“Success is a habit, unfortunately so is bitching out. If you are cutting out those last few reps of squats, or not getting in your energy systems work, or Just plain ole’ sucking at life, you are teaching yourself you continually repeat those actions again and again. Break the cycle, stop making excuses and just get out there and get it done.” T-Nation member Alpha
Alright, so for a while my life has been in limbo. I’ve been lounging around, drinking and smoking a little too much and not getting really anywhere physique-wise and generally life-wise. So I’ve been your average undergrad in college.
But I’ve gotten tired of it, so I’m turning things around. Since I know it’s doing the little things consistently that really adds up and creates change, I want to start a new log and update it often. No more wandering aimlessly, time to do shit.
Goals : Get strong. Sit mens sana in corpore sano. Expand my weak volume of literature knowledge. Keep rapping.
Split: Not doing anything special besides deadlifting twice a week, one heavy day and one light day.
Healthy Body
Today’s workout
Good warm up
Deadlift (heavy)
135 x 10
205 x 2
275 x 2
325 x 1 (straps)
355 x 1 (belt on)
375x 1
405x 1 (Fail)
315 x 2 (belt off)
275 x 2 x 2 (straps off)
Probably could’ve gotten 405 if I hadn’t taken so many sets at the end, I could feel fatigue creeping into my hamstrings after the 355. Done it before but really grinding and with (I’m sure) a rounded lower back, I’d prefer not to have to grind unless I really want a milestone, just for long term safety purposes.
Rack Chins (no straps to bring forearms up)
1 x bodyweight
2 x 25 pounds x 3 sets of 6-10 reps
Gonna be doing more things without straps in order to bring forearm strength up, they’re pretty weak from neglecting them.
Larry Scott Shoulder Press
30 x some
40 x some
50 x couple
55 x 6
Normally I probably won’t do shoulders on this day, I just wanted to give this exercise a try after seeing it in a shoulder thread on the main page.
Standing Machine Calve Raises
140 x 3 x 10
Throwing calves in on more days, I have also neglected them and they are starting to look stupid.
Felt good today, munched out all this weekend. Started drinking my protein shakes again and taking my creatine, I had stopped. Started to add in eating greens more often and eating whole grains.
Healthy Mind
Recently finished re-reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. Still a great childhood story book. Think I’ll stick with Twain and the characters by reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn this week. Also want to refresh my arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. I have failed calculus once, and had to drop it again, looking to take it again this summer. Want to get a head start, still got my Calculus book so I’ll refresh my math and start doing a chapter every week and a half or so.
Gonna be hard because I already have regular schoolwork to worry about but it is what it is. Schooling interfering with education i suppose.