Running Like I'm on Fire and Hoping I Burn; My Training Log

So I’m pretty new to these forums, but I thought I’d start another training log to hold myself accountable.

I’m currently just under 5 weeks into a caloric deficit. My starting weight was 107kg. I’m currently 98kg, as of today. I weight myself daily, and fit it to a graph with a trendline, which I’m happy to share if anybody doubts my progress. Because of that, I can visualise my progress, and I know that this time, it’s not going to be like all those other timesI said I was going to make a change, lost 2kg of water weight and called it a day.

I’m male, I’m 184cm’s tall, and I’m 25% bodyfat. I’m 24 years old. A healthy weight range for my height is around 65-80kg. More importantly, I want to join my country’s police force, and I need to be under 92kg just to get in. Because of that, my goal is to get to around 65kg, then start working on my second goal.

That second goal of mine is to eventually compete in powerlifting. I don’t have a deeper reason for it, I just think it would be cool. But that’s not just “go to a meet and finish a lift”. I want to be competetive, at least on a local level. That means when I hit that goal of 65kg, I’m immediately going to start trying to pack on muscle, and try to really give it a real go.

I’m stuck in lockdown, and have been since 2020, with only sporadic bursts of being able to go to gyms, and because of that, I got to the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life. Not only do I not want to go back there, I want to be the guy who makes an epic transformation. I want people to go “wow, he really turned things around!” and so far, I am. I haven’t taken any new progress pictures since I started, because I want there to be a real difference when I do.

This is going to be my log. Right now, because cardio is most of what I can do for my weight loss, I think the name is accurate. I’m gonna run like I’m on fire, and try to burn all this fat away.

Just going to list my current exercise here now.

A few weeks ago, I started walking 6km every day.

This week, I changed things up. I now walk that 6km route 3x a week. Then 3x a week, I do C25K as my running program. I’m starting on week 3, because that’s where I left off last time.

On my walking days, I’ve also been going to a local park and skipping rope when I’ve still got energy to burn. I do interval training, usually around 10 rouns of 1 minute on, 1 minute off.

My daily caloric goal is 1880kcal, which is a 500kcal deficit. My TDEE was calculated at sedentary. So my deficit is probably a little more than 500kcal when you count exercise. Usually I’d probably worry about that, but right now I’m fat, and I’m trying not to be, so some extra work is probably a good thing.

Partway through C25k week 4. My second run this week was a 3 minute run, rest, 5 minute run, then repeat. Wasn’t quite able to make it, so I’ll likely repeat the workout. Hoping that my stamina improves more rapidly the longer I’m able to maintain a run. I’ve been a bit lax this week due to feeling under the whether, so I’m gonna forgive myself for that one.

I’m down to around 97ish kg’s this week. Pretty sure I’ve entered a plateau, which is a pain in the ass. My weight’s been bouncing between 96.5 and 98 kg’s for the week, and it sucks.

I’ve increased my deficit to about 650kcal a day starting today. I did some looking into what I was frequently eating, and found products that have higher protein and less sugars, carbs and lower fat, so I can maintain this new target and my protein goals without actually changing much. Should work out to around a pound of fat lost this month extra, so that’s nice, if I maintain it.

I’ve also begun the reddit bodyweight fitness primer. I have a pullup bar, resistance bands and gymnastic rings. No access to gyms where I am at the moment because of Pandemic fun times. At the moment my workouts look like this:

-Pushups (at an appropriate progression)
-Bodyweight rows (using gymnastic rings)
-Resistance band assisted scapular pulls
-Dead hang for grip training
-Band pull aparts

Planning to add in a glute bridge progression today.

It’s a long road to hit my goal weight, and when I get there I know it’ll be an even longer road to add muscle. I figure I might as well start now. And I’ve sadly found that part of that is working up to even being able to do the movements in a bodyweight program, because I’m so underdeveloped I can’t even get through one.

On one hand it feels pretty bad to be so week. On the other hand, nowhere to go but up.

Hit a roadblock this week and got sick, so my exercise has had to take a backseat.

On the plus side, down to around 96kg as of today! So about 11kg lost, over the better part of 2 months.

I’ve adjusted my caloric deficit to be slightly larger. Around 600kcal deficit now, and hoping to really squeeze November and hit sub 90.

Bit of a disappointing week this week training wise. Been unable to really train, due to applying for (and getting!) a new job, but it’s one I know is gonna suck, and also had a lot of initial meetings and assessments to plod through. I also ate pretty poorly; more junk food than I should have, despite still fitting within my caloric goals.

That being said, it’s not a total loss. I’ve been working on my “3rd world squat” mobility. Gyms open up where I am in about a week; form was always holding me back when I was weight training. When I go back to barbell training next month, I want to start from an empty bar, and build up with proper form.

I’m not really willing to call this week a total loss though; I’m down to 94.9kg as of today! I’m really proud of this, since I took progress pictures and compared them to my initial pictures. The difference is actually starting to become visible, which is great for motivation.

Getting to my weight goal is seeming more and more possible every weigh in!

As a quick summary for when I eventually refer back to these logs:

Starting weight: 107kg at approx 25% bodyfat percentage

My current weight as of this post is 94.9kg at approx 22% bodyfat percentage.

Been a while since I updated this! I figured I started it, might as well check in.

Bodyweight is down to 94kg. Apparently it’s highly visible; a few people who saw me after not seeing me for a few months have actually commented. A coworker even congratulated me. Pretty good feeling. Long way to go, but I’m within 2 kg of being at the required weight to join my country’s police force. I have like 2 months to lose 2 kg. Easy stuff, as long as I don’t get slack!

Running has been treating me well. I’ve had a few stop/starts, but I can run for 3 minutes, then 5 minutes, then 3 minutes again, then 5 minutes again, with very minimal rest. I feel like I’m actually going to be able to hit the requirements for entry fitness wise for the police gig.

My diet has been a bit shonky. Lockdowns ended where I am, and I went back to my job where I’m on my feet constantly. I was eating above my caloric goal, but losing weight still (albeit slowly) so bullet dodged. I’m back on the deficit train, and keeping protein high as a kite. Some days I feel drained, and I eat a few extra carbs and fats, and so far, doing it by feel has worked great. I’m still losing weight at a steady rate, but feeling significantly better than past diets. I feel like my habit is to eat smaller portions of better quality foods, so often I’m pretty self regulating.

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To continue on to this update, gyms have also come back, and I’ve started lifting again. About 3 weeks into nSuns 4 day variant, which is basically 5/3/1 for beginners but with a few things swapped around. I really enjoyed it last time I was lifting, so I figured why mess with success. I left my ego at the door, and put all my weights back to the bar and worked up to weights I could do with good form. Happy to report my form is pretty decent, and no half repping allowed. Losing weight has really turbocharged my mobility. My current program plus accessories:

Day 1 (Bench+OHP day):

  • Incline Barbell Bench Press
  • Barbell Rows
  • Chin ups
  • Tricep extensions
  • Hammer curls
  • Dumbbell lat raises

Day 2 (squat+sumo deadlift day):

  • Barbell hip thrusts (???)
  • Romanian Deadlifts
  • Leg extensions
  • Face pulls
  • Weighted abs crunch

Day 3 (Bench press+ Close grip bench press day):

  • Seated Dumbbell OHP
  • Dumbbell Curls
  • Tricep Pushdown
  • Hammer Curls
  • Dumbbell Lat Raises

Day 4 (Deadlift+Front Squats day):

  • Barbell hip thrusts (???)
  • Barbell Rows
  • Chin ups
  • Face Pulls
  • Leg Raises
  • Barbell Curls

A LOT of curling volume, but I figure hey, I’d always wanted big arms, so why not? I know I went a little psycho with the accessories, so I’m easing into it. Some days if I’m feeling drained, I only do my compounds and leave the isolation lifts.

