Sausage whacked...

Anybody catch the replay of pro baseball player Randall Simon step out of the dugout and whack the “Guido the Italian Sausage” mascot in the head with a baseball bat?

For those who didn’t, during the seventh inning stretch fans put on Sausage and Hot Dog costumes and race around the bases. Well ole Randall, for whatever reason, stepped out and tried to hit a line drive into left field with Guido’s head.

Bummer was, there was a girl inside the costume and when she hit the dirt, she tripped the hot dog behind her, who also bit the dust.

Randall, the sick pud, was taken out in handcuffs and arrested for battery after the game.

Come to find out, it’s a growing occurrence around the country. Something about mascots (kind of like mimes) makes people want to run up and sucker punch, kick, tackle, rip the head of 'em, and so on.

My question is, what do you think about mascots? Do they stir up some hidden anger or hostility in you that makes you want to kick the shit out them? Or do you find them funny and amusing?

(I can see the responses now - “Yeah, there are times I’ve wanted to whack a wiener” or “Hell yeah, I like to pound my sausage”)

I like both: I find abusing mascots to be hilarious. :slight_smile:

Seriously though, it did not look like a serious hit. I think it’s being blown out of proportion.

Only a 437$ fine, and the lady asked to keep the bat. Funny on top of intriguing. =0)

(I can see the responses now - “Yeah, there are times I’ve wanted to whack a wiener” or “Hell yeah, I like to pound my sausage”)

It’s obvious that you don’t need me here.

“You need that guy like a giraffe needs strep throat”

~ Ann Landers

I definitely like to beat my meat, ala Cupcake…

Seriously though, if he did hit her in the right spot, he could’ve injured her. Assault with a deadly weapon could be the charge.

It just SEEMS that there are no intelligent athletes out there anymore - all a bunch of idiots who are overpaid.

It’s like when people for some reason have a phobia of clowns.

Do I have any sort of desire to hammer one? Only the SeaFair Pirates.

*Kill the pirates…

*Kill the pirates…

*Kill the pirates…

first of all, he was obviously not angry he was playing around, and he hardly touched her with the bat. it didnt hit her, it hit the top of her suit in which she clearly didnt have her head in the top of unless she is 8 feet tall.

secondly, if you watch the footage closely she was already beginning to fall down before he even touched her with the bat.

it was a stupid harmless mistake. but for some reason the entire country is making a big ass deal baout it, even after the girl herself said it was no biggy.

Dude said he was doing it to encourage her to win the race . They are in Houston now and we are going to go to the park and throw some dogs at him…


Roid Rage,
Road Rage,
Jeff Rage, (kidding!)

Mascot Rage!

Expressing your innermost emotions is getting weirder each day! LOL

Yeah, I did like the “I was just trying to get a tap on the costume for her to finish the race” response.

He brings up a good point.

As a matter of fact, next time I’m at a track meet and I see someone running the 100 meters who’s lagging a little, I think I’ll give them a little “boost” by swinging my Louisville Slugger into the back of their dome.

Or maybe a nine-iron to the back of the head of that jockey on Funny Cide in the Belmont Stakes might have given him a little “push” to get that horse to go a little faster.

I agree, it sounded pretty bad until I did see the video and saw it wasn’t that serious. But ya still gotta wonder what was going through Randall’s head…

I dunno, I think messing with mascots is funny as hell. But only if it’s in good fun and no one gets hurt. I only briefly saw that video, and it was in slow motion, so I couldn’t tell.


“next time I’m at a track meet and I see someone running the 100 meters who’s lagging a little, I think I’ll give them a little “boost” by swinging my Louisville Slugger into the back of their dome”

I just laughed my ass off at this one…good one…

Oh yeah, he gave autographed bats to the two girls that were involved in the incident…I honestly don’t think he meant any harm…

You think that was funny, CC? I was serious.
