Second Cycle Started yesterday Test E Dbol 12 weeks

So have started my second cycle yesterday and it is similar to my last one. Will be running.

week 1-12 750mg a week of test e
Week 1-4 50mg od D-Bol (25x2 a day, I have large capsules only so cant split 3xd)
week 1-12 1mg arimidex e3d (again capsules so cant do .25 ed or .5eod easily)
week 8-12 50mg winny ed
500iu hcg a week throughout

Have Nolva and Clomid for PCT have been taking Milk Thistle as well.

last cycle I did 12 weeks of test e 750mg and the last 10 weeks of winny at 50mg. I know thats a long time for winny. I also had hcg last time but I did not run it throughout the cycle and instead used high dosage in my PCT. It was OK but I am hoping for improvement using it on cycle. On my last cycle I cut a fair bit of fat and gained well, my weight only went up by 10lbs on the cycle but I was not in good shape starting. I held my gains for about 2 months but injured my shoulder and stopped working out entirely, unfortunately I also let my diet slide at the same time and have lost a lot of my progress because of this. Last cycle ended September 1 and PCT started from that point.

Stats are 30 years old 5’9" 165lbs and 15% BF, I am looking for lean gains here but a bit of a jump start with the dbol. let me know your thoughts on the cycle and I will keep everyone posted on the progress.

how did u react to 750mg test the last time why not add more or another injectable like masteron or equipose

[quote]beefcakes wrote:
how did u react to 750mg test the last time why not add more or another injectable like masteron or equipose[/quote]

Everything was good last time, I didnt up it as I thought 750 was a fair bit. I never thought about another injetable, just wanted to jump start with something either dbol or test p, but didnt like the ed injects of test p… I will look into an add on for next time.