ok cool ill let your away with the pulldowns
emm does the creatine have a transport system (usually magnesium chelate or something) or is it just monohydrate? if monohydrate with no bicarbonates or something alkaline to buffer the acidity in the stomach. . creatine is ‘supposed’ to denature into creatinine when exposed to low PH’s but then they tell you to drink it with fruit juice. . maybe taken with something non acidic at least and see how you get on. . pwo drink yes. . . what do you plan on taking it with in the morning?
yea the 5g 2x/day sounds ok. . havent taken creatine properly in years actually. . should try it for a while see how i get on. .
5x5 squat
5+5 x 5 Single leg/bulgarian split squat
(lunges are for girls) hehe
5+5 x 5 lateral lunges
leg press and do a bit of rest pausing then for a good finale
get your 10rm and do it. . after 10 reps hold with slight bend in knees for 10 secs bang out another 5 hold for 10 secs (slight bend in the knee) bang out 4 reps 10 secs 3 reps etc. down to one. . . its fun. . .quads respond better to more reps. and extending the sets like that can lead to sendin testosterone throught the roof supposedly. . did i mention its fun?
Calves will respond in a similar fashion so try this out on them aswell. . .as with the quads they are very resistant to fatigue and need a good bashing
if your doin an olympic day there’s no real point doin the split squat jumps . . lower body power will be looked after on that day. .
your doin a bodypart split routine and it looks too much like a bodybuilding routine at the beginning of the week
how about
Day 1 - Chest and back and triceps (Horizontal push/pull)
Day 2 - Legs and ‘core’
Day 3 - Shoulders and back and biceps (vertical push/ pull)
Day 4 - Unilateral leg day (light single leg emphasis)
Day 5 - rest - light cardio
Day 6 Olympic Day
Day 7 Rest - or light cardio
breakfast eh hermasetas or canderel nowhere to be seen no?. . .scrambled egg with some milled flax in it and sugar free beans is my usual cos its savage quick. . if im in a real rush whip a shake together and bail. .
na its no problem, share the wealth!
only started really postin ta you cos ya seem like your listenin. never really posted before, just observin some of the nonsense advice being given around and seen ya were from ireland an decided to give ya dig out haha. . .
from Swords, North Co.Dublin