S.Gentz's Journey to the Stage

1/29/2023 10 weeks out

Weight 197.6

Food 2202kals/19c/87f/345p
Meal1 1cup egg beaters/i slice cheese/3 links chicken sausage
Meal2 8oz London broil/2 cheese sticks
Meal3 8oz sliced turkey/ 2 cheese sticks
Meal4 shake post WO
Meal5 8oz London broil/2 cheese sticks
Meal6 Shake

seated calf machine 6x20
single leg extensions 4x15
leg extensions 4x15
lying leg curls 4x15
adductor machine 4x15
abductor machine 4x15
Stiff leg kettle bell deads 4x15
Ab machine 4x20

AM fasted cardio 30min treadmill
PM cardio 30min treadmill

So tired today. Took the day off yesterday for recovery. Struggled through the workout today but made it happen. Weight is coming off good. Will get some pics up this week.


1/30/2023 10 weeks out

Weight 197.4

Food 2135kals/37c/70f/338p
Meal1 1cup egg beaters/i slice cheese/3 links chicken sausage
Meal2 8oz London broil/60g guacamole
Meal3 8oz sliced turkey/ 2 cheese sticks
Meal4 shake
Meal5 8oz beef tenderloin/asparagus
Meal6 Shake

Rest Day
Ab machine 6x20

AM fasted cardio 30min treadmill
PM cardio 30min treadmill

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Your protein is extraordinarily high! Your weight is moving steadily, though, so itā€™s clearly working for you. How do you feel? I ask only out of curiosity. Iā€™m also impressed you can keep your fat relatively low and not be resorting to shakes all the time.

Protein is def up there. Iā€™m doing this based off my trainers recommendation. He competed successfully and this was his strategy. The only issue iā€™m really having is the super low carbs. Itā€™s tough to get through the harder workouts but iā€™m just changing my training style to higher volume less weight. I may drop the protien a bit and increase the fat to 100g but for now if itā€™s not brokeā€¦ā€¦

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It definitely ainā€™t broke. And, like you said, youā€™ve got someone making the calls so best to keep executing.

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I have my velocity kit which I will utilize if needed for weeks 5-1. Hopefully can just stay on this path without having to get crazy low on the cals. We will see. This is my first time trying to get this lean so itā€™s more of an experiment.

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1/31/2023 10 weeks out

Weight 199.2 -Weighed in way earlier than usual.

Food 2123kals/32c/87f/311p
Meal1 1cup egg beaters/i slice cheese/6 slices turkey bacon
Meal2 8oz sliced turkey/ 2 cheese sticks
Meal3 8oz sliced turkey/ 2 cheese sticks
Meal4 shake/hard boiled egg post WO
Meal5 8oz beef tenderloin/asparagus/macadamia oil
Meal6 Shake

Cable curls 4x20
SS dumbbell single arm preacher hammers/reverse grip ez bar curls 4x15
Cable drag curls 4x15
Single arm curl machine 4x15
Rope hammers 3x20
Ab machine 6x20

AM fasted cardio 30min treadmill
PM cardio 30min treadmill


2/1/2023 10 weeks out

Weight 196.8

Food 2095kals/34c/84f/301p
Meal1 1cup egg beaters/i slice cheese/6 slices turkey bacon
Meal2 8oz sliced turkey/60g Guacamole
Meal3 8oz London Broil/ 2 cheese sticks
Meal4 shake
Meal5 8oz beef tenderloin/asparagus/macadamia oil
Meal6 Shake

Off Day

AM fasted cardio 30min treadmill
PM cardio 30min treadmill

211.1lbs 1/4/2023

196.8lbs 2/1/2023


2/2/2023 10 weeks out

Weight 195.6

Food 2250kals/24c/103f/305p
Meal1 3 whole eggs/2 chicken sausage links/1 slice cheese
Meal2 6oz sliced turkey/2 cheese sticks
Meal3 6oz London Broil/ 2 cheese sticks
Meal4 Hard boiled egg/shake post WO
Meal5 2 cheeseburgers on lettuce wraps
Meal6 Shake


High cable fly 6x15
chest press machine 1x15/3x12
peck deck 6x15
Cable uppercuts 4x12
ab machine 6x20

AM fasted cardio 35min treadmill
PM cardio 35min treadmill

Training was tough today. Super low energy. Everything felt heavy.


2/3/2023 10 weeks out

Weight 196.4

Food 2247kals/29c/117f/273p
Meal1 5 whole eggs/1 slice cheese/peppers
Meal2 6oz sliced turkey/2 cheese sticks
Meal3 6oz London Broil/ 2 cheese sticks
Meal4 Hard boiled egg/shake post WO
Meal5 6 chicken wings/2 meatballs/carrots/1 tbsp blue cheese
Meal6 Shake


Low single arm cable row 4x15
wide grip pull down 4x15
narrow grip pulldown 4x15
SS wide grip cable pull/mid reverse grip cable pull 3x15
ab machine 6x20

AM fasted cardio 40min treadmill
PM cardio 40min treadmill

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2/4/2023 10 weeks out

Weight 194.6

Food 2190kals/34c/113f/247p
Meal1 3 hard boiled eggs/120g guacamole
Meal2 Peanut butter
Meal3 8oz London Broil/ 2 cheese sticks
Meal4 Shake post WO
Meal5 2 cheeseburgers on lettuce wraps
Meal6 Shake


