Review My Regime for Strength

[quote]thosebananas wrote:
well im getting it in its pure form… from myprotein

was just thinking of throwing it into my post work out shake and “shaking” it about… mind the pun

how will 5 g a day effect me, will it be noticable?

I don’t know if you will notice it. It depends on if you need it or not. You won’t know unless you try it. It doesn’t do much for me. Some swear by it. It’s supposed to be more important as you get older.

mmm true… ive seen guys my age take Maximuscle Cretamax extreme… and basically soak the stuff up like a sponge and they are huge in a few weeks… but prob not much stronger…

since im bigger ie 285 pounds. should i maybe take a bigger dose? or is 5g a good size?


I can’t say.

alright we’re in here now :slight_smile:

i take promax meself especially post workout i fond it great . . the bv of 104+ is promax itself (mix of hydrosalate and isolate) and the 154 is the ‘Biomax’ hydrosalate. . .i could be wrong. . is as good as your gonna get i’d say any higher and id say the manufacturer is acting the clown. .

Promax is a good mix of whey hydrosalate and isolate and is perfect post w/o but as said above you need your insulin spike. . . the creatimax has the dextrose and maltodextrin in it to get the desired effect. . upto you. . lash the creatine into the promax and have it post workout with some viper or something if your stuck. . even but a small tub of viper and throw your creatine into it and hey presto home made creatimax half the price! ha

creatine dosage. . .
your body already has a basal level of creatine that fuels the ATP-pCr energy system. . basically fuels the first 8-15 secs of any action you do and then glycolysis will take over until about 3 -5 mins of activity and then you will be begin oxidising fat after 3-5 mins depending on your training level/ capacity to oxidise/ levels of glycolytic enzymes in the muscle. . .glycogen stores etc. these will all be at work in different ratios depending on the type of demand on the muscle. phew that was a bit of useless info for you haha
3-5 grams id say is fine as i said its fuel nothing more nothing less! not a magic pill

i find that it helps with strength gains basically because it prevents fatigue (extra phospocreatine in the muscle therefore more available and extending time to fatigue) and subsequently will help with increased muscle mass because of the accompanying strength and increased work capacity.

you said your a bigger guy. . .i refer back to lean body weight of about 240 not 285. . if you wanted increase it to 7 or 8 and see how u get on.

the guys who were huge in a few weeks. . . possible water retention and over dosing on the stuff. . increased intracellular creatine causes increases cell plasma to house the new creatine thus increasing cell volume. . . or they decided to go all out and eat like mad things and gained a few kilo of fat aswell thinking that + creatimax + bicep curls were going to make them huge. . one or the other. . clowns

"9.45am Work out finish

10.00am 180g of Tuna in brine (Drained)"

Where’s your post workout shake?

tuna takes its sweet time digesting and your muscles are hungry!

probably not the best idea to do ‘drop benches or iso push ups’ after flyes and tricep isolation exercises. .


yea cool man… im looking for critcal anaylsis here.

i weigh 285 on the scales??

im thinking i have 300g coming and it was quite cheap… i think 5 or 6 pounds for it. i was thinking of makeing it last for a month and seeing how it goes… ie 10g a day?
just gonna try it out. never been on it and all the rugby guys rave about it…

insulin spike…
does it have to be something expensive like Viper or can i just take it with lucozade or a cheaper alternative?

the BV confuses me… because the Promax says 104+… but then the myprotein one says 154 and its alot lot cheaper… I like the promax one but one tub does me about 10 days and they cost 24 quid(bulk buy) so i was thinking of changing to the stuff of myprotein

but there is sooo many kinds of protein on there. i dont no which one to order? i was thinking the “impact whey protein” or “Whey Protein Concentrate 75 (NZ)”
can anyone advise on which is best?

on the post workout shake… im worried im relying too heavily on shakes. but i see what u mean, i should have had a shake at 10 and then the tuna 3 hours later?!

today is legs day… i had noo sleep last nite, had mates around. so im expecting to be weak/tired. hence im going to go eat some carbs and go to gym in an hour.


upto my balls at the minute. . get back to you later. . . keep the legs bout 5-10% lighter so u dont get dissappointed on rep ranges like u did with shoulders and chest. . get back to you later. . yea lucosade but not too much . . u getting the powder? that’d be perfect but make sure not to use the whole can. . just enough like a 2:1 mix would be perfect

[quote]bryan.kav wrote:
u getting the powder? that’d be perfect but make sure not to use the whole can. . just enough like a 2:1 mix would be perfect [/quote]

do u mean the protein here or creatine

im getting the creapure stuff. 300g

hitting the gym in 20 mins. :smiley:

fucking gym is closed for no apparent reason… got there and the doors where locked.

id normally now do a pressup, sit up, tricep dips kinds session but that was my session yesterday… anyone got any alternatives?


