Ryder cup comes home!

Ha ha, revenge is sweet. Looks like us ‘inferior’ Europiens are kikcing your asses at golf, soccer even basketball(Yugowhatnow?)!
In the words of an English football song : 'your shit and you know you are, your shit and you know you are (repeat verse x2)

Your still ugly, pale, and rude with bad hair and bad teeth.

Yeah, what did England do in the World Cup?

Let’s see, Europe has 2 of the top 10 golfers in the world. Congrats. So you won this weekend. Hell, even a blind, retarded squirrel finds a nut every now and then. Speaking of retarded, you surely don’t believe that our 5th best basketball team we could field is representative of the state of US basketball vs. Europe, do you? Please, if we had our best 5 against your best 5, then we could talk. It’s funny that we don’t hear from you guys every time we kick your ass at something, but you seem to pop up every time the slightest little thing goes your way. Inferiority complexes seem to be your thing.

Europien’s? Kikcing? You don’t even know how to spell your own continent? I thought Europe was the birth place of the English language. If your going to talk shit please, spell the words correctly. That kind of ignorance is dangerous.

Get over yourself, little girl. It’s pathetic how all of you Euro trash pieces of shit still can’t get over the fact that you would all be speaking German now if it weren’t for the US.

even though I’m European I think JRC is definitely right.