Second Cycle Opinions Test-E, Winny, Anavar

[quote]Reed wrote:

SMH at this entire thread[/quote]

Lol welcome to our friendly lounge.

Just ignore people that’s gonna stress you, most these comments were pointless and changed literally nothing. Idk why it’s hard…if you think I’m a dumbass then let me be and let me do the stupid shit. What’s complaining/insulting/ranting going to do. lol I’ll usually laugh at half the insults cause it’s funny shit…but besides that idk why half these posts are here.

[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:

[quote]flipcollar wrote:

thanks. my main point was that I got there naturally. I’m currently 10 weeks into my very first cycle (my avatar picture). The main thing I did right was lifting heavy consistently, and eating well. When I first started lifting, I did neither of these things well. Most of my quality results have come in the last 3-4 years when I started to get serious, and stuck to the basics.

Truee, I know I can build way more naturally, and that it’s a longass process considering it’s been years since wanting a 6 pack to achieve…got ridiculous being like 10 ab moves, couple thousand reps, but mistakes with diet, overtraining, and working other body parts just as much made it longer. The good thing out of the one monther test-e though is it did force me and push me to finally up my diet where it should’ve always been…lots of wasted time because of that. :confused: and that it quickened the building process so nicely which felt great, so no regrets on that or going forward with the real one I’m planning soon. I was just wanting to do my next cycle to get the to my targeted goal of 170 and 8 pack and couple more inches on arms lol those need work duh, then I’ll be good til the next next summer before I would do any more if at all. Also probably wouldn’t retain more weight then 180 anyways if I gotta keep my diet in check so it’s just what I wanna do to achieve it.

What was the first cycle you’ve been doing? and curious how much do you curl per arm at that weight? and chest press? my buddy only ever does 45lb per arm curls, is probably 6’1 200lb but he’s absolutely jacked and just always has been since high school, he’s not a gym nut of anything which is like jesus lol. Is 45’s overall fine which I do 6-8 reps with or should I buy 50’s and 55’s which I’d probably only do a couple reps with for the moment…

I actually just mentioned in another thread I don’t curl more than the 30’s. Maybe 35’s if I’m feeling frisky. 45’s way too much for me. It’s certainly too much for you. If 45 is easy, you’re doing it wrong. You should probably be using 20-25’s for most of your work. And as Reed mentioned in another thread, do chin ups.

I can bench press maybe 340 touch and go, closer to 330 paused.

Cycle has been Test E and D bol. D bol is done, just test now.

[quote]flipcollar wrote:

I actually just mentioned in another thread I don’t curl more than the 30’s. Maybe 35’s if I’m feeling frisky. 45’s way too much for me. It’s certainly too much for you. If 45 is easy, you’re doing it wrong. You should probably be using 20-25’s for most of your work. And as Reed mentioned in another thread, do chin ups.

I can bench press maybe 340 touch and go, closer to 330 paused.

Cycle has been Test E and D bol. D bol is done, just test now.[/quote]

Yeah that’s true, with 30-35lb’s I can focus on biceps and squeeze to get most of it…when I up to 45’s I can definitely feel my shoulder’s and triceps kick in so I guess it’s less is more for this situation. You demolished my bench lol considering I just do whats at home and some calinsthetics like in below video (took few months to get muscles to par but love how it looks; was earlier this year.) How was the Dbol was the sides alright or did the arimidex and such help? ;o did you lose shitloads of water yet? I was thinking maybe switch anavar with the dbol to kickstart mine and end with winstrol to counter the water retention… dbols just seem to complicate things from what I’ve read…

Edit: I don’t care whatsoever my face is there, lmao…friends know I am trying test and they do more advanced cycles, not sure why people care. Just clarifying. Any haters try learning that within month with proper form, even just having a straight body, definitely not easy and much more improved on it now. :smiley: It’s funner then lifting weights and much more strenuous, should give it a try.

5’11" 150lbs? 21 y/o and wants to continue to juice?

You’re not absorbing the best advice these seasoned veterans are giving you. You do NOT need AAS. I’m 27 5’7" 175 lbs with about 9-10% bf and am now just hinting at the idea. Probly won’t even start for another year because I still have some natural growing to do.

