I also wanted to point out that input from anybody is much appreciated, not just those within a certain range of a 405 bench. Didn’t want to discourage anyone from giving advice or posting, the more the merrier.
[quote]tarheeliron wrote:
[quote]maraudermeat wrote:
i have a raw bench in the 500’s. i would say that learning proper powerlifting bench form got me to 400 pretty quickly. getting into the 500’s took awhile… about 3 years. i get the most carryover to my full ROM bench with bench variations that allow me to train with supramaximal weights.
this is my new favorite bench variation, the foam press. it gives some pop off the chest allowing you to overload the top end with more weight than you would be able to handle otherwise while still being a full ROM movement.
Meat! Man I just want to start off by saying that I’m honored to have you posting in my thread! I have followed your training log for a long time, and have been really really impressed with your lifts and just training in general.
I’ve been doing some board work here in the last month or so that me and my training partner built, we were pretty satisfied with the way they turned out. What board work do you use, if any, and which board do you think has the best carryover for raw benching? That is really the only supramaximal exercise I’ve done on the bench as of now, but watching your videos has likely encouraged me to start using reverse bands here soon. Which bands do you reccommend using for the reverse band bench? (We have all Elite FTS Bands other than the heavy) The foam press video looks like you definitely still get a full ROM, but I’m assuming it’s a little easier than straight bench due to the slight rebound off the bottom of the lift?
I’ve also wanted to look into getting some wrist wraps/elbow wraps and noticed you use them. Which ones do you use and how much if any do you think they help out? (Rebound off the chest with elbow wraps)
Thanks so much for stopping by, and I’m sorry I asked you so many questions. Hope you don’t fall asleep reading my endless reply to you.
double post.
[quote]tarheeliron wrote:
[quote]maraudermeat wrote:
i have a raw bench in the 500’s. i would say that learning proper powerlifting bench form got me to 400 pretty quickly. getting into the 500’s took awhile… about 3 years. i get the most carryover to my full ROM bench with bench variations that allow me to train with supramaximal weights.
this is my new favorite bench variation, the foam press. it gives some pop off the chest allowing you to overload the top end with more weight than you would be able to handle otherwise while still being a full ROM movement.
Meat! Man I just want to start off by saying that I’m honored to have you posting in my thread! I have followed your training log for a long time, and have been really really impressed with your lifts and just training in general.
I’ve been doing some board work here in the last month or so that me and my training partner built, we were pretty satisfied with the way they turned out. What board work do you use, if any, and which board do you think has the best carryover for raw benching? That is really the only supramaximal exercise I’ve done on the bench as of now, but watching your videos has likely encouraged me to start using reverse bands here soon. Which bands do you reccommend using for the reverse band bench? (We have all Elite FTS Bands other than the heavy) The foam press video looks like you definitely still get a full ROM, but I’m assuming it’s a little easier than straight bench due to the slight rebound off the bottom of the lift?
I’ve also wanted to look into getting some wrist wraps/elbow wraps and noticed you use them. Which ones do you use and how much if any do you think they help out? (Rebound off the chest with elbow wraps)
Thanks so much for stopping by, and I’m sorry I asked you so many questions. Hope you don’t fall asleep reading my endless reply to you.
training is all about trial and error. i’ve tried just about everything. i’ve used boards in the past and got pretty good at board pressing. same with box squats. i became one hell of a box squatter but unfortunately neither boards or boxs had much of any carryover to my full ROM lift.
In my experience, i get the most carryover from doing full ROM movements that allow one to use supramaximal weight. my two favorites for bench are the foam press and the reverse band bench. i find that partial movements such as boards and boxes don’t allow a person to maintain their tightness which leads to form breakdown.
besides the foam press and reverse band work, i’ve found that long pause work with straight legs and no arch have been really affective as well.
having said all of this, i don’t want anyone to think i’m not advocating the use of boards or boxes. any advice that i give is given from the standpoint that it works for me. i have no idea if it will work for anyone else.
as for wraps. i use Inzer elbow sleeves. i use them more to keep pressure on my biceps. rowing big weight down to me week after week really takes a toll on my biceps. the sleeves seem to keep them from aching. i haven’t found that they add any extra weight to the bar. my wrist wraps are APT. i usually only use them on max attempts.
[quote]novaeer wrote:
[quote]maraudermeat wrote:
i have a raw bench in the 500’s. i would say that learning proper powerlifting bench form got me to 400 pretty quickly. getting into the 500’s took awhile… about 3 years. i get the most carryover to my full ROM bench with bench variations that allow me to train with supramaximal weights.
this is my new favorite bench variation, the foam press. it gives some pop off the chest allowing you to overload the top end with more weight than you would be able to handle otherwise while still being a full ROM movement.
