$5500/month for kids to attend this school. I can’t fathom spending $66,000/year so my kid wasn’t teased when a little bit of exercise and proper eating could fix the problem.
$5500/month for kids to attend this school. I can’t fathom spending $66,000/year so my kid wasn’t teased when a little bit of exercise and proper eating could fix the problem.
I hear they have a great powerlifting program.
– Bastard
I really don’t know how to feel about that. On one hand it’s nice that kids can get away from the torment(it sucks), however on the other hand it’s the constant torment that helped me lose weight.
[quote]Jason05 wrote:
$5500/month for kids to attend this school. I can’t fathom spending $66,000/year so my kid wasn’t teased when a little bit of exercise and proper eating could fix the problem.[/quote]
Ain’t free enterprise wonderful? Give us your fat kid and we WILL make them thin. We’ll even try to condition them to stay that way. But, what are the parents doing to support it other than sending cash? Sounds like a great way for unconnected parents to shirk whatever responsibility they feel for their own and their kids physical wellbeing.
IMHO, these folks have taken the easy route and did the classic ‘transference’ thing and gave the responsibility to someone else rather than examine their own lives and lifestyles. It has been said in other threads that there are maybe 3% with genetic dispositions towards obesity, where extreme interventions are needed.
I just read an article about some genetic research being done on this topic. If you believe the article completely, it is a wonder that anyone is thin at all…
I saw a news item once… It was quite appalling to hear about the measures being taken to make this one particular child feel ‘accepted’ when the parents were also incredibly large. I should add these people saw no reason for themselves to even make an effort to eat well or get active. It would be their right to do so. It is also our right NOT to be.
I certainly don’t condone teasing in anyway( I was the brunt of much when I was young… mostly due to my ‘intelligence’ and the fact that I was always thin(jealousy does rule someplaces)… But, it is a world in which people do judge, and judge harshly…
I know I am not adding anything new to the arguement, just some thoughts…