Just from reading and getting a perspective, I really think you have no idea how to train nor the idea of how the quantity of food is paramount. You’ve got 4" on me and yet you still weigh much less. Do you realize that guys that have been training for years, even decades can put 2 and 2 together and see that there’s a problem that needs to be addressed way before you even mention the idea of AAS?

I was a chubby 145 lbs with no strength or muscle mass, skinny arms, flabby belly, chicken legs etc. Like flipcollar, I wasted my first years with shitty programming and diet. Wasn’t till my latest years to where I saw my best gains. Found what worked for me and been killing it ever since. All without the help of AAS.

It’s taken patience, hard ass work in the gym, and the proper dieting to achieve what I thought for me was only possible with juice.

Sincerely, re-evaluate your training. Couldn’t load the video but in my experience calisthenics will not make you stronger, just better at calisthenics and definitely won’t increase your bench. If you can’t bench 1.5x bodyweight, 2x squat, and 2x deadlift your body weight then those are the exercises you really need to build up to. How much you curl doesn’t mean shit.

[quote]Steez wrote:
5’11" 150lbs? 21 y/o and wants to continue to juice?

You’re not absorbing the best advice these seasoned veterans are giving you. You do NOT need AAS. I’m 27 5’7" 175 lbs with about 9-10% bf and am now just hinting at the idea. Probly won’t even start for another year because I still have some natural growing to do.

Just from reading and getting a perspective, I really think you have no idea how to train nor the idea of how the quantity of food is paramount. You’ve got 4" on me and yet you still weigh much less. Do you realize that guys that have been training for years, even decades can put 2 and 2 together and see that there’s a problem that needs to be addressed way before you even mention the idea of AAS?

I was a chubby 145 lbs with no strength or muscle mass, skinny arms, flabby belly, chicken legs etc. Like flipcollar, I wasted my first years with shitty programming and diet. Wasn’t till my latest years to where I saw my best gains. Found what worked for me and been killing it ever since. All without the help of AAS.

It’s taken patience, hard ass work in the gym, and the proper dieting to achieve what I thought for me was only possible with juice.

Sincerely, re-evaluate your training. Couldn’t load the video but in my experience calisthenics will not make you stronger, just better at calisthenics and definitely won’t increase your bench. If you can’t bench 1.5x bodyweight, 2x squat, and 2x deadlift your body weight then those are the exercises you really need to build up to. How much you curl doesn’t mean shit.

Reed on other post made it clear this isn’t about me and my body and what I’m choosing to do with it. It was mostly about not telling younger randoms on forums hey do steroids cause its the quick easy way out, I’m a dumbass for not cluing in til he actually said it. Best most appropriate thing he could’ve brought up and appologize immensely for the stupidity and ignorance I’ve posted defending it now. I assumed people on the forum under 21 would know it can screw their endocrine system etc at that age and simply wanna learn and help with what I’ve learnt.

The video is planche pushups basically balancing on push up position but without feet ever touching ground and pushing up into horizontal handstand and going up and down, months of practice not touching ground with feet…fun and insanely long to learn properly, much better then any weights would do. I’ve heard this a 100 times…I understand and simply have chosen this way to reach my goals…I cant repeat this more.

Appreciate the time but 90% of people you try to talk out already knew steroids were bad and we simply want superior builds over average gains. Nothing more or less so idk what people are trying to convince me still after how many posts.

[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:

[quote]flipcollar wrote:

I actually just mentioned in another thread I don’t curl more than the 30’s. Maybe 35’s if I’m feeling frisky. 45’s way too much for me. It’s certainly too much for you. If 45 is easy, you’re doing it wrong. You should probably be using 20-25’s for most of your work. And as Reed mentioned in another thread, do chin ups.

I can bench press maybe 340 touch and go, closer to 330 paused.