Starting a new desk job next week, so hopefully I can maintain my current momentum through the switchup. I feel like most of this update is new beginnings, and not substantial progress, but I also feel like I’m significantly healthier and more mobile than before. I’ve been invited to a small function at my ex workplace, and I’ll basically be seeing my old coworkers for the first time in months. The last time they saw me would have been 15kg’s ago. I’m very excited to see if anybody there notices my weight loss. If they don’t, it’s just gonna fuel me even more. I’m very excited to look back on this log in a few months time and know if what I’m doing works out or not.

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Updating this for the first time in a few months. I’m now 87kg. Sadly, my workouts were delayed by moving jobs, then the Omicron wave in my city, then me catching Omicron. But, the plus side is COVID causing you to be literally unable to eat is great for weight loss!

Officially being 87 kg means I’m well and truely light enough to enter the police force in my area, which is one of my goals checked off! There’s still a long way to go, but I’m really proud of myself and the progress I’ve been making.

Been going through a rough period, and my diet has been awful, but I’m finally through it, my fridge is stocked with proteins and I’m ready to rock again. I’m gonna start making progress once more and see if I can wipe off another 10kg over the next few months!


Just to update the ol’ log; about 2 months ago I swapped to 6 days nsuns with accessories. Sadly, due to moving back into a hospo job, and getting COVID, plus my shitty recovery, I sadly dropped off lifting.

Good news, though! I’m back! Heading to the gym as I type this, and going to be doing 6 day deadlift nsuns with no accessories for a few weeks while I readjust to lifting.

Plus working hospitality in a venue with stairs has absolutely effected my TDEE. I’m eating more than calculators think I should be, but still losing weight. It’s a good feeling. I’ll update this log for my own sake in a few weeks when progress is a little more tangible.

Uploading my first ever progress pic for posterity! Warning; I am not pretty!

Left is the after, right is the before. While it’s not exactly anything to write home about, I definitely feel as if the progress IS visible. Especially around my hips I definitely feel like I’m starting to resemble a human again, and not the michelin man! Low key pretty proud of the fact that the after is starting to show a slight taper, which is hopefully something I can coax out in the coming weeks.

I’ve regressed a bit and I’m back to about 88-89kg. I’ve started cardio again as of a few days ago, and my hospo job is definitely physical, so I’m hoping the huge jump in physical activity is going to see me through!

I’m also starting to meal prep once more, since I know diet is vital. Hopefully the next progress picture will be an even bigger difference!

I’m really excited to look back on this thread when I hit my ultimate goal.


That’s great progress man! Nothing wrong with regressing a bit, it happens man. Sounds like you’re back on track though!

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Thanks mate! I really appreciate it!

I’m definitely not beating myself up over it though; I kinda see random surges of weight as all part of the game. It’ll melt right off me within a few weeks and I’ll be back to hitting goals!

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Alrighty; updating this because I’ve changed my routine (back!). nSuns 6 day is just way too much volume for me, and I’m constantly missing workouts, and in general work is stepping up so I’ve been struggling to get to the gym at all, which compounded the problem. So I’m heading back to the 4 day program, since last time I was on it I was able to consistantly hit every day. Fuck it, it was a mistake to ramp up the volume, but it was so much fun while it lasted that I don’t regret it. Tweaked it a smidgeon though:

Day 1 (Bench+OHP day):

  • Incline Barbell Bench Press
  • Barbell Rows
  • Skullcrushers
  • Hammer curls
  • Dumbbell lat raises

Day 2 (squat+sumo deadlift day):

  • Stiff Legged Deadlifts
  • Leg extensions
  • Face pulls
  • Weighted abs crunch

Day 3 (Bench press+ Close grip bench press day):

  • Seated Arnold Press
  • Barbell Curls
  • Tricep Pushdown
  • Hammer Curls
  • Dumbbell Lat Raises

Day 4 (Deadlift+Front Squats day):

  • Barbell Rows
  • Face Pulls
  • Barbell Curls

The biggest change from before is that I’ve swapped out RDL’s for SLDL’s. I find that RDL’s are just uncomfortable, and I don’t enjoy them, which leads me to skip them. SLDL’s for some reason I enjoy. No idea why, since they’re so similar, but it works for me! I’ve also removed a little bit of the accessory work, since it was admittedly getting ridiculous. I also changed the accessory setxrep scheme from 3x12 to 3x8. I find it tends to suit me better, and let me actually lift heavier weights without failing on sets. Since I’ve admittedly just packed in accessories as much as possible, I’m hoping this helps me finish workouts a smidgeon faster.

As an aside, this log is really handy already, because looking over what I was doing before absolutely helps me remember the things that worked, and the things that didn’t.

Also, current weight is 87.7kg now; so I’m pretty pumped that I’m back to about 87, and ready to keep grinding out that last 20ish kg!


Log update:

So after taking some time off counting my calories after hitting 87kg, I gained a small amount of weight back. That was a few weeks ago, and I’ve now lost that excess weight, plus kilo one of twenty of my goal. Down to 86kg!

I think the pause is gonna help both mentally, and physically. Giving my body a break did make some of my healthy habits harder to pick up again, but on the same note, I personally think it was worth it from the mental aspect of getting several weeks to just eyeball shit and enjoy myself. Plus I’m hoping that it mitigates the loose skin I have to deal with when I finally hit my goals. Would really suck if after getting from 107kg (my starting weight) to my goal weight in the 60’s, if I have to worry about excess loose skin.

Anyway, main takeaway from this update is that I’m back on the caloric deficit train, and making progress! Gonna lost another 20 kilos, then take another short break and reassess my training goals!


To update my actual resistance training; I’m struggling to push past 1pl8 bench. Being the genius I am, on my last attempt of pressing 62.5kg for reps, I put a little additional weight on the bar, but grabbed the wrong plates, and had one side 1.25kg heavier than the other. Go me. That being said, I think I was therefore lifting 63.75kg, so uhh…new pr? Explains why something felt “wrong” during those reps though, and I’m glad I stopped after one set.

My back is stupidly underdeveloped though. I’m trying to work on making sure my rows and delt work gets included, and I’m bringing back band pull aparts daily with a light resistance to try and keep my shoulders and upper back healthy. Already feeling much better posture wise since I started lifting and making sure I get my back work in.


Quick update. I’ve realised my grip strength is fucking abysmal. I’ve gotten lifting straps, but also added in some small adjustments to my workouts to try and address this. Any day before I have a rest day, I add in this little bolt on routine:

Wrist curls 2x15
Reverse wrist curls 2x15
Reverse bicep curls 2x15
Farmers carries

I generally do this on days 2 and 4, so I can superset them with the lower body work. Since I’m usually the only one in the gym when I train at night, nobody is there to care about me strutting around our small gym farmer’s carrying dumbbells, lol. Once again though, I’m edging into “too many accessories” territory, so I’m gonna keep protein high and see if I can make it work.

Life update: I went into my old work for a coffee, and the manager’s immediate response was “bro, where’s the rest of you?” which is kinda nice. My current coworkers met me at the tail end of my weight loss, so it rarely gets mentioned, but it was nice somebody noticed. I feel like it really fired me up to keep losing weight and pressing on with my goals.

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Update to this training log, just to prove I’m alive.

Current weight is 85.35kg. Had a few stumbling blocks, but made absolutely major career gains in the meantime, plus dealing with a fairly bad laceration on my hand which kept me out of the gym for a while. I’ve begun just focusing on deadlift; I’d still like to compete in powerlifting, and it’s by far my best and favourite lift.

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