Rough Time Starting TRT. Help Getting Dialed In

29 y/o Male. Just finished my 4th week on TRT. I am low T but I was also originally trying to do a little steroid blast at 250mg per week. I encountered side effects and lowered my dose to 75mg 2x per week for a total of 150mg per week. Im on Sustanon 250.

I was dealing with bouts of anxiety, elevated resting heart rate and puffy nipples at 250mg per week. I lowered to 150mg per week 10 days ago and it seems my anxiety only comes after my injections for a couple days then subsides until next injection. I also still have an elevated heart rate (seems to have gotten SLIGHTLY better) and puffy nipples.

Are my puffy nipples normal or is it the start of gyno? I don’t feel any knots or anything but their noticeably puffed out more than usual. It’s not bad right now but I would like to get it taken care of it IF its going to get worse.

I know a lot of you are against AI’s but should I be taking one with early signs of gyno? If not, what should I do?

Also, does anyone think my body is reacting negatively to one of the esters in the Sustanon 250? Should I switch to Enanthate?

You do not have gynecomastia. You have mastalgia. Mastalgia usually subsides (95+% of the time) once you adapt to the change in hormone levels.

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Thanks. Any ideas on the elevated resting heart rate? Before test it was around 60 bpm. now its 80 bpm. Should i switch to Enanthate?

Also should I take a low dose of an AI just for now?

Hi, 4 weeks is nowhere near long enough to get dialed in on any ester, especially Sust with its varying half lives. Your body is still trying to work out what’s going on but it will get there.

Give it 6 - 8 weeks minimum and no AI.

Also, Sust doesn’t need injecting so frequently, the long decanoate ester which is the largest part of the dose hangs on for 3 weeks at least when it’s built up in your bloods👍

Need a decent dose to start off with of course

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Maybe from the short ester in the Sust? If you switched to a single ester instead of the blend maybe you’d get a smoother rise in hormone levels


Your hormones are in flux for the first 4-6 weeks after increasing, decreasing the dosage. Things level off after 6 weeks, this is usually when my puffy nipples start to gradually disappear.

Also the last two weeks on a new protocol my nipples burns intensely, but subsides after 6 weeks. I also get elevated blood pressure and palpitations which also resolves after 6 weeks.

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You have to give it time. Took me a full year of small improvements before I felt like I had reached a plateau. Thats when I realized I was in a good place.

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Do you know what your blood pressure is? Do you feel palpitations?

Blood pressure is fine. No palpitations.

IMO, Test E or C are great for TRT (Test U also seems like a great option). Sust is fine for most guys, but some need to pin it frequently to deal with the spikes from the short esters. It seems individual. Some guys can get away with a lot more than others and feel good.

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