Cycle has been Test E and D bol. D bol is done, just test now.[/quote]

Yeah that’s true, with 30-35lb’s I can focus on biceps and squeeze to get most of it…when I up to 45’s I can definitely feel my shoulder’s and triceps kick in so I guess it’s less is more for this situation. You demolished my bench lol considering I just do whats at home and some calinsthetics like in below video (took few months to get muscles to par but love how it looks; was earlier this year.) How was the Dbol was the sides alright or did the arimidex and such help? ;o did you lose shitloads of water yet? I was thinking maybe switch anavar with the dbol to kickstart mine and end with winstrol to counter the water retention… dbols just seem to complicate things from what I’ve read…

Edit: I don’t care whatsoever my face is there, lmao…friends know I am trying test and they do more advanced cycles, not sure why people care. Just clarifying. Any haters try learning that within month with proper form, even just having a straight body, definitely not easy and much more improved on it now. :smiley: It’s funner then lifting weights and much more strenuous, should give it a try.

LOL come on man, I knew 5 year old girls that could do that while balancing multiple plates on their heads.

This is your problem Boo Boo. If you want a desired result, train the way that best gets you that desired result. Don’t do funky unconventional stuff, achieve marginal results and then go, “ooh lets see the 200lb unfunctional blobs with their 315lb benches do what I can do tee hee hee.”

[quote]eatmorefood wrote:

[quote]KountKoma wrote:

Yes, WHAT?[/quote]

As in this thread is fantastic.

[quote]KountKoma wrote:

[quote]eatmorefood wrote:

[quote]KountKoma wrote:

Yes, WHAT?[/quote]

As in this thread is fantastic.[/quote]



oh my god this thread just gets better and better.

Now the retard’s trying to justify his terrible physique by showing how good he is at some stupid exercise no one cares about!

If planche push ups were so great, why do you still look like shit?

he’s every retard cleché in history. Has he mentioned Bill Roberts 2 on/2 off yet?

Does OP even lift?

[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:

How was the Dbol was the sides alright or did the arimidex and such help? ;o did you lose shitloads of water yet? I was thinking maybe switch anavar with the dbol to kickstart mine and end with winstrol to counter the water retention… dbols just seem to complicate things from what I’ve read…

Edit: I don’t care whatsoever my face is there, lmao…friends know I am trying test and they do more advanced cycles, not sure why people care. Just clarifying. Any haters try learning that within month with proper form, even just having a straight body, definitely not easy and much more improved on it now. :smiley: It’s funner then lifting weights and much more strenuous, should give it a try.

minor gyno that I killed with Nolvadex. No other sides. I expected acne, but it never happened. Adex @ .5mg EOD. I definitely wouldn’t say I lost ‘shitloads of water’. The heaviest I got so far was 196. I’m more like 193 now, and it’s been several weeks since the end of the dbol. I don’t see why you’d be worried about water retention during the cycle, it goes away immediately.

I’ve never heard of dbol ‘complicating things’. It’s one of the best steroids out there. Anavar’s supposed to be fantastic too, but I believe it’s substantially more expensive to run at a reasonable dose. 25mg/day of Dbol was good for me, although I’ll double that next time.

I don’t care about gymnastics. That’s your business.

And I still don’t believe your diet and training justify steroid use yet. I’m only answering these questions because you asked them directly.

[quote]Yogi wrote:

oh my god this thread just gets better and better.

Now the retard’s trying to justify his terrible physique by showing how good he is at some stupid exercise no one cares about!

If planche push ups were so great, why do you still look like shit?

he’s every retard cleché in history. Has he mentioned Bill Roberts 2 on/2 off yet?[/quote]

Yes he did. In a previous thread. I asked if he had created other accounts in the past but he didn’t reply lol.

[quote]Yogi wrote:

oh my god this thread just gets better and better.

Now the retard’s trying to justify his terrible physique by showing how good he is at some stupid exercise no one cares about!

If planche push ups were so great, why do you still look like shit?

he’s every retard cleché in history. Has he mentioned Bill Roberts 2 on/2 off yet?[/quote]

Papa please stop this, you’re hurting our family. Mama says she was going to the butcher to grab us protein but my muscles, their to weak now, papa please just come home and leave this man alone.

Looks like a skinny crack head that lives down at the local bottle-o.

[quote]DoctorJekyll wrote:
Looks like a skinny crack head that lives down at the local bottle-o. [/quote]

You described me down to the pin…Exactly the look I was going for. :wink: