[quote]tork94 wrote:
[quote]Koing wrote:
[quote]tork94 wrote:
[quote]Koing wrote:
[quote]tork94 wrote:
[quote]Koing wrote:
Still only train 5x a week?
Do you intend to squat or after the lifts?
Where do you feel you fail your lifts? Lack of leg strength or?
I think I remember seeing you lift and remember you putting in some solid numbers overall.
i have trained anywhere from 5-7 times/week usually, 6 has probably been my average over the last several years.
i could work on my positions, but my legs are almost always weaker then almost all of my immediate competition and i have had MANY people tell me that my technique is very good, but i need to get my legs stronger.
my best lifts in competition are 120/142.
i have snatched 122.5 from the blocks (with straps) and have cleaned 145 and jerked 145 from the rack before.
i have made almost zero progress over the last 1.5 years.
Has your FS improved in the last 1.5yrs? What do you put your lack of gains to? How has your bw changed?
I’d personally train less and hammer up the FS 2x a week. If you’ve been doing 5-6x a week for 1.5yrs and not made gains you have to identify what you were doing and why you haven’t made gains. If you have legimate issues like an injury that is different and eats in to your training time. I was also really bad and made zero gains from 2007 to 2009 as well due to weight cut and not pushing my FS up…sick
Now I take a more proactive approach in seeing the past 4-6 weeks and see why I haven’t increased my lifts.
there are a few reasons imo why i have not improved very much, first off was training un-intellegently and letting the classic lifts take a back seat to the squatting.
Injuries to the knees have also slowed my progress where as the first 3 years that i lifted i was almost pain/injury free. (as you all know, constant pain wears on the mind after a while)
the third is outside stress, such as school, work, family troubles (but nearly EVERYONE has that).
and finally, and probably the deepest reason imo, is that my coach simply put WAY too much pressure on me way too early in my lifting. He would say things like, “you can total 370-400 in the 105s” or “you can be a 2 time olympian”. I believed him because I knew absolutely nothing about weightlifting at the time. But honestly, i have long legs, my bone structure is average in size at best and even though im very fast i just don’t think i was one of those guys who was born to be VERY strong. So basically that’s why i would train 6-8 times/week and give up on having fun with my friends etc… because it was drilled in to my head that i could do something that NO ONE in the history of my country have ever done despite having only slightly above genetics starting relatively late in lift (17) and a relatively poor training situation (no steady training partners etc…).
In reality, I kinda want to quit because I know Its impossible to reach the goals that I had set, and im the kind of person that’s all or none. I don’t think I could do Weightlifting just for fun.
Sorry for the long response, but its nice to get that off my chest, even if its to a bunch of strangers.[/quote]
It’s cool to read man. Better then most of the BS fluff on the weightlifting arounds about mindless people on random BS stuff mate.
Your post was an interesting read.
I say reach for the stars and get to the moon. Do you think you would have trained so hard if he didn’t push you? How many guys can do what you can do? It takes years to do.
You don’t have any training partners? I thought you lifted at a club?
Don’t give up mate. You may not be an 2x Olympic Gold Medalist but I bet you can get to Pan Ams and be a Canadian Champ
hard to say if i would have trained as hard, but i know that same pressure was put on 3-4 other lifters over the years, and 3 of them are out of weightlifting completely and the other has moved to the usa to peruse his education and train at LSU. He says he is much happier then he ever was under my coach because the pressure is so much less.
ill have to think, but honestly, I would need to put some where between 60-70kgs on my total to be national champion and go to pan-ams, and that’s without going up a weight-class, and im pushing 23 and have done fuck all with me life besides weightlifting and get a degree. I just dont think its meant to be, but at least i can look back and say, for 5 straight years i did nothing but weightlifting and give it everything i had 5-9 times/week.
who knows, maybe in a month, or a year or something ill come back to it, but i just cant lift to only be above average. Maybe that makes me weak… [/quote]
Tork buddy dont give it up. i am 23 and started weightlifting. i am currently 70kg and totals dont even add upto 200kg. but i still train everyday. Atleast u r lucky u got a coach at some point in your life. there is only five lifters in this newfoundland. no coach or whatsover