Deadlift - power bar
420 5x1
420x6+3+3 (PR reps)
Estimated 1RM 488
Trap Bar Shrugs - hold at top
235 3x13 PR
Only a PR because I’ve actually never done shrugs. Ever.
Chin Ups - Total Reps Method 80 complete within 12 sets
BW+10x8,9,8, 5x7, 4x6
Total 84
Lats pretty pumped
Dead Stop Barbell Row
190 3x7
EZ Bar Curls
Chinups ruin curls. A little swinging might have occurred
DB Pinwheel Hammer Curls
Chinups ruin curls. Some intra-set cursing may have occurred.
Weighted Side Bends
90 3x12 (l/r)
Gonna be side-sore tomorrow. I rarely do these either.
Deadlifts were awesome. Chinups were boring, but they’re thickening my arms and back, so I’m not going to complain. Chinups make curls not-fun, though.
Bench Press
220 5x1 paused
Estimated 1RM 233. That’s -11 of last time
Incline Bench Press
175 2x6
I’d rather drop the weight and get all the reps.
Pec Deck - Paused
190x10,11,11 PR
Cable Pressdowns
95 2x12
Cable Overhead Triceps Extensions
Wide Grip Pullups strict
Deck of Pain
Pull a card, do the exercise matched to the suit for as many reps as the card shows. No stopping.
Air Squats
Cable Rows@130
Fatman Pushups
Hanging leg raises
26 min 19sec.
Shoulders were creaky going in and I was under-recovered, but I got all the singles and the touch and go work could have been worse - so I’m okay with it.
SSB Squat
335 5x1
315x6+3+3 (rep PR)
E1RM 366 (-7 from last time)
Low back was trying to spasm so I dropped the weight down for the rest/pause
Front Squat
190 2x7 PR
High Bar Good Morning
195 4x6
Lunges AMRAP in a minute
R: 23,27,26
L: 23,25, 30
Tabata Jump Squats
Wobbly legged, would shoot off to one side or the other on landing. Very challenging.
Standing Abs
Well. back spasmed anyway after the GMs. Gonna be a heating pad night.
No more taking seriously the increasing E1RM after a cycle begins, it leads to overwork which leads to the back spasming.
Back is good to go. Did f-all over the weekend and it calmed down.
Saw a short on Insta by Bobby Thompson talking about QL/hamstring relationship. Upshot is if you’re having QL problems, check your hamstring strength.
Will be embarking on hamstring isolation bringup for the right leg.
OHP 88%, 75% - rest/pause 20sec
Meh. Wanted 4@160 at least. the 135 set wasn’t too bad, considering it was in a fatigued state
BW+60 4x8
That makes up for it…a little. Only expected 6 on the last two sets
Pike Pushups, feet at solar plexus height
Getting closer to full handstand…
Reverse Pec Deck
140x15,15,13 (PR reps@weight)
Fat Man Diamond Pushups - rest/pause 20 sec
In a rack, bar at safety slot 10 above the floor
Incline Dumbell Reachbacks
25’s 2x12
Spider Curls
35s 2x8
Flex Shoulder Press
Just wanted to try it. Might use it instead of standing ohp next meso. R/P is hard while standing. Might be able to gut out more reps using the machine.
In retrospect, 60 was the turning point of me noticing a drop off in muscle size and strength. I just kept plugging away, taking “activity” as the best medicine, but this medicine becomes less effective as time goes on. (I am now 75) It is a battle to be fought that cannot be won, but fight to the end I will do.