So the situation is the following, in the past i’ve done a 500mg/week test cycle, everything mostly went ok. I don’t remember having any issues, hell, i think i didn’t even need an AI during cycle, gained a couple of KGs, mainted some.
Few years forward, i just began my second cycle. Plan this time was to use 300mg/week test in addition to 200mg/week Primobolan, 500mg/week of stuff in total. Very conservative cycle but as i understand, the more i get out of less is better.
I scheduled it in the folloiwng way, i would start with test only, see how it goes for 3-4 weeks and then add in Primobolan for the rest of the cycle. This way i could gouge the side effects of a new substance, if any. The whole cycle would be somewhere around 16 weeks. Caviat is that i’m doing it all Sub Q, i can not do IM, i just can’t. The way i see it, it’s just absorbed a little slower than IM and that’s about it.
So 2 days ago, i did my first Sub Q Testestorone injection (enanthate 150mg). On the second day, the injection site got red, a bit hot and irritated. From what i understood, this is a pretty common occurance when injecting Testestorone Sub Q, but i don’t really remember experiencing this on my first cycle. I do not think it could’ve been infected unless there was some lame shit in the gear, i’ve cleaned the site/bottle with alcohol, used new needels. I think the gear was ok as well, the verificiation codes checked out online, they were reasonably priced and the source seemed reputableish.
Third day (today), i got a mild headache, i have brain fog/nausia at work and the site is still red and irritated/hurting a bit, it hasn’t gotten worse or expanded, however. I do not seem to have a fever either.
I’m a 26 year old healthy male, so this low dose of test (especially conisiderng prior experience) giving me sides, caught me a bit off guard and got me concerned.I don’t live in EU/USA, doctors here do not have a clue what testestorone is and i don’t really want to talk to them about geat use either. I’m just looking for advice weather if this is common occurance perhaps to new/different oils or this is something to be concerned about e.g. after a week?
Should i go ahead with my second injection tomorrow and observe and if the shit gets worse i just full abort and shank the source?