It also helps that you use fake weights you big cheater How’s the organizing for the BOF meet coming?[/quote]
i have a few aluminum plates i like to throw on the bar when it’s time to video.
so far, i haven’t had many people sign up. i shouldn’t be suprised though. everyone wants to do it until you give them the chance and then suddenly they have excuses.
[quote]maraudermeat wrote:
[quote]tarheeliron wrote:
[quote]maraudermeat wrote:
i have a raw bench in the 500’s. i would say that learning proper powerlifting bench form got me to 400 pretty quickly. getting into the 500’s took awhile… about 3 years. i get the most carryover to my full ROM bench with bench variations that allow me to train with supramaximal weights.
this is my new favorite bench variation, the foam press. it gives some pop off the chest allowing you to overload the top end with more weight than you would be able to handle otherwise while still being a full ROM movement.
Meat! Man I just want to start off by saying that I’m honored to have you posting in my thread! I have followed your training log for a long time, and have been really really impressed with your lifts and just training in general.
I’ve been doing some board work here in the last month or so that me and my training partner built, we were pretty satisfied with the way they turned out. What board work do you use, if any, and which board do you think has the best carryover for raw benching? That is really the only supramaximal exercise I’ve done on the bench as of now, but watching your videos has likely encouraged me to start using reverse bands here soon. Which bands do you reccommend using for the reverse band bench? (We have all Elite FTS Bands other than the heavy) The foam press video looks like you definitely still get a full ROM, but I’m assuming it’s a little easier than straight bench due to the slight rebound off the bottom of the lift?
I’ve also wanted to look into getting some wrist wraps/elbow wraps and noticed you use them. Which ones do you use and how much if any do you think they help out? (Rebound off the chest with elbow wraps)
Thanks so much for stopping by, and I’m sorry I asked you so many questions. Hope you don’t fall asleep reading my endless reply to you.
training is all about trial and error. i’ve tried just about everything. i’ve used boards in the past and got pretty good at board pressing. same with box squats. i became one hell of a box squatter but unfortunately neither boards or boxs had much of any carryover to my full ROM lift.
In my experience, i get the most carryover from doing full ROM movements that allow one to use supramaximal weight. my two favorites for bench are the foam press and the reverse band bench. i find that partial movements such as boards and boxes don’t allow a person to maintain their tightness which leads to form breakdown.
besides the foam press and reverse band work, i’ve found that long pause work with straight legs and no arch have been really affective as well.
having said all of this, i don’t want anyone to think i’m not advocating the use of boards or boxes. any advice that i give is given from the standpoint that it works for me. i have no idea if it will work for anyone else.
as for wraps. i use Inzer elbow sleeves. i use them more to keep pressure on my biceps. rowing big weight down to me week after week really takes a toll on my biceps. the sleeves seem to keep them from aching. i haven’t found that they add any extra weight to the bar. my wrist wraps are APT. i usually only use them on max attempts.
Cool, that’s very good to know. Thanks for the input man. I’ve been using boards for a short time, and will probably at least give them a chance for a cycle or two, but as you have been raw lifting for much longer than me and have way bigger lifts, I do value your advice! I understand that training is different for each individual and you have to find out what works for you though.
[quote]maraudermeat wrote:
[quote]novaeer wrote:
[quote]maraudermeat wrote:
i have a raw bench in the 500’s. i would say that learning proper powerlifting bench form got me to 400 pretty quickly. getting into the 500’s took awhile… about 3 years. i get the most carryover to my full ROM bench with bench variations that allow me to train with supramaximal weights.
this is my new favorite bench variation, the foam press. it gives some pop off the chest allowing you to overload the top end with more weight than you would be able to handle otherwise while still being a full ROM movement.
It also helps that you use fake weights you big cheater How’s the organizing for the BOF meet coming?[/quote]
i have a few aluminum plates i like to throw on the bar when it’s time to video.
so far, i haven’t had many people sign up. i shouldn’t be suprised though. everyone wants to do it until you give them the chance and then suddenly they have excuses.
That’s sad, if you were south one more state I’d be there in a heartbeat man.
Meat: how often do you have to replace your bands since you use them for reverse band exercises frequently?
[quote]maraudermeat wrote:
i have a few aluminum plates i like to throw on the bar when it’s time to video.
so far, i haven’t had many people sign up. i shouldn’t be suprised though. everyone wants to do it until you give them the chance and then suddenly they have excuses.
