Been spending a lot of time on this forum reading an learning a lot about diet, training and realistic steroid use. So thanks to t nation.
I am looking for advice before starting my second cycle next month , Till then I am getting rid of some more bf
Age: 26
Hight: 5.8 ft
Weight: 170 lb
Bf: 12-14%
Training experience : 1.5 year in gym on and of and some karate
Agenda: it’s all about the technique
290 lb Squat
220 lb Bench
370 lb Deadlift
Cycles: 1 (test e only 10 weeks) gained 15-18 lb and kept about 70%.
Training and diet was about 60% right due to work/girlfriends. About 5 months ago
This time I am of work so diet and training is going to be 90-100% right .
with the following cycle in plan:
1-12 test e 250 mg e5d
12-16 test compound 300 mg e4d
1-15 eq 600 mg e6d
2-18 aromasin 12.5 mg eod
4-16Hcg 250 iu e4d
pct 19-22
clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 eod
(About 8 daily supplements besides protein and creatine)
Goals: 15 lb lean gains and drop bf %
Training : 3 days a week StrongLifts and 2 days a week karate sparring
Choise of compounds:
Test : Base of cycle
Eq: To have equal progress on joints and tendons and get better stamina/endurance
*I am aware about the hunger effects of eq and will battle it with low calorie veggies like corn ,small round cabbages and carrots .
Hcg: keep balls same size, function etc
My questions :
Is it ok to pin hcg first followed by test and eq (pinning 3 days in a row)
Is there any better layout with less pins?
If I am during week 12 have gained 18 lb+ can I drop calories and tighten everything up instead?
Thankful for any good advice.
I don’t mind questions .