Okay, here’s a subject I’m not an expert on. I had a saliva testosterone test done recently. I have read about the relative merits of saliva vs blood vs urine testing in relation to bio-available testosterone. After reading an article on T nation about saliva tests I decided to get the test done. Here are my results:
My age: 32
Gender: Male(mostly…I hope)
DHEAS: 10.3(!)
DHEA5 range: 10 - 30.0 nmol/L
Testosterone: 397
Testosterone range: 100.0 - 720.0 pmol/L
I know that different labs use different systems of measurement so I have included the ranges which were not broken into age, only gender.
Here is the lab analysis comment:
"SALIVA DHEAs level is below the mean range and suggestive of the need for supplementation with 25mg of DHEA.
Maladaption if consistently elevated cortisol. Adrenal fatigue if morning and evening cortisol only elevated, or if all markers low.
SALIVA Free testosterone level is above the mean reference range and essentially adequate."
- Can anyone provide me with some more information on this? Do these results suggest anything to those who have had similar tests/results?
I have read that DHEA supplementation may or may not have an anabolic effect and that the study that did suggest anabolic effects had the men on 1600mg a day. Is there any point/need in taking DHEA supplementation in my case?
NOTE: I am not interested in using anabolic agents for strength gains, I merely want to keep my free test levels in the normal range for obvious reasons.