SS side laterals/front raises 4x15
Reverse peck deck 4x15
side lateral machine 4x15
shoulder press machine 4x15
ab machine 6x20

AM fasted cardio 40min treadmill
PM cardio 40min treadmill


2/5/2023 9 weeks out

Weight 194.3

Food 2611kals/75c/140f/258p
Meal1 3 whole eggs/1 slice cheese/2 link chicken sausage/vegatables
Meal2 2 cheese sticks/peanut butter apple
Meal3 Shake post WO
Meal4 8oz London Broil/2 cheese sticks
Meal5 10 baked chickens wings/carrots/2 tbsp blue cheese
Meal6 Shake

SS Lying leg curls/leg extensions 4x15
Leg press 4x15
seated calves 6x15
Leg extensions 4x15
Low rack pulls 1x15/1x4
Ab machine 6x15

No cardio

Felt something pop in my back on the rack pulls. Only had 2 plates on. Could barely walk after but about 80% this morning. Hopefully this wonā€™t become an issue. Lucky is a rest day today.


2/6/2023 9 weeks out

Weight 194.6

Food 2150kals/31c/102f/266p
Meal1 3 whole eggs/1 slice cheese/6 pieces turkey bacon
Meal2 6oz sliced turkey/2 cheese sticks
Meal3 shake
Meal4 2 cheeseburgers on lettuce wraps/120g guacamole
Meal5 shake
Meal6 NA

Full rest day. Not fn around with the back.

No cardio-saving the back

Took it easy today to let my back heal. Itā€™s doing much better. Today was planned rest anyway but also dropped the cardio to limit stress on the back. Will be back at it 100% tomorrow.


2/7/2023 9 weeks out

Weight 194.8 -Weighed in earlier in the morning than usual before the bathroom.

Food 2160kals/22c/98f/293p
Meal1 3 whole eggs/1 slice cheese/6 pieces turkey bacon
Meal2 6oz sliced turkey/2 cheese sticks/5 carrot sticks
Meal3 6oz london broil/2 cheese sticks/5 carrot sticks
Meal4 Shake post WO
Meal5 2 cheeseburgers on lettuce wraps/onions and peppers
Meal6 Shake


Rope hammers 6x15
rope tricep extensions 4x15
SS spider curls/single arm overhead extensions 6x15
SS standing single arm curls/skull crushers 4x15
Tricep pushdown machine 4x15
Preacher machine 4x15
ab machine 6x20

40min AM fasted treadmill
40min post WO treadmill


2/8/2023 8.5 weeks out

Weight 193.6

Food 2174kals/32c/110f/251p
Meal1 3 whole eggs/1 slice cheese/2 sausages/vegetables
Meal2 Cobb salad
Meal3 skin on chicken/1 breast/2 wings/2 legs
Meal4 shake


wide pulldown 4x15
chest supported rows 4x15
Reverse grip close pull down 4x15
lying pull ups 4x15
cable single arm lat pulls 4x15
reverse flys 4x15
bent over dumbbell rows 4x15

40min AM fasted treadmill
No night cardio. Way too tired.

Donā€™t like how i ate today. I canā€™t operate on less/bigger meals. Need to stick to the plan.

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2/9/2023 9 weeks out

Weight 192.1

Food 2140kals/28c/108f/271p
Meal1 3 whole eggs/1 slice cheese/6 pieces turkey bacon
Meal2 6oz sliced turkey/2 cheese sticks/5 carrot sticks
Meal3 6oz london broil/2 cheese sticks/5 carrot sticks
Meal4 Shake post WO
Meal5 Cobb salad/extra chicken/yogurt blue cheese
Meal6 Shake


side lateral machine 4x15
shoulder press machine 4x15
front dumbbell raises 4x15
rear delt fly 4x15
ab machine 4x15

40min AM fasted treadmill
40min post WO treadmill

What do we think about a carb up at this point? Two reasons i ask.
1-I have zero energy
2-I have no idea how my body will react being this depleted. The weigh in for the show is the day before and Iā€™ll only have less than 24 hours to fill up so it would be kind of an experiment to see what needs to be done.

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Is this a good idea?

@s.gentz is this a bodybuilding show?
If so, do you have a good bit of striations?

Have you ever carb loaded when you are ripped? I never had a great outcome trying to carb load peak for a contest. But everyone is different.

My biggest caution is you need to control your anxiety. High anxiety will make you look flat the day of the show, and great the next morning.


Yes itā€™s a BB show. Will be my first.
Iā€™m prob another week or two away from striations. I look completely flat right now. Legs are getting separated and thats the first thing to lean out for me.
Never carb loaded before so no idea how the body will react. That kinda why im thinking of experimenting now while i still have time.
I hoping to get below where i ā€œneedā€ top be and then feed into the show but we will see.
Iā€™m about 12lbs off where my upper limit weight needs to be to make my category, but i donā€™t know where iā€™ll be when shredded as i have never tried to get this lean before.
Anxiety is something I am working on. This is gonna be a real battle for me but i think i need it.
At the end of the day this is my first show and a learning experience but i would still like to bring the best i can.


I donā€™t know if you were familiar with RT. Here he is on a magazine cover.

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