Do some sprints.

i just a pile of body resistance lungeing, squating, one leg squats, bounds.

worked up a good sweat for 30 mins. raging about gym… just found out, it was closed because a air vent burst when a squash ball hit it??? wtf.

should be open tomoz again. should i do a legs session tomoz or shoulders/back?


well if you want to have your post workout shake with your creatine and lucosade . . fair enough cant say it would be that nice. . i meant mix your creatine with lucosade powder example 300g creapure creatine 600g lucosade powder or whatever the lucosade comes in put half again in creatine in an give it a shake. . just as a cheap alternative?

probably better off the gym was closed as you said u got no sleep. . . leave the legs session and keep on track and do shoulders/ back. . what you plan on doing there?

post it and we have a look

em the my protein stuff looks ok but if you look at the price + add flavour+ sweetener its working out at £21 or £22 for the whey hydrosalate(hydrolysed whey) which is the important post workout drink. . the whey concentrate you were talking about is ok but it has slower digestion times and wouldnt be absorbed quickly enough for maximum benifit.

for the extra 2 or 3 quid i’d be inclined to stick to what i know. . try the my protein stuff for a month if you want see how u get on.

just looking at your original post. . why’d you do legs today?

arent you due chest etc?

anyways your shoulder day could do with a look. .

Military press (heavy) 5x5
(keep weight constant and turn into a push press towards latter sets when fatigue gets the better of you)

you chinning/ doing pull ups or just lat pulldown?

why are you doing sets of 8 lat pulldown and 5x5 on bench? stick to the 5x5 range for most exercises keep it simple.

1st set negative chins pausing at different parts of the ROM for a 2 secs (or really heavy/ 1rm lat pulldown) 5 sets of 1 very slow rep with pauses etc. .

lat pulldown 5x5

Dumbell shoulder press 5x5

(as you have already done numerous sets keep slightly lighter than usual i.e. 25 dumbells)

upright row 5x5 (if 5’s are uncomfortable lighten a little and do more reps . . ive had this complaint before)

I’d steer clear of lateral raises and stuff unless your supersetting them with something like your upright rows to spice it up a little.

i’d superset my military press with lat pulldown/ chins just to save time and increase metabolism. . your resting the agonist while working the antagonist anyways who needs rest :slight_smile: start with 1min break and reduce 10 secs per session (at least try to)

Bicep tricep superset on pulley is ok but id prefer to see a Barbell bicep curl/ Standing Overhead barbell tricep extension (Standing French Press) superset. . cables are for ladies. . especially isolation cables

maybe doing Bent over rows and cable rows on the same day are not the most economical choice of exercise. . try cycling them one day pulley row. . .next day bent over row. .



few reps of lat pulldown to ‘warm up’

single negative chins/ Negative 1rm lat pulldown 5x1

  1. Military Press - heavy (push press last set or two)

  2. Lat pulldown 5x5

Superset above

Dumbell shuolder press 5x5

Upright Row 5x5

  1. Barbell Bicep Curl

  2. Overhead Barbell Tricep Extension


10 mins Miscellaneous (any other isolation exercises/ abs etc)

Short and sweet . . . yet effective

cheers for the detailed reply.

5am Into Bed
8.30am Wake up
8.45am 2 HOT-ROX Extreme, 2 Norateen and a multivit (no breakfast, couldnt stomach anything after last nite… explain later)
9am-11am in class
11.30am 2 scoops of promax

1300 Workout Start:

5x5 Bench 60kg - Was bored waiting on pricks using all the other bars. Silly i no, but im being honest here

5x5 Standing Military Press - first time ive ever done this i think, started at 40kg, then went to 50kg. did the 5 sets at 50kg. only had to push press on last 2 reps of last set. had a few very slow struggles but didnt use my legs in earlier sets.