Uh, I’d like to be a BOF but I might have to get a haircut and a manicure that day. Sorry.
[quote]tarheeliron wrote:
[quote]maraudermeat wrote:
[quote]novaeer wrote:
[quote]maraudermeat wrote:
i have a raw bench in the 500’s. i would say that learning proper powerlifting bench form got me to 400 pretty quickly. getting into the 500’s took awhile… about 3 years. i get the most carryover to my full ROM bench with bench variations that allow me to train with supramaximal weights.
this is my new favorite bench variation, the foam press. it gives some pop off the chest allowing you to overload the top end with more weight than you would be able to handle otherwise while still being a full ROM movement.
It also helps that you use fake weights you big cheater How’s the organizing for the BOF meet coming?[/quote]
i have a few aluminum plates i like to throw on the bar when it’s time to video.
so far, i haven’t had many people sign up. i shouldn’t be suprised though. everyone wants to do it until you give them the chance and then suddenly they have excuses.
That’s sad, if you were south one more state I’d be there in a heartbeat man.
thanks bro. i’m hoping to get a few people willing to actually do something instead of always talking about it.
[quote]novaeer wrote:
[quote]maraudermeat wrote:
i have a few aluminum plates i like to throw on the bar when it’s time to video.
so far, i haven’t had many people sign up. i shouldn’t be suprised though. everyone wants to do it until you give them the chance and then suddenly they have excuses.
Uh, I’d like to be a BOF but I might have to get a haircut and a manicure that day. Sorry. :p[/quote]
as a BOF, those things along with a bikini wax are done as meet prep.
[quote]Steve the PLer wrote:
Meat: how often do you have to replace your bands since you use them for reverse band exercises frequently?[/quote]
i haven’t replaced them at all. i keep an eye for small tears and so far they are good to go.
Thanks, I was worried that they’d get too stretched out after a while. I guess it doesn’t make too much of a difference, though. If anything, the reverse band lifts would get harder.
I, like Meat haven’t gotten too much carryover from boards either. If anything it just gives me confidence in holding heavier weight. So after benching I like to get a heavier weight in my hand and just hold it.
I’d like to get a 405 bench while not focusing on 405 bench. I do a lot of boxing, and other work and I just wanna be able to go in and bench 405 on any given day. I’ve lost 15lbs so my bench has gone done, coupled with the fact that I haven’t done ANY pressing in 2 months because of some shoulder bugging me and well all the boxing. I am definately in this thread for info. Got a doc appt. friday as well.
Another thing to bring the bench up fast I found switching between high frequency low volume high intensity for a few weeks, and then a few weeks of lower weight higher volume. Did WONDERS for my bench.
Benching 3-4x a week for 3 weeks, you can easily gain 25lbs on your bench if your below a 405 bench press. Back off for a week of benching, switch to high volume lower weight and use that new strength to build some muscle and go at it again. Of course this is FOCUSING ON BENCH…When I did that I only squatted once a week, get in and get out few heavy sets. And not too much back work either, that’s it though.
Cool rasturai, thanks for the input alot. Glad to have you on board. I hope your doctor’s appt. goes well tomorrow, I’m assuming it’s for the shoulder right? Thanks for the advice on benching, I don’t really want to do anything that extreme right now though as I’m still focusing on my other two lifts just as much as bench. Where was your bench at when you were focusing on it and where was it at when you gained 25 lbs on it in three weeks? That’s pretty damn impressive.
My best bench for 1RM was 390…but it was not a max effort lift, tough but had some in the tank. I feel like my max bench at that time (I was a bit heavier, was probably around 405 or soI stopped doing max benches a long time ago cause of all the punching I do for boxing…my bench was 350 when I did that to gain up to 375. After that it was just a matter of weight gain and changing up routines to bring me that final streak of strength.
I wish I had went for 405 now that I think of it, instead of leaving some in the tank…but it was after a workout as well. and by that time around I got a lot more into boxing and muay thai…so that took off.
It is my shoulder…I acutally don’t think anything is wrong with it at all…I just think there is inflammation build up and that’s about it…but it’s better to be safe than sorry…I need these shoulders lol.
Tomorrow I will know.
By goal is now…cause I haven’t pressed in so long…hit 375 at 205, and then 405 at 215lbs BW…I’m gonna take another 2 weeks off from benching, and after that start it up. I think my max right now without presing for months is probably around 350 or so. To get it back up to where it’s gotta be won’t be that hard I don’t think cause of muscle memory.
Also my gains will be greater because I have perfected my sleep routine, nutrition is on point. I cannot fail now, it’s only a matter of time.
