[quote]Steez wrote:
5’11" 150lbs? 21 y/o and wants to continue to juice?
You’re not absorbing the best advice these seasoned veterans are giving you. You do NOT need AAS. I’m 27 5’7" 175 lbs with about 9-10% bf and am now just hinting at the idea. Probly won’t even start for another year because I still have some natural growing to do.
Just from reading and getting a perspective, I really think you have no idea how to train nor the idea of how the quantity of food is paramount. You’ve got 4" on me and yet you still weigh much less. Do you realize that guys that have been training for years, even decades can put 2 and 2 together and see that there’s a problem that needs to be addressed way before you even mention the idea of AAS?
I was a chubby 145 lbs with no strength or muscle mass, skinny arms, flabby belly, chicken legs etc. Like flipcollar, I wasted my first years with shitty programming and diet. Wasn’t till my latest years to where I saw my best gains. Found what worked for me and been killing it ever since. All without the help of AAS.
It’s taken patience, hard ass work in the gym, and the proper dieting to achieve what I thought for me was only possible with juice.
Sincerely, re-evaluate your training. Couldn’t load the video but in my experience calisthenics will not make you stronger, just better at calisthenics and definitely won’t increase your bench. If you can’t bench 1.5x bodyweight, 2x squat, and 2x deadlift your body weight then those are the exercises you really need to build up to. How much you curl doesn’t mean shit.
Reed on other post made it clear this isn’t about me and my body and what I’m choosing to do with it. It was mostly about not telling younger randoms on forums hey do steroids cause its the quick easy way out, I’m a dumbass for not cluing in til he actually said it. Best most appropriate thing he could’ve brought up and appologize immensely for the stupidity and ignorance I’ve posted defending it now. I assumed people on the forum under 21 would know it can screw their endocrine system etc at that age and simply wanna learn and help with what I’ve learnt.
The video is planche pushups basically balancing on push up position but without feet ever touching ground and pushing up into horizontal handstand and going up and down, months of practice not touching ground with feet…fun and insanely long to learn properly, much better then any weights would do. I’ve heard this a 100 times…I understand and simply have chosen this way to reach my goals…I cant repeat this more.
Appreciate the time but 90% of people you try to talk out already knew steroids were bad and we simply want superior builds over average gains. Nothing more or less so idk what people are trying to convince me still after how many posts.