Second Cycle Opinions Test-E, Winny, Anavar


Apparently canā€™t do multi picture postsā€¦

and awkward tricep/bicep oneā€¦fuck. lol I would not count that flexing.


Definitely troll.

Please, no one respond to this guy anymore. If we ignore him heā€™ll leave.



[quote]Yogi wrote:
No one is this stupid.[/quote]

Oh really?

[quote]Facepalm_Death wrote:

[quote]Yogi wrote:
No one is this stupid.[/quote]

Oh really?[/quote]

please let me bask in my ignorance.

Iā€™m choosing to believe that no one could be as much of an idiot, or have as shit a physique after using steroids.

Please, just let me believe there is hope for the world.


lool dude fuck off with your trollingā€¦ I did 1 month of testosterone/winny, these are before pics for real cycle? if thats all it took for a 6 pack Iā€™d have done a month of steroids in elementary schoolā€¦ Jesus christ yogi bear. xD post the pics you got from ā€˜yearsā€™ of actually cycling, not my 95% normal exercising body.

[quote]Yogi wrote:

Definitely troll.

Please, no one respond to this guy anymore. If we ignore him heā€™ll leave.



And honestly trolling would be creating a post telling all newbies here not matching a 5ā€™11 190lb 12% bodyfat similar buildā€¦ to create a fake account/bio if they want any legitimate help or answers, otherwise theyā€™ll just get flamed or told not to do it endlesslyā€¦and bumping it for months for jokes. So maybe people on this forum might actually give useful advice for once like lifteatsleep did. :slight_smile: lol youā€™re jokes tho so Iā€™ll give you that yogi :wink:

see that right there is your problem. You used steroids just to look skinny. You couldā€™ve looked like that just by watching what you eat and doing a few sit ups at night.

You donā€™t lok like you work out. Now I know you think youā€™ve got the sweetest abs ever or whatever, but you genuinely look like you have an eating disorder.

And now youā€™ll say ā€œbut I donā€™t want to look bulky/get too big/etcā€

youā€™re not in any danger of that anytime soon.

Youā€™re an idiot. You used some very powerful hormones to get the body of a 14 year old girl.

Think of it like this: you needed steroids to look mediocre. So to look ok youā€™ll need a higher dose. Then to look reasonably good youā€™ll need an even higher dose.

See where Iā€™m going with this? If you ever actually wanted to look good (which you never will because you canā€™t eat or train for shit) then youā€™ll need like 3 times the dose it wouldā€™ve taken otherwise.

1 Like

[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:

[quote]Yogi wrote:

Definitely troll.

Please, no one respond to this guy anymore. If we ignore him heā€™ll leave.



And honestly trolling would be creating a post telling all newbies here not matching a 5ā€™12 190lb 12% bodyfat similar buildā€¦ to create a fake account/bio if they want any legitimate help or answers, otherwise theyā€™ll just get flamed or told not to do it endlesslyā€¦and bumping it for months for jokes. So maybe people on this forum might actually give useful advice for once like lifteatsleep did. :slight_smile: lol youā€™re jokes tho so Iā€™ll give you that yogi ;)[/quote]

5ā€™ 12" is 6 foot you complete fucking moron

1 Like

Lol are you actually reading this shit? 1 month of test and gained 10 pounds cause I changed dietā€¦in 6 months do you really think it will still be an issue now that my diets proper in protein and calorie surplus? why would I not want to gain weight? I didnā€™t say oo I look like a sexy beastā€¦I literally posted befores because the next ones I want to look completely different.

lol who the fuck does situps thereā€™s literally dozens of ab exercises 100x better. yogi god damn bear, Iā€™m the little bear and Iā€™m sensing some overly cocky arrogant commentsā€¦which happens to turn me on. so congrats on that troll. :slight_smile: stop posting so maybe Iā€™ll go away :wink:

[quote]Yogi wrote:

5ā€™ 12" is 6 foot you complete fucking moron[/quote]

God damnit. LOL fucking didnt reread.

