[quote]mr popular wrote:
You really want to take bodybuilding advice from this guy?
That program looks dumb.
My advice would be to take inventory of all the basic bodybuilding exercises you need to be doing, and then split them up as best you can. That is what I did, and a majority of other decent lifters on this website. It’s not about “the routine”, it’s about getting good at the exercises that work the best on your body. I would never do “free motion chest presses” or “bulgarian squats” just because Nick Tumminello told me to do so.[/quote]
lol very good response.
To thread starter take a look at mr populare’s thread best of tnation, a loot of good stuff there.
Read the bodybuilding bible thread, read what other bigger people have done. Then you try to make a program with exercises that give you bang for the bucks. When you have done this you can post it in this thread and ask (Or just ask one of the more experienced guys on this forum by message).