Road to 55 Feet

Alright, I’ve been lurking for awhile now and I finally decided to make a log so I will hold myself more accountable. I’m 17 years old and I started lifting the summer before my freshman year of high school. I’ve been all conference in football and track and I’m coming up on my final high school track season until I begin throwing in college. Last year I finished second I finished second in the state in the shot with a throw of 49’ 4". MY goal for this indoor season it to hit 55’. I just finished up my football season and took about a month off from any physical activity what so ever so I’m a bit out of shape… 5’ 11" 240 lbs…soft

like I said I just finished up football we don’t lift in season and I haven’t done anything for a month so I’m not anywhere near where I have previously been and that is a main reason why I made this log.

My weight training will be based on a 3 day periodization split that I have used the past few seasons that has worked well for me. One day is squat with assistance, the next military press with assistance and the third day dead lift with assistance. In the past it had been bench instead of military but I think I have a clear weakness in the military press that needs to be addressed. All of these sessions are begun with a 10-15 minute team warm up and then followed by a cool down. The other 2 weekdays are filled with some light conditioning and lots of throwing which I will go into more detail with as I begin going through practices. On weekends I’ll do some body weight stuff and stretch but nothing really intense.

My diet has been crap and a major reason why I’ve gotten a bit soft. Now that I’ve had Thanksgiving to indulge myself I will refocus. I’m going to be using a fasting method like the warrior diet. I used it last season and I liked the mental focus I had during the technical portions of my practices, the leanness I achieved, and how much easier it was to take in quality foods rather than the garbage they feed us at my school. I will eat a lot of eggs tuna milk beef chicken fruits and veggies. I’m pretty limited on supps but I’ve purchased some fish oil and ill be taking like 10 grams a day.

Hopefully with the increased activity and better diet I’ll lean up some, but I’m definitely not looking to get ripped or cut or anything. All of my goals are athletically based so I’m looking to keep mass and strength up without getting to heavy to move around well.

I plan on posting pics and videos of myself every month or so just so I can keep myself accountable and measure my progress. I would also love and feedback anyone has to offer…please let me have it if I’m doing anything stupid or wrong.

Just to prove I’m for real here’s another pic…first day of training is tomorrow

Cool to see a fellow putter with a log! 55 feet is a very good mark, and those are some impressive numbers. Will definitly be following.

Rough Day Today…

Brief Jog followed by dynamics with team <10 Mins
Med Ball Throws 10 mins
Box Jump series <10 Mins

A 1.Buddha Jumps 3x5 BW
A 2.Squat 3x12 @275

B.Good Mornings 3x8 @95

C.Bulgarian Split Squat 3x8 @95

D.Landmines 3x8 @55 (Plate and a ten on one end of the bar other end empty)

Regroup with team core work ~15 mins crunches planks etc

at 6 started eating ate pb sandwhich, glass of milk, 3 pork chops, a baked potato, small tub of cottage cheese, and a banana…took my multi v and 10g of fish oil

Rough Day Today…

Brief Jog followed by dynamics with team <10 Mins
Med Ball Throws 10 mins
Box Jump series <10 Mins

A 1.Buddha Jumps 3x5 BW
A 2.Squat 3x12 @275

B.Good Mornings 3x8 @95

C.Bulgarian Split Squat 3x8 @95

D.Landmines 3x8 @55 (Plate and a ten on one end of the bar other end empty)

Regroup with team core work ~15 mins crunches planks etc

at 6 started eating ate pb sandwhich, glass of milk, 3 pork chops, a baked potato, small tub of cottage cheese, and a banana…took my multi v and 10g of fish oil

[quote]BlackLabel wrote:
Cool to see a fellow putter with a log! 55 feet is a very good mark, and those are some impressive numbers. Will definitly be following.[/quote]

Thanks man, are you currently prepping for competition?

[quote]maineiac42 wrote:

[quote]BlackLabel wrote:
Cool to see a fellow putter with a log! 55 feet is a very good mark, and those are some impressive numbers. Will definitly be following.[/quote]

Thanks man, are you currently prepping for competition?[/quote]

Not really. Im out of high school now so any throw comps I do will be for fun.