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:

[quote]Yogi wrote:

Definitely troll.

Please, no one respond to this guy anymore. If we ignore him heā€™ll leave.



And honestly trolling would be creating a post telling all newbies here not matching a 5ā€™12 190lb 12% bodyfat similar buildā€¦ to create a fake account/bio if they want any legitimate help or answers, otherwise theyā€™ll just get flamed or told not to do it endlesslyā€¦and bumping it for months for jokes. So maybe people on this forum might actually give useful advice for once like lifteatsleep did. :slight_smile: lol youā€™re jokes tho so Iā€™ll give you that yogi ;)[/quote]

5ā€™ 12" is 6 foot you complete fucking moron[/quote]


[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:
Lol are you actually reading this shit? 1 month of test and gained 10 pounds cause I changed dietā€¦in 6 months do you really think it will still be an issue now that my diets proper in protein and calorie surplus? why would I not want to gain weight? I didnā€™t say oo I look like a sexy beastā€¦I literally posted befores because the next ones I want to look completely different. lol who the fuck does situps thereā€™s literally dozens of ab exercises 100x better. yogi god damn bear, Iā€™m the little bear and Iā€™m sensing some overly cocky arrogant commentsā€¦which happens to turn me on. so congrats on that troll. :slight_smile: stop posting so maybe Iā€™ll go away ;)[/quote]

The little bearā€™s name is BOO-BOO!

[quote]dt79 wrote:

[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:
Lol are you actually reading this shit? 1 month of test and gained 10 pounds cause I changed dietā€¦in 6 months do you really think it will still be an issue now that my diets proper in protein and calorie surplus? why would I not want to gain weight? I didnā€™t say oo I look like a sexy beastā€¦I literally posted befores because the next ones I want to look completely different. lol who the fuck does situps thereā€™s literally dozens of ab exercises 100x better. yogi god damn bear, Iā€™m the little bear and Iā€™m sensing some overly cocky arrogant commentsā€¦which happens to turn me on. so congrats on that troll. :slight_smile: stop posting so maybe Iā€™ll go away ;)[/quote]

The little bearā€™s name is BOO-BOO![/quote]

Ahh the memories lol

[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:
lool dude fuck off with your trollingā€¦ I did 1 month of testosterone/winny, these are before pics for real cycle? if thats all it took for a 6 pack Iā€™d have done a month of steroids in elementary schoolā€¦ Jesus christ yogi bear. xD post the pics you got from ā€˜yearsā€™ of actually cycling, not my 95% normal exercising body.[/quote]

Iā€™m not Yogi, but this is a picture before any AAS for me. I was 5ā€™10, around 185 or so. Canā€™t remember for sure what my weight was. Maybe 190. You can guess bodyfat. Arms were 16".

[quote]flipcollar wrote:

[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:
lool dude fuck off with your trollingā€¦ I did 1 month of testosterone/winny, these are before pics for real cycle? if thats all it took for a 6 pack Iā€™d have done a month of steroids in elementary schoolā€¦ Jesus christ yogi bear. xD post the pics you got from ā€˜yearsā€™ of actually cycling, not my 95% normal exercising body.[/quote]

Iā€™m not Yogi, but this is a picture before any AAS for me. I was 5ā€™10, around 185 or so. Canā€™t remember for sure what my weight was. Maybe 190. You can guess bodyfat. Arms were 16".[/quote]

Solid build man congrats! that V shape at abs aha beast. Overall I think 170-180 would suit me then just judging off youā€™re pic and size so good comparison for my goal, thanks.

