Hello Dears
Just got diagnosed with pre diabetes. So I’ve got to redo my diet plan. The idea is to have carbs only for Breakfast and around Workout.
Weight: 100 kg
BF: 15-20%
Anabolic Support: Sustanon250 (apprx. 500mg per week)
The Diet Plan:
| pr | carb | fat |
Meal 1 | 23 |30 | | 1 Whey and 50gm Oats
Meal 2 | 24 | | 30 | 8 whites and 30ml Olive Oil
Meal 3 | 54 | | 16 | 2 Whey and 2 tbsp Peanut Butter
Meal 4 | 60 | | 25 | 300gms chicken and 15ml Olive Oil and 1 slice Cheddar cheese and Veggies
Meal 5 | 60 | 30 | 15 | 300gms chicken and 15ml Olive Oil and 50gm Oats
Workout | 46 | | | 2 Whey and creatine and glutamine
Meal 6 | 23 | 60 | | 1 Whey and 2 Large Bananas and 250ml Milk
Meal 7 | 60 | | 25 | 300gms chicken and 15ml Olive Oil and 1 slice Cheddar cheese and Veggies
Snacking thru d day| 10 | 10 |25 |50gms almond
| 8 | 7 |32 |50gms walnut
macro gms| 368 | 137 | 168 |
calories| 1472 | 548 | 1512 | Total calories: 3532
Also, Optimum Opti-Men for Multivitamin and Fish Oil for supplements
I tested Fasted Blood sugar at 107 2 days back.
Keeping that as well in mind please review the above diet. Also if calories need to be increased to see better gains how can that be done?
Thanks in advance for your time and patience folks.
Bye 4 now.