5x2 Pull down. Did 2 reps because the machine only goes up to 15… im not sure wat each plate is. wat you reckon? 10 pounds or 10 kilos?

5x5 Standing Barbell Shoulder press (behind head to neck) 50kg

5x5 Upward row. pulley machine on number 8 for first three sets then number7 for last 2.

Vertial Standing Raises. alternating arms. 15kg dumbells 5x5

Sitting Side/lateral Dumbell raises. 5x5 10kg with 3/4 sec hold at horizontal.

5x5 Single Dumbell standing tricep extension (behind head) 35kg dumbell

5x5 Bicep Slow Curls on EZ Bar 40kg

set of 21s at 30

Dead Hang til Failure x 2

200 situps

14.15 finish

14.30pm - 2 scoops of promax with water.

… felt no tirednesss today despite late night last night. Im the PR manager of a club in glasgow and i was working last night, stayed on with some co workers and had a few drinks (3 cans of redstripe and 3 Vodka + lemonades) :S on the way home i had a cheese burger at about 3.30am… thats the first bread ive had in about 3 weeks.

That was my first slip on the diet… hopefully wont let it happen again!

you still should have tried to get some food into you at least before your workout 2 scoops of promax isnt gonna do anything for you in the weights room. . .

you shouldnt be having ‘slow struggles’ when the velocity of the weight slows power output is reduced . . regardless of weight lifted. . push pressing the second there is a NOTICEABLE slow down in speed of contraction and then slow the eccentric portion of the lift . . this will help you get through the plateau your having with your shoulders. . give it a whirl next time. . why do standing barbell presses after doing military presses . . no dumbells? did you not do seated dumbell shoulder presses before and had trouble with them? keep at them. . there’s no point doin two vertical pushes . . both with a barbell. . not in my opinion anyway. .

did you only do the negative pulldowns? what about the 5x5 afterwards?

with the isolation exercises dont be afraid to reduce the sets to 3 and increase the reps to 7 or 8. . get more of a feeling out of them . . they’re only supplementary anyways

why 200 sit ups? would you lie on the bench and do 200 presses? nope. . . weight the abs as you wouold any other muscle and appropriate rep ranges. . .u wouldnt expect to get huge legs walkin 200 steps to the shop

GOOOOD a post Workout drink . . :slight_smile:

NO BURGERS FOR YOU. . .at least throw the bun away or get chicken strips or something! :slight_smile:

i know im a critical prick . . haha

it wasnt bad i just had to throw in my two cents

sounds like it was a fun workout anyway!

didnt do 5x5 pulldowns… :frowning: 2 be fair i forgot.

i thought fighting to get the weight up wud promote more growth but i see wat u mean by the power…

how wide should my grip be for military press? today it was just about shoulder width if not slightly narrower…

Creatine came… thinking of taking 5g in the morning with my breakfast… and then 5g in my PWO drink. any thoughts?

tomorrow its legs… im thinking:

Squat 5x5
Lunge 5x5 per leg
Weighted Step ups 5x5 (Explosivily but trying not to use momentum… instead place leg on bench, pause and then go hard)
5x5 Leg Press
5x5 Calf Press

Was thinking about doing split squat jumps and/or the squat where u place one leg on a bench and the other u squat with.

Deadlift is a toughy for me… i like doing it on olympic day but i sometimes put it in here too!??

been thinking about my routine etc… im thinking of spliting the 3 bodypart days into 4 ie:
Day 1 Chest
Day 2 Legs
Day 3 Shoulders
Day 4 Back/core
Day 5 Rest - or light cardio
Day 6 Olympic Day
Day 7 Rest - or light cardio

still keeping to the 5x5 principle etc.

any thoughts?

any recommendations for breakfast… i have porridge but its disgusting… its from aldi (version of lidl) and i dont want to add sugar or anything… was thinking sucralose but i cant find it anywhere.

cheers for the detailed replys… much appreciated! where in ireland you from? im from armagh in the north.

ok cool ill let your away with the pulldowns :slight_smile:

emm does the creatine have a transport system (usually magnesium chelate or something) or is it just monohydrate? if monohydrate with no bicarbonates or something alkaline to buffer the acidity in the stomach. . creatine is ‘supposed’ to denature into creatinine when exposed to low PH’s but then they tell you to drink it with fruit juice. . maybe taken with something non acidic at least and see how you get on. . pwo drink yes. . . what do you plan on taking it with in the morning?

yea the 5g 2x/day sounds ok. . havent taken creatine properly in years actually. . should try it for a while see how i get on. .

