Second Cycle Opinions Test-E, Winny, Anavar

Hey again buds lol just started pct after one monther mini cycle, just was looking at how test-e 500mg and 50mg winstrol/daily would effect me. Yes short I know lol put almost 10 pounds mostly muscle and up an inch on arms, more filled in all around and heavily upgraded diet as many made clear had to happen, so thanks for the push to do so cause I never have done so to this degree. 150lb, 5’11 21 years old still around 8% bodyfat…goal still being 170 for summer and just getting lean from there cause that’s my personal ideal physique. Anyways on to the actual cycle I’ll want to do in a month or so after I gain another 5-10lb naturally…any ideas or tips on what to change is appreciated.

Week 1-10 Test-E 750mg (split into two injects a week)
Week 1-4 Winstrol 75mg/day
Week 6-10 Anavar 50mg/day

Arimidex .25mg EoD (Adjust as needed)

Week 12-15 Nolva 40/40/20/20

Also taking Glucosamine (Chondroitin, MSM) for joints (helped me lots), Milk Thistle for liver, Omega 3, random other nutrition and Tribulus Terrestris just for sake of .1% maybe usefulness lol but got for free so whatever.

Random questions…!

  1. Should I up my Anavar dosage? or run it alongside my Winstrol for start, end or both, gap in between is to give liver a mini rest.

  2. Could I bridge to my pct with Anavar still going week 6-12? and if so should I still do Arimidex until I start my pct? Whether I’m taking Anavar or not, is it recommended to keep taking it until then?

  3. Any tweaks you would personally add I might/should consider?

  4. Should I just take estrogen, screw the cycle and get big tits? Most girls seem a lil bi so they might admire a transgender with 6 pack? it’s like a threeway but with the same soul that you love…

Anyways appreciate the opinions and enjoy the occassional flaming…Reed :wink: lol. I do realize my weight and I’m doing my actual hardest to improve it now, and have chosen to be on while gaining rather then gain then do so (besides the 5-10lb I mentioned). I do realize the risks with age also and do think it’s worth the risk/reward and have done dozens of hours of research to know what’s best for me, also it’s my body, but thankyou for looking out for the randoms! as I see that lots on this forum.

ok, I’m definitely calling troll on this one. No one is this stupid.

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Ideal physique is 170 at 5 11, wow way to aim for the stars there buddy

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lol very useful yogi…are you talking about just in general stats or the cycle :stuck_out_tongue: I’m not trolling to clarify I just want an overall opinion of the cycle and not of myself doing it. Could’ve started dbol to kickstart but don’t like the sides, aromatase more, water bloat, back pumps etc. I just liked the winstrol and anavar just seems like a mildly overall good steroid, just pricey but I can get now. I don’t want to do tren or deca cause risking limp dick when I like having sex with the gf. I have buddies that do overall the same as everyone here like tren/test/Hgh/insulin, but I’m just asking for this specific cycle. Thanks and sorry if I seem like a troll…was fucking around with #4 obviously.

[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
Ideal physique is 170 at 5 11, wow way to aim for the stars there buddy[/quote]

lmfao from 140 to 170 its a noticable change especially when it’s muscle…and by summer it’s awsome goal. For me…lol. I’d move it to 180 later on but realistically its expensive and chugging food would be a daily routine for anymore weight. Honestly wouldn’t want much more…it’s a proper goal to reach.

Edit: Also like being more agile and quick then tanky and brute force. xD Probably not typical on this forum.

Yes to #4. Estrogen is anabolic. It builds great tits and girls love a guy with a good chest right?

[quote]DoctorJekyll wrote:
Yes to #4. Estrogen is anabolic. It builds great tits and girls love a guy with a good chest right?[/quote]

Ahh coming from a doctor nonetheless…trustworthy and certified I would pressume. Valid reason to. Thanks. lol any help with the others hopefully?

Terrible cycle.

And 1 inch to your arms from a month on test and winny BULLSHIT

Honestly you need to reevaluate your training and diet before gear. And before you say I eat a shit ton post up your diet and maybe we can help

[quote]BUDs wrote:
Terrible cycle.

