Greece Won !

Yesterday the Greece team won the 2004 European soccer championship held in Portugal. The famous teams: Italy, England, Holland, Germany, Spain, full of well payed champions got back home destroyed. It’s a victory of sport !

Congratulations to the Greek team.
As an England fan however, I must say we were robbed of a place in the semi finals.

I think they watched Troy before every game, hence the great performance.
I was disappointed to see the like of Spain, Holland and England exit, but alas, such is the round world of football.

Any day England loses is a good day! Congratz to Greece, who played a great game. I love the fact that soccer is one of the few “pure” games around. GO USA!

BigWall - While I agree that when England loses it is a good day, and I congratulate the Greeks for their win. How can you describe soccer as a “pure” sport? I say that any sport where the guys who play it are as weak as piss and take dives, pretending to be hurt instead of winning the ball by talent is a bullshit sport!!

Just my 2 cents.

Yes u are right about people taking dives, and the players not being hulking monsters, but i mean “pure” as in, every player who steps on that field aims for one goal, and one goal only. The world cup. There are few sports left where the prize is more important than the pay check, and soccer is one of them.

I was in Turkey when the game was being played and I can tell you now that the Turks did not seem happy to see the Greeks win a competition that they couldnt qualify for.

As for England being robbed I think not. I cant remember who it was but someone was climbing all over the goal keeper which would pretty much disqualify any goal.

I would love to see England win something juts so they wouls stop fucking going on abot the 66 world cup final (they havent won shit since then!!).

[quote]spiderman739 wrote:
I was in Turkey when the game was being played and I can tell you now that the Turks did not seem happy to see the Greeks win a competition that they couldnt qualify for.

As for England being robbed I think not. I cant remember who it was but someone was climbing all over the goal keeper which would pretty much disqualify any goal.

I would love to see England win something juts so they wouls stop fucking going on abot the 66 world cup final (they havent won shit since then!!).[/quote]

Maybe not in soccer, but we are rugby WORLD CHAMPIONS so…

[quote]BigWall wrote:
Any day England loses is a good day! [/quote]

Being an Englishman I love all this England-hating that goes on from our neighbours/cousins - I’ll only be worried if you stop hating us cos then we might actually be shit.

“but i mean “pure” as in, every player who steps on that field aims for one goal, and one goal only. The world cup. There are few sports left where the prize is more important than the pay check, and soccer is one of them.”
BigWall,I agree with you for some of the teams: Greece,Cekia, Portugal. Also England played well. Holland so so. Italy (my country) a real disaster. They played well just the first half against Swede. The only good new after the Europeans is that we have a new trainer. Italy recently won the Europeans under 21. Our young players (not yet well payed) gave their best for the national team.

I was at the Italy V Sweden, Sweden were pretty awful, then Trapps totally messed up his substitutions by getting rid of Cassano, a truly monumental blunder by such a well decorated coach.
The Italians need a coach to really kick their arses, maybe Lippi will do this.

PS. Vieri was utter pants, if he was a horse they would’ve taken him outside and put him down.

We are indeed rugby weorld champions BUT truth be told we have been playing pretty shitty since then. The team performed so bloody well in the world cup but just havent been able to regain form.

Jeru72, in the 2nd half against Swede, Trapattoni, concerning substitutions, evidently had a transfer to 1982 when the Italian defence was practically unbeatable. And of course Swede scored. All Italian supporters hope that the new trainer Lippi will work well. Cassano is a young and promising player. Vieri, Del Piero and Totti (more then 10 million dollars/year)were the main actors of Italy’s failure.