5x5 squat

5+5 x 5 Single leg/bulgarian split squat
(lunges are for girls) hehe

5+5 x 5 lateral lunges

leg press and do a bit of rest pausing then for a good finale

get your 10rm and do it. . after 10 reps hold with slight bend in knees for 10 secs bang out another 5 hold for 10 secs (slight bend in the knee) bang out 4 reps 10 secs 3 reps etc. down to one. . . its fun. . .quads respond better to more reps. and extending the sets like that can lead to sendin testosterone throught the roof supposedly. . did i mention its fun?

Calves will respond in a similar fashion so try this out on them aswell. . .as with the quads they are very resistant to fatigue and need a good bashing

if your doin an olympic day there’s no real point doin the split squat jumps . . lower body power will be looked after on that day. .

your doin a bodypart split routine and it looks too much like a bodybuilding routine at the beginning of the week

how about

Day 1 - Chest and back and triceps (Horizontal push/pull)

Day 2 - Legs and ‘core’

Day 3 - Shoulders and back and biceps (vertical push/ pull)

Day 4 - Unilateral leg day (light single leg emphasis)

Day 5 - rest - light cardio

Day 6 Olympic Day

Day 7 Rest - or light cardio


breakfast eh hermasetas or canderel nowhere to be seen no?. . .scrambled egg with some milled flax in it and sugar free beans is my usual cos its savage quick. . if im in a real rush whip a shake together and bail. .

na its no problem, share the wealth!

only started really postin ta you cos ya seem like your listenin. never really posted before, just observin some of the nonsense advice being given around and seen ya were from ireland an decided to give ya dig out haha. . .

from Swords, North Co.Dublin

cheers mate.

i did the plan i wrote out. legs are fucked. they felt fine at the end of the season, so i went back under the bar and did 50 reps of 60kg on squat. paying now and the next two days are gonna be hell. im sitting up now doing a essay. and im drinking red thunder (basically a red bull copy) and its got 21g of carbs per 100… ive had 4 cans so far… :frowning:

the creatine is from myprotein… its this one… came in a plastic bag, looked like a bag of coke. lol. Creatine | Creatine Tablets | Creatine Powders | MYPROTEIN™

just taking it in the morning with wate3ver i eat… in a shake or in water if im eating something.

then in my shake PWO.

my legs are sooo sore and im heading down to newcastle tomoz to support one of our DJs, its on till 5 am and i have been known to bust a move, im gonna be dieing on saturday.

speaking of sat, IRELAND v SCOTLAND… cant wait.

wat u reckon… deadlifts on leg day or on olympic day?

also wat should i do on olympic day? i do snatch, clean and press, presses, deadlifts, HIIT on rower… and then im stuck for ideas.


also… two tricep sessions? is that a typo for bicep or do i need to buy replecement tricep muslces… lol

ooops yea day 3 = biceps. . got a bit carried away there

fire the red thunder out the window first of all and switch to the black coffee or sugar free red bull!

ah get your legs warmed up and do some backflips you’l be grand! haha

deadlifts yea but do your cleans snatches etc 1st. i.e.

  1. Snatch

  2. clean and jerk
    then i’d like to see you break up the lifts into portions starting at the top and working your way to the floor

  3. hang snatch to overhead squat

  4. jerk

  5. hang clean

  6. hang high pull

  7. deadlift

then give the HIIT on rower a bash aswell . . .if your legs are upto it. . what distances you do and in what time?

i just stick the concept 2 on top resistance… and go hard as fuck for 30 secs, then off for 30 secs… do that for 10 minutes. then crawl home!

stayed up till 6.30 to get that essay done and had to get up at 10 to hand it in. im dying now. and i got a trip to newcastle to survive tonite. i get back into glasgow at about 10am on sat morning gonna head straight to gym when i get back. saturdays session is gonna be crap but ill give it my all and then sleep all day saturday and sunday.

gonna start something similiar to ur suggested work out plan on monday.

also doing back two times?

horizontal push/pull and vertical push/pull?

tonite i wanna have a drink… but wat should i drink for damage control? beer or vodka? and if vodka should i mix it in fruit juice or fizzy drinks or just man up and drink whiskey Raw??