And 1 inch to your arms from a month on test and winny BULLSHIT

Honestly you need to reevaluate your training and diet before gear. And before you say I eat a shit ton post up your diet and maybe we can help[/quote]

Yeah upping my curls to 45lb an arm since I was getting comfortable at 35’s for almost a year, first cycle and upped my protein to almost 200-270g a day…double what it ever has been. That’s unbelievable to you? lol not everyone needs to lie to randoms they’ll never meet, to impress who? if you can’t answer basically 2 questions and any tips why are you asking about my diet which was brought up a 100 times to eat more? or wait longer? did you read my post that I got the point and don’t care?

I could make a fake profile say endless bullshit about being 5’12 195, 12% boyfat etc but I’m not…because I thought people had general knowledge and experience they could help us out on suggestions which is what this forums for. So if there’s any of those people left that’d be cool. ;D If not I still am set on doing this cycle and maybe tweaking it if someone has suggestions and as to why? lol saying its shit= 0 points for explanation or giving other alternatives/layouts lol it’s a preschool answer… add HgH or something jeeeze.

You weighed 140, of course you’re gonna grow, but you definitely didn’t need steroids to do it, which I’m sure you know.

I think your cycle is weak and needs some dnp, oral tren a probably some slin for starters, then maybe just maybe you will achieve that seemingly impossible goal of a whopping 170lbs just in time for the beach. Good luck.

[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
You weighed 140, of course you’re gonna grow, but you definitely didn’t need steroids to do it, which I’m sure you know.

I think your cycle is weak and needs some dnp, oral tren a probably some slin for starters, then maybe just maybe you will achieve that seemingly impossible goal of a whopping 170lbs just in time for the beach. Good luck.


Ya that’s what I was trying to say, never seriously upped my diet until now, but its nice skipping to the muscle results rather then add fat with it. Appreciate the advice man! I guess I’ll have to research tren more since majority of my friends do do it, although the sex drive issues is what has my like shit…, lol it’s a decent goal. Sad for most though lmao… fun road ahead.

Any other advice/ideas just throw it my way :slight_smile:

You really don’t get it. Nobody here thinks you should be using steroids. Eat kid. Thats it. Quit being a pussy and asking a drug to do what you can do yourself.

[quote]eatmorefood wrote:
You really don’t get it. Nobody here thinks you should be using steroids. Eat kid. Thats it. Quit being a pussy and asking a drug to do what you can do yourself.[/quote]

It’s not much to get, I know I can put on the weight, the unreal muscle stacking steroids does and preventing breakdown etc… how quickly it works too is what makes it superior to just doing what I did for years(MINUS DIET, my fucking bad since it is everything) it’s been my main issue and it’s given me a crazy push fixing eating lots, obviously will continue to eat afterwards as I said before starting next one. Doesn’t help with getting a bulging 8 pack by summer though lol. Saying I can’t do it is just hypocritical considering very few reach their genetic potential at probably 220lb maxing everything before going on. It’s your body do what you want, I’ve researched endlessly, read hundreds of articles etc so I know the risk/reward, it’s up to you how you wanna reach your goal so don’t judge mine, it won’t change anything, just wasting post space and both our time when I’m asking to learn for future references… Thanks for the input though.


[quote]KountKoma wrote:

Yes, WHAT?

this kid’s the stupidest cunt on earth

[quote]KountKoma wrote:

Fuck yes. I like this guy.

Anyways, will probably post results after all this if I remember and just keep on reading til then :stuck_out_tongue: these boards are amusing most the time. Thanks for those who genuinely shared their knowledge, any other tips always interested in.

post up some before pics

[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
post up some before pics [/quote]

Lol truee. This is on ipod so couldnt get a proper outside view on triceps/biceps or back, it was awkward as shit trying to :confused: lol.

Edit: This is typically my build before my 1 month of test-e…just to clarify. :stuck_out_tongue: These are before pics for when I do my 3 month actual cycle for anyone confused lol.