Hi from Thailand,
First thanks to all members of this forum for some excellent posts and general advice, I have read almost everything and I think now I have a reasonable grasp of the whole TRT thing.
I am now 38 years old weigh approx 220, 6’2", more fat around the midriff than I would like, train 3 times a week.
I had a virtual loss of libido around 3 years ago, went to the doctor who tested me, and "everything OK, but testosterone low (around 320 if I remember). He suggested a shot of testoviron every 3 weeks (!). He said if I felt better to come back for another shot, but if not don’t bother.
Obviously after one shot the earth didn’t move much, so I didn’t bother going back, just thought the lethargy and general disinterest in life was down to my circumstances, but deep down I knew something was wrong.
I did some more research and discovered Andriol testocaps, an oral supplement that I don’t see mentioned here much (most members seem to be stateside, maybe they’re not available there ?),
After taking these for a few months there was an improvement, especially in libido, but erections still not so strong and sometimes difficult to orgasm, no nighttime/morning wood.
I found some other stuff on the web about IM test injections being the best, so before starting went to another doctor who said no need to worry, getting older, but can inject once a month, also the doctor had never heard of arimidex.
Then came across this amazing site - so much great info from some experts (KSman et al.).
Before I started thinking about injecting (once a week)the first thing I did was go to a lab (everything is primitive where I live) - I was only able to get test and E2 levels which were as follows
Test 274
E2 40.9
That was all I could get without 24 hours on a bus and very expensive blood tests (have to be air freighted to Singapore for free test etc. and I simply cannot afford that.
Upon getting these results I started injecting 100mg of test cyp a week (this was 5 weeks ago).
What a difference, libido returned, erections all night, sex 3 times a day and a great outlook. I noticed things tapered off a bit over the last week, feeling bloated and libido down again.
The other problem is lack of arimidex here - only available to breast cancer patients and distributed under special supervision. Crazy as you can buy almost anything else AAS related over the counter.
I found a pharmacy that could order arimidex, very expensive ($250 for 28 tabs), but I got an email saying that it has arrived and I can collect it today.
Yesterday I went and took another blood sample for test and E2, these were the results
test 379
E2 85.01
So the E2 is off the chart now,
So advice please, in a couple of hours I will collect my adex, I was thinking quarter of a tab E3D for a couple of weeks then get another blood test. I would like test at 800 and E2 at 25, or as near to those as I can get. Does this sound OK - also as the Adex kicks in I presume less test will convert to E, therefore keep the shots at 100mg a week for now ?
I am really desperate for advice here, thanks for taking the time to read.