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For second cycle this is too much gear. Use test and dbol, and also use adex 1-16.
I personally think it looks perfect. He isn’t even using that much Deca.
[quote]Reed wrote:
I personally think it looks perfect. He isn’t even using that much Deca.[/quote]
You are more experienced and have more knowledge in this area than me, but would not it be better to leave deca for another cycle, because Nandrolone can stay in your system so god damn long, and it takes so little to suppress HPTA function.
Just completely depends on his goals and how well he responds to it. I seriously know guys who have ran Deca for 16 weeks solo and didn’t have a problem recovering. How ever yes it does stay in the system longer which is why its recommended to stay on Test at atleast a TRT dose for 3-5 weeks after you stop Deca, then 2 weeks after begin your PCT.
This is your best bet. But sticking with your concerns I do think NPP would be a safer bet if recovery is a number 1 issue for you. NPP is essentially a much faster acting Deca and will clear the system much faster. There is no rule saying Deca can or shouldn’t be ran for a second cycle.
[quote]Reed wrote:
Just completely depends on his goals and how well he responds to it. I seriously know guys who have ran Deca for 16 weeks solo and didn’t have a problem recovering. How ever yes it does stay in the system longer which is why its recommended to stay on Test at atleast a TRT dose for 3-5 weeks after you stop Deca, then 2 weeks after begin your PCT.
This is your best bet. But sticking with your concerns I do think NPP would be a safer bet if recovery is a number 1 issue for you. NPP is essentially a much faster acting Deca and will clear the system much faster. There is no rule saying Deca can or shouldn’t be ran for a second cycle.[/quote]
All right! Thank you for your response.
gsdfgafdgafdhaf g
Another question
gsgfgfgdfgfgadsfddgfgh. gag
Look into caber or prami to control prolactin in case your e2 gets too high
My first cycle i did 600mg test and 400mg deca and really enjoyed it. Best of luck
dfgafdgafd hfdhafdga fg adfg
[quote]Brent1769 wrote:
So I looked into prami and decided to go with that. Getting liquid prami for research purposes. And while doing research on that I came across quite a few topics on peptides. Anyone with personal experience and with which peptide? Trying to see if it would be woorth is to add some to my cycle.[/quote]
There’s a lot here on TN on peptides. Here’s what I think, it MAY have some benefits over a long period of time. But do not fool yourself; you will not see a substantial increase in size and or strength like you will with steroids. And acquiring quality peptides can be a crapshoot. Unlike other chemical research drugs, the peptides do not show you the instant results of other research drugs. If you purchase a PDE5 Inhibitor and it’s legit you will know in a matter of hours. Even an AI’s effectiveness can be quantified with some blood testing. I’ve used MT-2 and you can tell if it’s doing the job within a few weeks.
I have been using GHRP-6 with CJC-1295 off and on for about 6 months. The whole not eating before and after is an issue if you are trying to keep a steady flow of calories so the morning injections work for me.
niksamaras is big on Ipamorelin. I hope he can weigh in on the subject.
[quote]doublelung84 wrote:
[quote]Brent1769 wrote:
So I looked into prami and decided to go with that. Getting liquid prami for research purposes. And while doing research on that I came across quite a few topics on peptides. Anyone with personal experience and with which peptide? Trying to see if it would be woorth is to add some to my cycle.[/quote]
There’s a lot here on TN on peptides. Here’s what I think, it MAY have some benefits over a long period of time. But do not fool yourself; you will not see a substantial increase in size and or strength like you will with steroids. And acquiring quality peptides can be a crapshoot. Unlike other chemical research drugs, the peptides do not show you the instant results of other research drugs. If you purchase a PDE5 Inhibitor and it’s legit you will know in a matter of hours. Even an AI’s effectiveness can be quantified with some blood testing. I’ve used MT-2 and you can tell if it’s doing the job within a few weeks.
I have been using GHRP-6 with CJC-1295 off and on for about 6 months. The whole not eating before and after is an issue if you are trying to keep a steady flow of calories so the morning injections work for me.
niksamaras is big on Ipamorelin. I hope he can weigh in on the subject.
Peptides, in general, are great for rehab purposes. They do next to nothing for building muscle, whatsoever. Ipamorelin, is awesome for injury rehab. However, one could support the use of peptides in a cycle, as a way to strenghten tendons and ligaments (since testosterone pretty much zeros collagen synthesis). In this case, I would suggest Ipamorelin with cjc-1293. But since there not many researches on the subjects, we can only speculate.
cycle looks good. id err on the side of caution and run that ai high enough to make sure your E2 doesnt come anywhere near being an issue. You wont have prolactin issues unless your E2 levels are high and i fucking hated Prami so i just make sure to keep my E2 levels low. Even on 800 mg of Deca my libido is pretty high.
Good idea going with NPP over deca, unless you plan on staying on all the time, dont see any reason to use deca over npp.
agfgfgsfgafgasfdgsfgs afg afg
And might add trip triptorelin
Yea just cut the deca early, not a big deal. and sorry about the HCG, never used it, so cant help. i know its not ideal but do you have enough to do that 10 day blast or whatever?
Is it true what they say if you gain that much weight in your first cycle you were not eating well and you should actually be gaining weight but not that much. The first cycle should be re-distributing and molding your body shape?
Don’t take this as a sign of disrespect just intelligent sharing of information and dialogue.
[quote]Juice2Kill wrote:
Is it true what they say if you gain that much weight in your first cycle you were not eating well and you should actually be gaining weight but not that much. The first cycle should be re-distributing and molding your body shape?
Don’t take this as a sign of disrespect just intelligent sharing of information and dialogue.[/quote]
no, it is not true.
If you have questions like this, it’s best to start your own thread. Bumping old threads is a little annoying.