I am following your RSS program and am loving it. My body definitely feels denser after following a bodybuilding-type training program for awhile, and I love dominating weights explosively again.
After reading your post about heavy triples in your Micro-PA forum, I am definitely interested in implementing them at some point. I am curious about the different effects on technique from a singles to a triples based program (I do understand that weights in the RSS program are non-maximal). Is there a benefit to switching from RSS to a triples-based strength scheme after doing a few cycles?
Perhaps I am over-thinking it, but some of the points you wrote about piqued my interest in using triples and I would love to hear your thoughts.
[quote]frauls5015 wrote:
Hello CT, hope all is well.
I am following your RSS program and am loving it. My body definitely feels denser after following a bodybuilding-type training program for awhile, and I love dominating weights explosively again.
After reading your post about heavy triples in your Micro-PA forum, I am definitely interested in implementing them at some point. I am curious about the different effects on technique from a singles to a triples based program (I do understand that weights in the RSS program are non-maximal). Is there a benefit to switching from RSS to a triples-based strength scheme after doing a few cycles?
Perhaps I am over-thinking it, but some of the points you wrote about piqued my interest in using triples and I would love to hear your thoughts.
Thanks in advance![/quote]
The same approach can be done with triples starting at 75% instead of 85% and following the same progression.
[quote]frauls5015 wrote:
Hello CT, hope all is well.
I am following your RSS program and am loving it. My body definitely feels denser after following a bodybuilding-type training program for awhile, and I love dominating weights explosively again.
After reading your post about heavy triples in your Micro-PA forum, I am definitely interested in implementing them at some point. I am curious about the different effects on technique from a singles to a triples based program (I do understand that weights in the RSS program are non-maximal). Is there a benefit to switching from RSS to a triples-based strength scheme after doing a few cycles?
Perhaps I am over-thinking it, but some of the points you wrote about piqued my interest in using triples and I would love to hear your thoughts.
Thanks in advance![/quote]
I was wondering the same thing. Thanks for asking!
Thanks, CT. Would I start off with 6x3 @ 75% in Workout 1 and add a triple each workout as written? Or is this too much volume for the principles of the program…
[quote]frauls5015 wrote:
Thanks, CT. Would I start off with 6x3 @ 75% in Workout 1 and add a triple each workout as written? Or is this too much volume for the principles of the program…[/quote]
What would the ‘1x3’ portion of the workout change to when using triples for the 5x1, 6x1 portion. Also can you pair group 1 and 2 together. Eg Mon/Thur: Squat+Bench. Tues/Fri: Deadlift+Pushpress.