The point isn’t whether you would be afraid to say it to his face …or make the same sarcastic remarks to him directly. The question is whether you would feel comfortable doing so? Its easy to talk big when you are behind a keyboard and supported by your cronies in a virtual world. Would that comfort and confidence be enough to make butthole comments to his face with the ease that you do here? I dare say that many of the same of you would probably slap him high fives and congratulate him on his 6th win…or maybe ask him a drug question respectfully and conversationally.
My point is to cut through your BS that stinks up this site.
And you know? I am ready for any attacks…because as everyone who reads and or posts on this site is aware: NO ONE ever admits they are WRONG on this. Hell would freeze over before some of you would admit they were mistaken or shot your mouth off without thinking: Now let the hellfire reign down! LOL!
couldn’t resist your challenge.
You remind me of Don Quixote, looking for windmills, oops I mean dragons, to defeat. In this case, it’s defending Ronnie’s honor when no one has been bashing him. The whole thread was a tongue-in-cheek joke about how he couldn’t be using steroids since he was on the police force. And what the hell is this t-man code we forumites supposedly signed in blood? Aren’t you taking this a litte too far? It’s actually pretty weird…Everyone’s response including mine indicates that we are scratching our heads over you’re self-proclaimed crusade to save Ronnie. WTF?
If you notice I use my real name, and don’t hide behind a cute little screen name, so I make sure that anything I type is something I would say in real life. Would I kid RC in real life about steroid use? Of course I would, but then I am realistic enough to know that his physique was not build purely because of steroid use.
man that pic rox!! jaystyles you rule.
man that pic rox!! jaystyles you rule.
man that pic rox!! jaystyles you rule.
man that pic rox!! jaystyles you rule.
pdtr, would you say what you’re saying to our faces? or to THE face? the big face? the one with freckles? or how about two faces?
relax man, i respect ronnie he worked hard, i also laugh when i picture him doing anything other than bodybuilding.
this whole argument is hopeless, but it is entertaining, you needa lighten` up there sarge. find your humo(u)r.
Ptr, for an exclusively off-topic poster, you have a lot to say. Why don’t you try to contribute to discussions on training and other important pursuits instead of religion and politics and calling people that don’t consider BB a sport, names?
i agree with anyone else. Yes a I would ask ronnie to his face about his use while being an officer. I also dont see any problem with police officer using gear as I dont think it should be illegal. Ronnie has put a lot of work into his physique and I respect that. These guys brought up a good point ptrdr would you have the balls to say what your saying to us to our faces, i doubt it. Looks like your the one hiding behind the keyboard.
“Here’s the question: if any of you met Ronnie in person…would you feel comfortable or “cool” saying this to his face? Not that he would retaliate…but would you feel like a cool T-man saying that in person to him vs. clacking away on your keyboards”
again, wtf are you talking about? did i belittle ronnie in any way. the person who started the original thread sounded unclear of whether or not ronnie was juiced. i simply made it clear in a sarcastic way that he does. how does this belittle him? how does this disrespect him? how does this say i have no moral character? and more importantly wtf does this have to do with talking to him in person? i could give a rats ass if hes juiced or not. imo using aas is not a moral judgement, but a legal one. i juice myself, why the fuck would i care?
you are way off topic and need to re-read the thread before you start typing again.
oh and just to let you know. although i appreciate what ronnie and other pro bbers have to go through to acheive their physiques, i think they look like a bunch of idiots that would be better off in a circus! are you gonna cry about that too?
If I met Ronnie in person I would ask him what he thinks about the candidates for President and if he thinks there is any validity to the statements made on 60 Minutes. I would also ask him what he thinks about bodybuilding and homosexuals, regaining a girlfriend’s trust, and Strongbad’s 100th.
…but that’s just me.
The funny thing in all of this is I have actually sold steroids to a cop! lock me up!
As for Ronnie doing the juice, I am sure Ronnie’s job on the force was guarding the evidence locker where he would take all the seized steroids pills and siphen out all the seized steroid bottles and replace them with sugar pills and cooking oil.
btw jaystyles - man you are too funny! lmao!