I will stop ranting though, I was getting excited lol.
I will post vids as well!
After I gained the 25lbs though…I gained the rest froma reg. program.
It doesn’t even matter man…you can do a complete program focusing on all 3 powerlifts.
All you have to do is add frequency to bench and drop all other pressing movements except you acn do some triceps on the last workout of the last session and play with it.
Just do it before your squats, and before your deadlifts.
I would do:
squat 5x5
single leg squat 2x8 or glute ham raise
[quote]rasturai wrote:
My best bench for 1RM was 390…but it was not a max effort lift, tough but had some in the tank. I feel like my max bench at that time (I was a bit heavier, was probably around 405 or soI stopped doing max benches a long time ago cause of all the punching I do for boxing…my bench was 350 when I did that to gain up to 375. After that it was just a matter of weight gain and changing up routines to bring me that final streak of strength.
I wish I had went for 405 now that I think of it, instead of leaving some in the tank…but it was after a workout as well. and by that time around I got a lot more into boxing and muay thai…so that took off.
It is my shoulder…I acutally don’t think anything is wrong with it at all…I just think there is inflammation build up and that’s about it…but it’s better to be safe than sorry…I need these shoulders lol.
Tomorrow I will know.
By goal is now…cause I haven’t pressed in so long…hit 375 at 205, and then 405 at 215lbs BW…I’m gonna take another 2 weeks off from benching, and after that start it up. I think my max right now without presing for months is probably around 350 or so. To get it back up to where it’s gotta be won’t be that hard I don’t think cause of muscle memory.
Also my gains will be greater because I have perfected my sleep routine, nutrition is on point. I cannot fail now, it’s only a matter of time.
I will stop ranting though, I was getting excited lol.
I will post vids as well!
Sounds awesome bro, I like the positive attitude! Don’t worry about “ranting”, I’m glad you’re getting excited! That was the point of this thread, for motivation and advice! Good luck with the doctor’s appointment tomorrow, keep us updated!
haha thats it man! gotta support eachothers we’re all in it for the same thing!
The bench routine I did…there’s a couple that can jack up a bench up real quick.
4x a week bench
Mon: 85% 5sets of 3
Tues: 90% 5 sets of 2
Wed: 95% 5 sets of 1
Fri: 80% 5 sets of 1 (should be real light)
Add 5lbs. to each percentage each week.
4x a week bench
Mon: 1x1 - 100% (max), drop weight 3x3 at 85%
Tues: 3x2 - 90%
Wed: 3x1 - 85%
Fri: 4x1 - 85% (should be very light)
You base weights off of max weight used on Monday.
For assistance you can do some tri’s, bi’s etc. not too much on the tuesday/wednesday - but that’s it!
Other than that, you can use your reg. program but add the benches in first. THIS IS concentrated loading.
You don’t do this all the time, do it for about 3-4 weeks, then back off and maintain.
If your joints are getting sore…keep having your fish-oil etc. SLEEP is very important here as well. I was getting 4-5 hrs. of sleep though and still made gains.
But to prevent injury you need MORE obviosuly.
You can also do 3x a week:
Mon: 4 sets of 3 at 85%
Wed: 5 sets of 2 at 90-95%
Fri: 5 sts of 2 at 80% (this is light)
Just back off here when you arent improving anymore.
After that though do a reg. bench program, you can build some size with your new strength.
It’s a good boost, if you are feeling injured or soemthing though. I wouldn’t recommend doing it, you gotta be healthy (shoulders etc) to do it.
That sounds like a hell of a few weeks man. I just got through the six week bench cure by Dave Tate and saw some pretty good gains, but what I liked about that was I could do it while still following my Westside type template. (ME Bench, Speed Lower, Speed Bench, ME Lower). I may try some of this focusing on bench stuff in a little while, but right now I’m trying to get all three lifts up pretty hard. Thanks for taking so much time to post, appreciate it!
No problem man…if you want to stick your template…you can…and do everything intensely…all you have to do is implement the 3x a week concentrated benching. Do a little bit of assistane for tri’s, bi’s…I am more than sure your bench will add 20lbs. Go easy after that for benching for a couple weeks (maintain your strength) and then start another routine.
The 3x a week really isn’t that taxing at all…you might even feel good doing it because so many people add so many assistance exercises for pressing moveemtns (dumbbell preses 3x8, military press, etc etc.)
Just stretch your pecs, do a little bit of rotator cuff work.
It’s intensity, not volume. So technically it isn’t VERY stressful, as long as you don’t do a crazy amount of assistance.
Best of luck to you!