Bull Mastiff Week 6 Day 4
Overhead Press
Log Press
142.5 4x5, 7
Push pressed all sets. 4th set was the best as I was finally keeping tight
Spoto Press
147.5 5x10
These make me feel so weak, but the pause/turnaround is good for me.
EZ Bar Lying Triceps Extensions
85 2x12, 11, 2x10
DB Hammer Curls
42.5 3x11, 2x10
DB Rear Laterals
30’s 4x12
Weeks 7-9 are more base-building, but the main exercise is 6x4 and the assistance work will wave from 4 sets to 6 while the reps drop to 8-10. Psychologically, it’ll seem more manageable to me. At least right now.
Safety Bar Squat
290 3x4, 7
Why are SSB squats stronger for me? I go to the same depth as regular squats… I don’t like to do this outside of a cage because you can’t really dump an SSB without a trip to the hospital, but they were all occupied. Wasn’t a problem tonight, though.
RDL no lockout, bottom pause
275 2x8, 9
I lost my teardrop Ironmind straps a couple weeks ago and bought a new pair of figure-6 ironmind straps. Not as quick to set up with, but more comfortable in use.
BB Row
175x8, 9
185 2x9
And these suddenly got stronger too. No english.
Seated Leg Curl/Extension
135x10, 3x9 / 80x10, 3x9
Bull Mastiff Week 7 Day 2
Bench Press Day
Bench Press
190 5x4, 5
Was only supposed to do 170 and wave back up over the next couple weeks, but I think I’ll just step-load.
Axle Overhead Press
105 2x8
Misloaded. Made up for the missing poundage in volume by doing two more reps on the last set which turned out to be the actual RPE 6 I was supposed to shoot for.
Seated Triceps Cable Pressdowns
75 4x10
For some reason this doesn’t hurt my elbow. Golfer’s elbow is trying to come back again. I blame neutral grip pullups.
Seated DB Curls
45s 4x8
DB Rear Laterals
32.5 3x8
I need to make bench press my favorite exercise in my mind. I don’t like it. Chest is growing, but not quickly. I forced myself to like squats and they got better, why shouldn’t it work for bench?
I am the same way on BP. I will say that when I focused on it in the past and got stronger it carried over to hammer strength type machines very well, the other way can’t be said though.
My wife had a health issue needing an ER visit and hospital stay, so no training to the schedule. Probably won’t get back to the gym until Friday, if then.
Bull Mastiff “Week” 7 Day 4
Overhead Press Day
Log Press
145 5x4 Every rep cleaned
145x6 first rep cleaned
Right QL okay. Good to squat next time.
Note: don’t take a full breath with the log in the lap, it makes me light headed when I get to the top of the clean.
Spoto Press
150 2x8, 12
EZ Bar Triceps Extension
90 4x8
DB Hammer Curls
45s x9, 3x8
Rear Laterals
32.5sx9, 3x8
Two weeks since last pressing, but still progressing.
“Float like a butterfly sting like a bee. Doggone It man! Did something to my knee!”
j/k, I’m fine. Much running my wife around to doctor appts. Not stressful at all.
Bench Press
190 5x4, 5
Same as last “week”, but it’s been two weeks since last bench day and my triceps were still recovering from overhead press and arm work 3 days ago.