[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:

[quote]flipcollar wrote:

[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:
lool dude fuck off with your trollingā€¦ I did 1 month of testosterone/winny, these are before pics for real cycle? if thats all it took for a 6 pack Iā€™d have done a month of steroids in elementary schoolā€¦ Jesus christ yogi bear. xD post the pics you got from ā€˜yearsā€™ of actually cycling, not my 95% normal exercising body.[/quote]

Iā€™m not Yogi, but this is a picture before any AAS for me. I was 5ā€™10, around 185 or so. Canā€™t remember for sure what my weight was. Maybe 190. You can guess bodyfat. Arms were 16".[/quote]

Solid build man congrats! that V shape at abs aha beast. Overall I think 170-180 would suit me then just judging off youā€™re pic and size so good comparison for my goal, thanks.[/quote]

thanks. my main point was that I got there naturally. Iā€™m currently 10 weeks into my very first cycle (my avatar picture). The main thing I did right was lifting heavy consistently, and eating well. When I first started lifting, I did neither of these things well. Most of my quality results have come in the last 3-4 years when I started to get serious, and stuck to the basics.

[quote]flipcollar wrote:

thanks. my main point was that I got there naturally. Iā€™m currently 10 weeks into my very first cycle (my avatar picture). The main thing I did right was lifting heavy consistently, and eating well. When I first started lifting, I did neither of these things well. Most of my quality results have come in the last 3-4 years when I started to get serious, and stuck to the basics.

Truee, I know I can build way more naturally, and that itā€™s a longass process considering itā€™s been years since wanting a 6 pack to achieveā€¦got ridiculous being like 10 ab moves, couple thousand reps, but mistakes with diet, overtraining, and working other body parts just as much made it longer. The good thing out of the one monther test-e though is it did force me and push me to finally up my diet where it shouldā€™ve always beenā€¦lots of wasted time because of that. :confused: and that it quickened the building process so nicely which felt great, so no regrets on that or going forward with the real one Iā€™m planning soon. I was just wanting to do my next cycle to get the to my targeted goal of 170 and 8 pack and couple more inches on arms lol those need work duh, then Iā€™ll be good til the next next summer before I would do any more if at all. Also probably wouldnā€™t retain more weight then 180 anyways if I gotta keep my diet in check so itā€™s just what I wanna do to achieve it.

What was the first cycle youā€™ve been doing? and curious how much do you curl per arm at that weight? and chest press? my buddy only ever does 45lb per arm curls, is probably 6ā€™1 200lb but heā€™s absolutely jacked and just always has been since high school, heā€™s not a gym nut of anything which is like jesus lol. Is 45ā€™s overall fine which I do 6-8 reps with or should I buy 50ā€™s and 55ā€™s which Iā€™d probably only do a couple reps with for the momentā€¦

[quote]SuperTightPanda wrote:

[quote]flipcollar wrote:

thanks. my main point was that I got there naturally. Iā€™m currently 10 weeks into my very first cycle (my avatar picture). The main thing I did right was lifting heavy consistently, and eating well. When I first started lifting, I did neither of these things well. Most of my quality results have come in the last 3-4 years when I started to get serious, and stuck to the basics.

Truee, I know I can build way more naturally, and that itā€™s a longass process considering itā€™s been years since wanting a 6 pack to achieveā€¦got ridiculous being like 10 ab moves, couple thousand reps, but mistakes with diet, overtraining, and working other body parts just as much made it longer. The good thing out of the one monther test-e though is it did force me and push me to finally up my diet where it shouldā€™ve always beenā€¦lots of wasted time because of that. :confused: and that it quickened the building process so nicely which felt great, so no regrets on that or going forward with the real one Iā€™m planning soon. I was just wanting to do my next cycle to get the to my targeted goal of 170 and bulging 8 pack and couple more inches on arms lol those need work duh, then Iā€™ll be good til the next next summer before I would do any more if at all. Also probably wouldnā€™t retain more weight then 180 anyways if I gotta keep my diet in check so itā€™s just what I wanna do to achieve it.

What was the first cycle youā€™ve been doing? and curious how much do you curl per arm at that weight? and chest press? my buddy only ever does 45lb per arm curls, is probably 6ā€™1 200lb but heā€™s absolutely jacked and just always has been since high school, heā€™s not a gym nut of anything which is like jesus lol. Is 45ā€™s overall fine which I do 6-8 reps with or should I buy 50ā€™s and 55ā€™s which Iā€™d probably only do a couple reps with for the momentā€¦

SMH at this entire thread