Hey all, long time lurker, first time poster.
So here is my situation, and the difficult choice I need to make. First, stats, I’m a dude, 37 years old, 215 lbs, 6 foot 3.
After years (18!) of alcohol abuse, a few years ago I decided to get sober, and I’m coming up on 2 years soon. Part of what led to that has been underlying depression, lethargy, etc. My doc put me on anti-depressants, and while they help, it still hasn’t helped THAT much (after 2 years). About a year ago my doc measured my T levels. I came in at 341. Fairly low for a 35 year old (at the time i was 35). I got active, workout 4-5 days a week, and otherwise live cleanly. I had my levels checked again 6 months ago and they had only increased marginally (380). While I continued to be a bit depressed, natural depression, coupled with being a very busy father and also in a unhealthy relationship, I decided to do something about my T levels. My doc wouldn’t help and suggested that I start working out (ha!). Instead of hunting for a new doc, a friend of mine offered some of his T injections (long story, recovering cancer patient, still gets T but doesn’t use it)
So I started at 200mg a week. After 3 weeks of Test E, everything changed. That brain fog? Gone. My energy levels were way up, I felt like I was 20 again. Most importantly, the depression I have had for years started to disappear.
Against better judgement, I also decided to start a 400mg cycle, which lasted for 6 weeks. It was awesome, but I’m not looking to compete. Now let me get to the point. I’ve found a doctor here in the bay area that is willing to help me. However, they need a natural T reading. I’ve been up front and honest about my use of non-prescribed T. She has told me I’ll need to come off to get a reading, and then she will get me back on, but she needs the lower levels for documentation and insurance.
So… here is my dilemma. Do I just stop cold turkey and let my levels fall before i give blood? (21 days after last pin). Do I give blood and then either pin again, or give blood and start with PCT? (She told me not to use clomid as it could artificially inflate t levels for the bloods).
Basically I’m looking for advice on how to get a lower t reading without being completely crashed for a while. It’s been 1 week since my last pin, and according to calculations it should be at 20mg in the blood at 21 days, which is the latest I want to wait before either pinning or starting PCT. Any advice would be appreciated!