Searching the Forum

How in the hey do I search the forum? I know how to search previous issues, but I don’t see any search box here.


See the little white fields directly to the left of the forum? That’s the forum search engine. Just make sure to click on “Subject” or “Author”, rather than hitting enter. Or is it the other way around? What the hell, be a maniac and try them both!

Sometimes you have to hit the button twice too after getting an error the first time. And be sure you hit the button (subject or author) and don’t just push return.

All I have to the left is: current issue, previous issues, training/nutrition, steroids and other drugs, off-topic, post new message. I’m not very computer saavy, perhaps I need to down load something. Thanks for the help so far. Does anyone have any other suggestions for me?


good luck… most of the time it doesn’t work, and the rest of the time it give out of date posts in no particular order, and none are from active posts.

There is a new forum with a new search engine and new features on the way. For now, make sure your link is Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION. Sometimes people have problems if they’ve bookmarked an old version of the forum. Make sure you have a fairly new browser as well.