GreatWhiteHope…I respect your question. The answer is that I do read articles on the site here as well as the experiences such as what P22 went through recently. I myself coached Montrosefan to 14th at the USA’s back in 2000, so I have some firsthand experience in that arena…as well as competing myself. And yes…I have used and bought gear…over the border in person. I say this to say that I am not an expert…and I have alot to learn. I read what the great coaches such as TC…CT…Coach Poliquin…Coach King…Waterbury…Alessi…and a few others have to say. I experiment with different techniques. I have been in the game and industry long enough to know my body. I don’t seek validation from other people except in person. I DO NOT know everything, but I have helped a few people out such as Troy Alves…one of the top ten pros. Taught him about insulin back in 95 when he was the top dog in Arizona before going national.
What I am saying is that except for cutting edge articles written by some of the aformentioned people…I find the redundency of the Q & A aspect of training and diet on the forum a bit boring. A few gracious posters have anwered some PM’s concerning ergogenic aids…but thats about it.
Enough on that…
And…yes… I would have said the things to any of your in person. Im unafraid to give my opinion and question other people. And I would expect the same in return. What I don’t care for is bashing someone just to do it. The person starting out the thread seemed innocently unaware of things. People responded with sarcastic criticism. And if it wasn’t criticism…what was it??..building someone up? Ronnie is a man…he can defend himself. I am a man…and I will call BS as I see it. Just like the T-nation oath.
As for bodybuilding a sport…who cares of you believe it is or not? If I am stupidly believing it is a sport…I am not in that bad of company…ie…Dr.Lowery (I am sure he would be thrilled to be informed by you posters that he was ACTUALLY competing in a beauty pageant!LOL!)…Ronnie…Lee’s…Arnold the Great…Franco…Shannon Sharpe…and the list goes on and on…
Oh…P#22 looked really good for his beauty pageant!..oops…I bet he thought it was a bodybuilding contest…sorry P22…what were you told it was by the “know it all and never admit you might be wrong” T-Nation?? I hope you use the “nursing process” before swallowing hook…line and sinker the opinions of some of these guys!
You will run across alot of yoyo’s in your upcoming career! This wouldn’t be a bad place to start if you haven’t already…
Take it from someone with a decade in the industry…
sorry to prolong this, but what is the t-man oath pdtrdtrdr? just curious
What exactly is the T-Nation oath? Is it to criticize comments that were clearly meant in jest, and then rant uncontrollably?
If you direct your attention to the topic of the forum, it is Ronnie Coleman.
I fail to see how your acquisition of steroids in mexico or your training of Montrosefan qualifies you to say these idiotic things.
Furthermore, the tone and writing of most T-mag articles has some humor. I dare say, humor quite similar to the comments posted on this thread that you felt the need to rip apart. I spent about 10 seconds searching the T-mag articles and found these knocks on Ronnie.
"In Flex’s “Ask Mr. Olympia” column, Ronnie Coleman advises a trainee to make every set “burn throughout his entire body” to achieve that “hard” look. Hey Ronnie, is that burning feeling you describe anything like syphilis? And here I thought that your diet determined the hardness of your physique. " - Berardi
"As for achieving symmetry, Ronnie has a simple rule of thumb: if you increase the size of one muscle group, increase the size of the rest of your muscle groups by the same percentage. Sure, simple as that, thanks for the advice. Mr. Coleman, nothing you have said even approaches what could be considered a rational thought; we’re all now less intelligent for having heard you. "
- Berardi
Face it-- the guy is ridiculous. He’s a genetic freak, but he’s also juiced to the gills and looks ridiculous. This is why he is funny, and is why people with humor like to make light of him. Your attitude is equivalent to the guy at the party that just can’t take a joke. Ronnie doesn’t need you to be his knight in shining armor, blindly defending him on internet forums and attacking would-be naysayers. There’s about as much chivalry and honor in that as there is in a pubic hair.
that’s a point I don’t understand, how is ronnie coleman a genetic freak? he seems more like a steroid/GH freak. just curious
Fucking shut up already…
The thread started out as an homage to RC, and now you’re bashing each other.
Cops use, I know cops that use, whats the big deal.
RC is a big, big man. On that we can agree yeah? His accomplishments are there for all to see no matter what the genetic of pharmeceutical make up is.
I would just like to make it known that I would trade my body for Ronnie Coleman’s.
No way i started this thread therefore i get his body before you do
And now for something relating to the topic of this thread :)…
I saw the video too, one thing I thought was pretty amazing was that he’d get back from the gym after work, do an hour on the treadmill, go to bed at 12, and get up again at 6 for another hour on the treadmill! That’s some awesome recovery ability there, considering he’s not using steroids