Lighter practice today
Team Warmup ~ 10 minutes
Agility Ladder Work~ 10 mins
Throwers Stair Special ~ 15 mins
Shoulder Girdle complex ~ 8 mins
Long cool down, lots of static stretching

readjusting to the fasting was tougher today than yesterday, had some headaches during the day but I stuck it out. just ate some celery and humus, a good portion of turkey from the crock pot, a small tub of cottage cheese, 6 scrambled eggs with spinach, 4 glasses of milk, and then multi v and 10g fish oil…now i have to go to a film viewing for my college class before i come home and head to bed.

no practice today…had a student gov meeting, kind of glad though DOMS are killing me

food wasnt as good as yesterday had banana, 2 cans of tuna, portion of turkey around 6 but then got hungry again at 8 and had a 1 poptart some kettle corn and a couple slices of pizza left over in the fridge.

i’ll be punishing myself with a squat pushup and pullup tabata tomorrow morning

am tabata 4 mins of pushup, squat, pullup, squat

Team Warmup ~ 10 minutes
upper body medball work ~ 15 mins

A 1. 100x3x12 military press
A 2. bwx3x8 chin ups

B. 30x3x8 db flys

C. bwx3x8 explosive fatman pullups

D. bwx3x10 dips

E. 70x3x8 facepulls

F. 45x3x21s…just threw these in for a little direct bicep work since arms are a bit disproportionate to the rest of my body

Haven’t eaten yet but im plainning on lots of eggs

didnt get a chance to post yesterday

team warmup~10 mins
technique work~ 30 mins
plyo work ~ 15 mins
team core~40 mins

finally gotot in the weightroom after practice and tried to work up to a 465 single on deadlift but didnt quite get it

my friend wasnt quite sure how to work the webcam on my laptop so you can see his ugly mug a few times in the vid

Warmup and medball work as usual

today was squat day but I was pressed for time
back was still a little tired so i put on the belt today
315x5 easy
365x3 easy
405x2 easy
455x0…got stuck in the hole and ditched the bar before busting a nut
pretty annoyed with how much my strength has declined, over the summer i could easily get 3 at the end of a workout

Good Mornings 95x3x8
BSS 120x3x6
Landmines 55x3x8

throwers play basketball for warmup and conditioning, any hand contact is a 5 push up penalty 30 mins

A 1 115x3x10 standing military
2 bwx3x8 chins

B 90x3x10 reverse hypers

C 85x3x8 kroc rows

got kicked out of the weightroom, did a team core circut

tried out the high performance mass lat and bicep fatigue loading

40x4x8 straight arm pulldown

140x4x8 lat pull 50x4x8 straight arm pull with holds for max time on last rep

45x4x21 7 full 7 top partial 7 lower partial and then max hold on last rep

I need to do more pressing so im going to start using tuesdays as my upper body pull day and use wednesday as my press day

Id say your numbers are still looking strong for in season… my numbers usally take a pretty bad hit.

[quote]BlackLabel wrote:
Id say your numbers are still looking strong for in season… my numbers usally take a pretty bad hit.[/quote]

i’m happy with the strength but i think i might need a bit more volume. 3 sets of military press per week probably isnt enough

feeling pretty burnt out from yesterday

bball warmup and conditioning 30 mins

decided to try out HPM on bench and found my max training weight


MTW ~ 240

team core at the end…i love short friday practices

I also got my acceptance letter to Bowdoin College today, just an overall good day

short practice today
team warmup plus medball

405x5 felt good could have gotten 2 or maybe 3 more

sumo dead

landmine 80x3x8

finally got into a ring today at a local college did about 10 power throws and 10 full glides popped out a few that touched 50. not bad considering my first week of throwing last year i never even broke 40

did 100 push ups and 50 pull ups over the past 3 hours or so

third overall within 9 inches of my PR…not bad considering my first throw last year was only 42 feet

team warmup 5 mins
technique work 30 mins

military press 135x3x8

bench press 225x3x8 275x3

push ups bw+45x2x10

dips bwx3x8

arm work
tri pushdowns 50x3x8 hold til failure last rep
“21s” 65x2 sets with 90 degree hold til failure at end of set