the one that seems to be recommended the most.

I would appreciate any advice on how I could lower my E2 levels A.S.A.P. though.

I am on a fixed income if that means anything.

I also have read the stickies.

Thanks in advance.[/quote]

I have used research chems and overseas pharmacies. Both worked well to knock my E2 down to the desired level. Early on, I used DIM but it was a slower and more expensive alternative.

"I was just asking about the sensitive assay test because that’s the one that seems to be recommended the most. " is in reference to one LAB here in the USA that does not operate there. There is nothing wrong with your lab unless it comes back as <number and the number is too high to be useful.

I know for a fact that a doc in Toronto is scripting anastrozole for TRT. However, each province is different.

Doc may really have no idea what anastrozole is.

Docs spout total nonsense when they get into an area where they have no experience. They typically always seem to want to be authoritative one way or an other. Women take 1mg/day to attempt E2=0 to fight estrogen positive cancers. Men take 1mg/week to modulate E2 to optimize QOL. And as men age, aromatase increases and E2 levels increase independent of T levels.

RC chems from USA seem to not be shipped to Canada. A few years ago, this was different.

Thanks KSman.

It truly is scary when the Dr.s who are SUPPOSED to be the ones helping you feel, and get better don’t even know enough information on the products, or drugs that are supposedly the ones that you need to be taking in certain situations to help your specific situation.

i.e. Anastrozole to help lower E2 levels in men on TRT with low testosterone levels.

I could always try finding another Dr.who would prescribe Anastrozole, but by the time that happens…IF it happens, my E2 levels could really be out of whack! (Which they already are IMHO).

I guess I’ll have to keep on looking, or go the black market route.

Thanks for all the help.